Status: Updating When I Have A Chance .

Her .


My eyes scanned the floor area, looking over the faces of the many teens that had filled the venue. My eyes never landed on one face for more than a few seconds, I wanted to get a look at everyone who had filled this place with barely any standing room left. I looked on from my place on the stage, walking back and forth my ears could only hear the loud screams from the fans. It all sounded like one big hum. With no defined sound.

I could see my bands logo on nearly every ones chest, that made me smile. To gain this much recognition world wide was what we had always aimed for. It was always a dream of mine to play at packed venues, and to play my heart out. I felt it necessary to put all my effort into what I was playing, seeing as all those fans who came to see us, go through so much just fighting for their position to stand and watch us play for an hour or so. It made it so worth while.

I scanned back over the crowd, again not letting my eyes rest on anyone in particular. I could feel a set of eyes on me, watching me, I understand that that sounds stupid because I have hundreds of eyes watching me right now, but this was different. It felt like they were looking right into me.

That's when I saw her.

She had bright red hair, the brightest that I had seen yet, and although everyone in the crowd looked the same, I could tell that she looked different. How did I not notice get before? How could I not notice her hair? I did what I wouldn't normally let myself do, I looked back at her, and only her. My eyes lingered on her face. Trying to define her features. She had pale milky colored skin, and that perfectly set of her hair. She looked around my age, which was a bonus. I couldn't see much else from where I was standing, but I couldn't believe that my eyes would not pull away from her. It was like I was drawn to her.

That never happened, girls were always drawn to me.

After all, I am Zacky Vengeance.
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