Heart At Sea

Heart At Sea

A rush of relief moves through my bones like a fish being set back into the river. The wind blows continuously, making strands of hair come out of my braid and fly loosely in the air. I stare at the water in front of me. At this very moment I know that I have found peace; with myself, and with my life.

The sand between my toes feels new; like the water that keeps hitting my ankles. It's as if this ocean is setting me free. My soul is being lifted and my troubles are slowly disappearing and as each second passes, it feels like a beautiful eternity. I close my eyes and exhale then hear a small voice at the back of my head. I pull out the starfish that my mother had put in my hair as an accessory a few minutes ago before she left the beach. I examine the rough edges closely, waiting for the voice to come back.

"Hello," he squeaks, "welcome to my home!"

Suddenly, the view in front of me becomes even more spectacular. Then, I bend down and put the starfish near the water, kissing it gently.

"It's a beautiful world out here," I say, still looking down on him.

Even though he couldn't, I knew that he'd nod his head if he could and would agree. I wave goodbye then stand up and take one last glance at the beauty that exists right under my nose.

"Off I go," I say to the ocean, "I'll be back soon."
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Help me to fix my errors if you see any & tell me what you think of this little mess? (: <3