Status: Work in Progress

I Walked Around My Good Intentions, and Found That There Were None

It was strange, really, how things such as this seemed to work. You could go eighty years without seeing a bike, and get back on one day and automatically know how to ride. A dog could never have seen water in his entire life, then be dropped in a pool one day and know exactly how to paddle to shore. And George Weasley could spend an entire summer purposely not thinking about Cassandra Stirr, and then be right back to the same state of blatant wanting, or “lost puppy” as Fred liked to joke, just by watching her step into a compartment. Too bad Cass doesnt always have the best intentins. Sadly, she sometimes has the worst, and more often has none at all except for making her way into the heart of the handsome Hufflepuff, Jason Krepp.