Status: We'll update as much as we can.

I'm Not a Monster, but Together We Can Live Forever

The Spot

Brian’s POV

I woke up before Kris, so I decided to make her breakfast. I knew that she was still pissed at me, so I was walking on eggshells right now. After I made the food, Kris was still asleep so I went to wake her up.

“Kris,” I said, shaking her a little. She stirred and opened her tired eyes.

“What’s up?” She asked, sitting up.

“I made breakfast, c’mon.”

I helped her out of bed and led her to the kitchen, putting a plate of food on the table for her.

“Thanks, Bear.” Wow, it’s been a while since she called me that.

“No problem. I’ll be right back,” I said. She nodded, munching on some pancakes. I went to Sam’s room and saw her and Zacky sprawled out across the bed. I poked his face and his hand flew out, slapping me in the face. I was about to punch him in the face but then I realized that he was still asleep, so I put my hand over his mouth and hit him in the stomach. His eyes shot open and he let out a muffled ‘oomph’.

“What the fuck, man?” he whispered, pushing my hand away.

“You slapped me in the face,” I growled. His frown was replaced with a stupid grin.

“You probably deserved it.” I sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Look, I wanna hang out with Kris for the day, so can you stay with Sam?”

“Yeah, I can do that,” he nodded.

“Cool, thanks man.”

I walked out and into the kitchen, seeing Kris finishing her food.

“Hey, you wanna go to a movie or something? It feels like we haven’t hung out in a long time, just the two of us.”

“Yeah, sure. I wanna see the new Austin Powers,” she said, going to rinse off her plate.

“Okay, Austin Powers it is.”


“Dude, that was really disturbing. Awesome, but disturbing,” Kris said as we walked out of the movie theater.

“Well, what Austin Powers isn’t disturbing?” I asked, opening the passenger door of the car for her.

“Good point,” she said. Then I realized how close we were. Her face was just inches from mine as she went to get in the car. I really just wanted to lean in and kiss her, but I didn’t. I shut her door and walked around to the driver’s side and got in.

“What do you want to do now?” I asked, starting the car.

“Uh . . . The spot?” she suggested. I smiled and drove to Central park. The guys and I haven’t been there since Sam and Kris left, but I still knew my way to it. We didn’t have 40’s or anything, but I didn’t think we’d need them.

“Wow, this place hasn’t changed a bit,” she mumbled, sitting on a big rock. I nodded and sat next to her, playing with a fray on my jeans.

“Yeah,” I sighed, looking up at the sky. I was around 1:00 now, so it was pretty warm for January.

“You okay?” she asked, looking at me with concern in her eyes.

“I’m fine, I promise.”

I could see her nod out of the corner of my eye, but she still didn’t look convinced.

“I’m not dating Michelle, ya know. She lied about that.” I heard Kris sigh and she nodded again.

“Good to know,” she muttered. I couldn’t take it anymore, I turned towards her and took her face in my hands and kissed her. She froze for a second but then wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. I don’t know how long that went on for, but her phone went off and she pulled away.

“Hello . . . Yeah, I am . . . Okay . . . Sure, we can do that.” She hung up her phone and looked at me. “Sam wants us to distract Jimmy for a while ‘cause she wants to throw the party today.”

“But his birthday isn’t for a couple of weeks.”

“She said that if it’s too close to his birthday than he’ll expect it.”

I nodded and grabbed her hand, leading her to the car. It wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be, but I was kinda freaking out on the inside. I didn’t know if I should ask her to be my girlfriend or something like that, because I just kept telling myself that she didn’t like me that much. Ugh, stupid inner voices. When I pulled up to Jimmy’s house he ran outside and jumped into the back seat.

“Sam told me that you guys were taking me to the zoo!”

“Oh did she?” Kris asked. I could tell that she was gonna bitch Sammi out later for that. You do not take Jimmy to the zoo.

“Yeah, let’s go! I wanna see the monkeys!”

This is going to be a long day.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that this is shit, but school is kicking my ass, so I'm sorry. I'll make the next one better :)