Status: We'll update as much as we can.

I'm Not a Monster, but Together We Can Live Forever

The "'Talking Stick' game"

Spencer’s POV

“Oh hey Vengeance,” I stated as he walked into the shop. I had to giggle a bit at the tone I used to greet a member of one of my favorite fucking bands. He raised an eyebrow at me but I just shook my head, “What brings you here?”

“You can call me Zacky and I have an appointment with Sam,” he replied.

“Oh well, actually neither Sam nor Kris have arrived yet. They should be here in a few minutes though. So take a seat and watch some TV or look through a magazine or something,” he nodded and sat on the couch facing the windows. I went back to sketching a tattoo I wanted Kris to do for me.

“Hey Spencer, can I ask you a question?” he asked after a minute or so of silence.

“Shoot,” I responded as he stood up and made his way over to the front desk.

“Do you or James smoke?” well that was just blunt. No pun intended.

“Smoke what?” I questioned.


“Yeah, James and I both do. We grow and sell our own shit too. That’s why James isn’t here. It’s harvesting time,” I grinned.

“Ohh that’s pretty cool,” he stated with an impressed look. I mean it’s hard to grow and sell weed with Cali being a bitch with their laws. They don’t understand how much money the state would rake in if they would just legalize and tax marijuana. The phone rang in my office and I excused myself to go get it. When I came back Zack was back on the couch and there was a customer at the front desk. He was Kris’s appointment so I led him to her station and made my way back to the front desk.

“Here are Sam and Kris now,” I stated as I watch the girls walk to the door.

They greeted me when they walked in, and started talking to Zacky. I became distracted when a guy walked by the shop with purple hair and began daydreaming about dying my hair green.

“Seriously?!” Sam shouted, abruptly pulling me back into reality. She was shaking with anger and red in the face; Zacky had a look of guilt on his face. I was gonna ignore them because whatever they’re discussing is their business. Then it got very loud and very heated quickly.

I hopped off the stool and I tried to tell them to calm down a bit or, at least, lower their fucking voices. They completely disregarded me. Soon after Kris rounded the corner and I pleaded for her assistance with my eyes. Kris suggested that Zacky leave but he countered that he wasn’t until Sam forgave him. Kris pulled out her cell phone and walked away from the arguing pair to make her phone call. She can’t fucking leave me here!

“Looks like you might be here for a while then,” Sam sneered at Zack.

“Sam, I made a fucking mistake! We all do!” Zack yelled.

Kris came back much to my relief and attempted to calm the two. She wasn’t having any luck with that task. After about ten minutes of Sam and Zack’s loud quarrelling, a killer fucking headache was beginning to form around my entire fucking brain.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I screamed over everyone. They all turned to me with different emotions on their faces, mostly shock. I slowly closed my eyes, and just reveled in the silence. Whenever someone tried to say something, I made an annoying sound, reached out and balled my fist in the air as if to capture the sounds that just escaped their mouths. This continued for a few moments until Syn busted through the front door.

“Kris, I…” he trailed off as he took in the image in front of him.

“Good, you’re here,” I stated with a small smile as I opened my eyes. He actually looked a bit scared by the creepy tone of my voice but I didn’t give a fuck, “Alright so I have a little game that will hopefully and quickly solve all this shit right now because I have a very low tolerance for serious arguing. If it doesn’t work, you can do whatever away from me and my shop. Cool?”

“Sure,” they all hesitantly stated simultaneously. I smiled at the temporary peace and cooperation.

“Alright Kris, I believe your client is here so please inform him that he has to reschedule for tomorrow or later this week,” Kris simply nodded and went to her station, “Sam please flip the sign to say that were closed. Syn and Zacky push the couches so that they face each other, and I’ll be right back,” I stated. They commenced their small tasks and I ran to my office to grab my custom-made black and white Jack Skellington cane. When I came back, Kris’s client was leaving and Syn, Zacky, and Sam were seated on the couches.

“Why do you have a cane?” Kris asked as she sat down next to Zacky on one couch. Sam, who still looked furious, and Syn sat next to each on the other couch; the same sex sitting across from each other.

“It’s for when my hips, or back don’t act right,” I answered and Kris nodded. “Alrighty so were gonna play the ‘Talking Stick’ game, I’m sure you played it as a child but if you haven’t I’ll give you the rules plan and simple. When you have the talking stick, or cane in this situation, you talk and if you don’t keep your trap shut. First, were gonna explain our point of view on the situation. If you don’t have one just say ‘pass’. Who wants to go first?”

“Me,” Sam replied quickly. I passed the cane to her as I took a seat on the small table and crossed my legs.

“Wait let me see the cane real quick,” Sam passed the cane back and I unscrewed Jack’s head from the rest of the cane. After removing the vial of JD from the cane, pulled out the cork and downed the double-shot. I replaced the vial, screwed Jack’s head back and returned the cane back in Sam’s possession. “Continue,”

“Yesterday after Zack asked me to be his girlfriend and my agreement, he got a text. I grabbed it and checked the message. He was with me in the room when I read the messages between him and Gena, his ex, about him missing her and wanting to hang out and Gena suggesting that they go to his place,” Sam glared daggers at Zacky who looked down at his hands in his lap, “Ohh and the best part is that he told me that he’s in love with me. What do you have to say Zack?” Sam passed my cane to Zack, who looked like he was caught red handed. Well fuck, I’m gonna need a few more shots of Jack after this shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
I finally updated on Friday. *le happy dance*
But this chapter is I don't know. The two original authors are much better writers. But let me know what you think? *smiles*
Jack Skellington Cane