Status: Actually going to finish it but I would love some comments.

My Past Secrets

Bond together.

~kiky POV~
We went back stage. Which is weird I do this because I am shy. But I need this after today episode of They know I cut. Is been a long since I have seen this girls my 3 best friends that went thru a lot with me. My aunt didn’t accept all of them just Joe. I know it is weird, just because of the fact that we were together like together together. She taught me how to play the guitar, all types. I mean she is a goddess in that. After that I develop a crush for her and I founded weird because is a girl. I am Bisexual but I didn’t know it back then. I love Joe but it didn’t work out as we planned it. She is whore. Not in a bad way but god I don’t like sharing trust me. Christina and Hayley where just in the same school as Joe and me. We were the ones who everybody picks on and nobody likes us. It was hard growing up but we had each other and we still have that no matter what. Christina is a drum god! Yes I said it GOD! She also knows how to play Cello and Violin. Hayley she is a fashion chick and the bass = to me the headmaster. Joe of course as you know she is my other half and guitarist of the band. And me the weird young girl that writes and sings her heart out.
Thru out the performance I felt this adrenaline I have never experience before. People were listening to me! Even my brothers. When I finish my song I was so hype I wanted to sing more. But no can do girly. Ugh Joe started teasing me. And almost kiss me in the mouth. I went quickly to my brothers before she actually gets what she wanted. She followed me though I don’t mind that but I hate that she plays with me. I saw Gerard and Mikey talking about something. And then genius here didn’t shut up.
“What do you guys though of kiky?” Joe asked them.
“Where did you learned to sing like that?” Gerard asked.
“It comes natural to me.” I said.
“Where you guys been hiding under a rock. You were amazing! Seriously every word every note! Every move” Mikey was super excited.
“Who wrote the song?” Gerard asked again. Seriously I think he liked it.
“I did” I answered.
“Your lyrics were powerful” YES! He did like it!
“Maybe so, But my Aunt didn’t think. She wanted me to be classier since I’m a girl”
“ Fuck that, Your lyrics were beyond great!” Mikey said.
“See kiky I told you. We should really be getting back together.” Joe said.
“Maybe but not for now. I have to be with my family.” I said. But I really want to go back with the band but I can’t mom would freak out.
“Family? You mean with that aunt of yours?”
“NO JOE! With my brothers and mom.” I said pissed.
“Wait you were serious about them been your brothers? You mean you’re a WAY?” She asked surprised.
“I’m sorry you haven’t told us your last name.”
“Is Way you big idiot”
Joe looked at me really serious and said “You better not write for them because I swear I kick your ass”
“What? Like they have a band! God Joe.” I was getting annoyed.
“They are a band!” Joe said pissed.” It’s called My Chemical Romance”
I was confused I mean really my brothers have a band named My Chemical Romance? That’s awesome and would explain why I love rock so much. It runs in the family.
“Is she serious?” I asked looking at Gerard.
“Yes, I though you knew.” Gerard looked even more surprised than me.
“No, Remember I had no life before all this crazy thing.” I said a little pissed.
Gerard Sighed “kiky I am really not going to argue with you.”
“I said I’m not going to …” I cut him off “I know what you said but why?”
“We talk when we go home.”
That is the strangest thing of the night he talked to me really calm and smiling. I was going to puke. But it was nice to know that we weren’t going to argue anymore.
We said goodbye to the girls and I got their numbers. We went home, Mikey went straight to bed and me and Gerard went to my room to talk. I hope it doesn’t end in a tragedy.
“So What do you wanna talk about?” I asked him.
“Don’t play stupid you know!” he said half pissed.
“Really Gerard is my scars that Important to you?”
“You are my baby sister! And you ain’t gonna do that anymore! You have me to talk about your problems and Mikey and Mom!
“I’m scare that my past come back and starts torturing me again, Gerard”
“They won’t hurt you. I promise. Just tell me.”
“My aunt since I grew up she and her husband torture me. She made me suffer. I would starve for days. I was in huge depression. I started cutting when I was 9 years old. I didn’t have a childhood or nice memories. I was doom to suffer forever or that’s what my Aunt used to tell me. I didn’t know why she hated me so much I did nothing to her. I only pleased her and her husband. I am so terrified that he might find me. He raped when I was just 8 years old. And my Aunt didn’t do a shit. When I was in TFK those were the days I was most happy. But of course my aunt find out and banned me for seeing them again, even Joe. All I wanted was to die. I almost did it. But my aunt rushed me to the ER and they got me in time. She began to be sick and then before she passed away she told me the truth, about everything.” I said crying.
He hugged me “kiky I am not your Aunt. I am your brother. And I will always protect you!”
“She told me about you.”
“She did?”
“What she say?”
“Her exact words were ‘Don’t ever be like Gerard’”
“That bitch”
“Tell me about it.”
“Look you will never be like me. You are the most wonderful human being I have ever met! Even when all that shit happen to you, you manage to be happy around people.” He said smiling at me.
“Yeah but is all an act.”
“Well you are about to feel what happiness is about!”
~Gerard POV~
“Well you are about to feel what happiness is about!” I said. And I think I will too.
“But what if” I cut her off “No IF!”
We started talking about our past and present. She talked about her life and me about the crazy shit we do on the road.
“I like the name Thousand Foot Krutch”
“Yeah don’t asked what it means that was Christina’s idea”
“Yeah I think she is a little crazy.”
“But I really like to hear you sing.”
“Maybe tomorrow.”
We laughed. We cried. We fell asleep together.
~Donna POV~
I went to check kiky when I woke up in the morning when I open the door a surprise hit me. Gee was sleeping with her. My two little angels.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally peace between brother and sister and the story behind the wrists.
But peace is not going to be for long.

Again go check out tfk there are an amazing tho i wish i owned them. :D
Comment if you like<3