Status: Complete

16 Boys

Declarations of Love

“What did you want to talk about, Gabe?” William asks, slightly annoyed he was spending his break merely talking to his boyfriend.
“Okay, so you know how I’m kinda crappy with English?” William just nods, wondering if Gabe was going to break up with him Spanish. “Just this once I’ll say it in Spanish, every other time I say it will be in English.” He pauses to breath before saying “Te amo, Bilvy.” Before William has time to ask what it means, Gabe presses a quick kiss to his check and Pete’s yelling at them to ‘get their skinny asses back to work.’ Happy that Gabe didn’t break up with him, William figures he’ll ask Vicky later.
With William and Gabe skipping back to work, Patrick walks up to Pete. “Hey Pete. You know what ‘Te amo’ means?”
“I love you. Why ‘Trick?” Pete says, purposely avoiding Patrick’s eyes.
“I overheard Gabe say it to William.” Patrick shrug.
“Adorable.” Pete says, voice laced with jealously and sarcasm.
“I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“We live together, so most likely.” Pete brushes Patrick off and heads in the opposite direction as he was meant to.
“We have to do something about Pete and Patrick.” Andy declares. Everyone but the two in question had left work hours ago. “Why? They’re grown men.” Ian points out.
“Patrick has come to realize he’d be willing to take a chance on Pete, Who has given up all hope and slowly getting bitter.” Joe explains.
Interrupting everyone’s silent plotting William asks “Does anyone know where Vicky went?”
“Slow day. She left early.” Spencer tells him. Gabe watches his face fall and squeezes his hand.
“Something wrong, beautiful?” William shakes his head.
“Just had a question for her. About coffee.”
Gabe rolls his eyes, “Vicky doesn’t know Spanish. You can ask me what it means.”
“Fine, what does ‘te amo’ mean?”
“It means ‘I love you’, silly.” Gabe laughs at him.
“In that case, I love you too.” William declares, kissing Gabe.
“Can we please get back to the matter at hand?” Andy asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Too late now.” Ray says as they hear the locks click.
“Something needs to be done.” Joe tells them before leaving.
Andy shoots Patrick a look before following his boyfriend.
“What was that about?” Patrick asks, wondering why everyone bar Gabe and William looked pissed off. “Your ignorance.” Dallon says, pulling Ian upright and upstairs.
“Bedtime already?” Pete asks as the pair push by him. Ian flips him off and pushes Dallon upstairs faster. “So is everyone going to bed or will someone tell me what happened?” Pete asks.
“I’m not pissed off.” William tells him, smiling.
“Probably because you’re going to get screwed. Night fuckers.” Pete turns to leave the lounge room, throwing the peace sign their way and glancing mournfully at Patrick’s feet.
“Talk to him. Now.” Frank tells Patrick.
“About?” Patrick asks, forging innocence.
“You know what about. Now go or I’ll use all the hot water tomorrow.” Gerard threatens.
Patrick rolls his eyes but walks upstairs anyway.
“Pete?” He calls, knocking on Pete’s door. “Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the 3rd. I know you’re in there.” He says. Before letting himself in anyway.
“Pete have you been crying?” Patrick asks.
Pete shakes his head, tears still visibly running down his checks.
“Pete tell me whats wrong, please.” Patrick begs.
“You really want to know whats wrong, ‘Trick?” Patrick simply nods, staring into Pete’s eyes.
“I fucking love you!” Pete confesses. “I love everything about you. And it destroys me every time you turn me down. It tears me apart. I’m sure you have your reasons, and I’m glad you’re happy, really. But can you leave me alone to be miserable, please.”
“Pete. I love you too. And yes, I’ve had my reasons in the past, but I’ve gotten over them. I love everything about you; your dedication to everything. Your dedication to me, even though at times I deserved to be let down. So no, I won’t leave you alone to be miserable. I’ll stay here with you to be happy.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments= Love <3