‹ Prequel: Broken Smile
Sequel: Lies...
Status: 4 of 50

Time Bomb

They were never meant to be together. He is a dreamer. She is realistic. He is a prettyboy. She is a nerd. He has dated plenty of girls. She has yet to have her first kiss. Their families hate each other. He is a secret romantic. She thinks romances is stupid. Fate wasn’t on their side. He is rarely in the same state for two days in a row. She is always in Chicago. His friends are crazy and loud. Her friends are quiet and conservative. He dropped out of college. She is working hard in college to get an MD to become a doctor. One Day. One night club. Two people who were never meant to be together. A moment of fearlessness. Falling in love. They were a Time Bomb waiting to explode.

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Inspired by Time Bomb by All Time Low
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