Status: Updating When I Have A Chance .

You Will Die .


I sighed as I pushed myself back in my chair, away from my desk. I placed my arms behind my head and leaned backwards. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. I focused on the sounds around me, hearing the voices fade into one.

"Kade." Someone spoke, I pried one of my eyes open to get a look at who was talking to me. I sighed as I realized it was my boss Scout, standing at the end of my desk.

"Yes?" I asked, sitting properly in my chair and looking him in the eye. I hated talking to my boss, he was always a dickhead. Never really knew how to run this company in my opinion.

"What are you doing? Have you finished that assignment yet? I need it now if you have." Scout demanded. I cursed at him inwardly before looking at him. He was a tall guy, dark hair and he was of average build. Noting that exciting really, just a cocky dickhead.

"Here, now please leave me alone." I asked, handing him a folder of what he wanted. Scout snatched it from my hands and stormed off, leaving me in peace. I glanced over at the clock that was sitting on my desk. It read '4:45' I sighed, packing up my things for the day and heading to the staff room. I picked up my time card from the holder and placed it in the machine, clocking me off for the day. I put my time card back and picked up my bag heading out to the car park.

I pulled out my phone while I was walking to my car, I opened up the messages and began to type a message to my best friend.

"Hey, did you want to meet and go for drinks tonight? Shit day at work, need to go out." I sent the message and shoved my phone back in my pocket. As I approached my car, I clicked the keys and opened up my door. Just as I was getting in my car, my phone buzzed signaling that I had a new text. I unlocked my phone and read the message.

"Fuck yeah dude! I need to go out too, shit days are the worst. Meet me at 6 at the bar on East Ave." Andy replied. I smiled and started up my car. 'This Is Absolution' by Killswitch Engage blasted through my speakers as I pulled out of the car park. I lived about an hour away from my workplace. It was pretty shit to be honest. The only reason that I stayed at that job was because of the paycheck. I honestly needed a new job though..

After an hour of driving I arrived home, I jogged into my complex and headed up to my apartment. I swung open the door and threw my bag on my couch. I walked into my kitchen, grabbing a can of soda from the fridge and heading out to my room.

I walked over to my stereo and pressed the power button. I couldn't remember what Cd's I had I when I left this morning, so hit play and hoped for the best. I entered my closet and chose some black skinny jeans, a black v neck shirt, my chains and a few other things. I placed the clothes on my bed, grabbed some clean boxers and jumped in the shower. I turned the water on so it was as hot as I could handle.

I shut off the water, grabbing the towel and drying off my face and hair. I then wrapped it around my waist. I looked in the mirror. To be honest, I wasn't much to look at. I'm a skinny kid, I have plain brown hair, with and undercut, I have stretchers and a few tattoos. Not really that exciting. But for some reason everyone else seems to think that I'm more. I dried myself off and put my boxers on, then walked into my room as 'Dancing Dead' by Avenged Sevenfold came on. I turned up the volume and hummed along with the lyrics while I got dressed.

It was nearing 5:30 by the time I was completely ready. I turned off all the lights in my apartment and locked the door behind me. The drive to the bar felt like it took forever, when in reality it only took around twenty minutes. I pulled into the lot and parked my car, puling out my phone and checking the time. I sighed and decided to walk into the familiar bar that I was at majority of my spare time. I walked up to the bar and took a seat, the bartender smiled at me and handed me my usual. I nodded in acceptance and sipped at the cold liquid. I was about to get my phone out and message Andy asking where he was before I heard gasping and whispering. I smiled to myself knowing that my best friend was here.

I turned in my seat facing the door, as Andy strolled over to where I was.

Oh yeah, I may have forgot to mention that my best friend Andy is the lead singer of Black Veil Brides...
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Another New Story !