You Belong With Me

One Second It Was Perfect...

I stared down at my best friend, who was lying on my bed, tugging at my arm. Why did he have to make things to difficult?

'Aaron...' I laughed, trying to pull away. 'Please, seriously!' I yelled, just as he won and I collapsed on him, giggling uncontrolably. I quickly shut up so my parents, especially my dad, wouldn't burst in thinking we were 'together' and force him to leave.

'Oh, come on, Lily. Scared I'm gonna beat you?' He winked.

'I am not playfighting with you!' I playfully hit him, and he raised an eyebrow.

'Really? Because that seemed like a good way to start...' He yelled, and I screamed a little as he tickled my sides. He eventually stopped when I threatened to kick him in the area and I rolled over on my back, so we were both facing my ceiling.

'I wish we were staring at the stars,' I thought out loud.

'Yeah. I wish Juliet was here, y'know, it feels weird without her.' He mumbled, hugging me. I pulled away a little, my heart stinging. Juliet was Aaron's very obvious crush. Also, my other best friend. Who I secretly hated, due to my crush on Aaron.

Well, crush is an understatement.

We'd been best friends since we were three; never had a bad word crossed between us in thirteen years. Since I was seven I'd known I wanted to be more than his friend, but he was always obsessing over Juliet, and it hurt. We met her when we were eight. Just when I swore we were so close to being those cute little kids you see holding hands in a park, but not just because they're friends, but because they're experiencing that 'young love' you hear about so much these days. It sucked I never really got mine.

The sad thing was, Juliet had a boyfriend. She was the short-skirt-all-year-around type, and liked wearing tight-fitting strappy tops everywhere, which, of course, made every guy want to get in her pants.

Especially my Aaron.

I usually had to deal with Aaron's sadness each time she got a new guy. He'd come over my house and I'd comfort him, and each time I'd so very nearly tell him how I felt... but I never could. He liked Juliet, the gorgeous stereo-typical blonde. I was just me, your average unwanted sixteen year old, obsessing over some guy you'll never get.

'Huh, yeah.' I replied, staring into his eyes.

'Do you ever think she'll like me?' He whispered, our faces close. I rolled over and stood up, not facing him.

'Maybe, some day.' I swallowed hard to fight the tears.

'I hope so. But what if she just sees me as a friend?'

'You'll have to deal with it...' I breathed, pasting a smile on my face and turning back around. He looked so amazing lying on his side, on my bed. I wish he was mine, so I could join him down there and kiss him until he had to go home... Wait. 'Hey, d'ya want to stay over tonight?' I asked, not caring that my parents wouldn't like me inviting him without asking.

'Why not?' He smiled, and I did too. Then his phone rang. 'Hey.' He said softly, and I knew instantly it was Juliet. 'Okay, cool. I'll be twenty minutes, tops.' He hung up. 'I've got to go, sorry. Juliet's back and I promised I'd give her a lift back from the airport, save her walking. I hope you don't mind.'

'Oh, um, no. Not at all.' I mumbled, and he grinned at me.

'See ya, Lily-Rose!' He winked, and I rolled my eyes.

'I hate my full name.' I sighed.

'I know,' he winked again, and walked out of my room, before leaving my house completely, leaving me alone. And suddenly, for some reason, I burst into tears.

'Screw you, Juliet.' I whimpered, and sat on the edge of my bed, holding the pillow Aaron had be lying on.
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It's a kinda short and not very good first chapter, but maybe you might wanna stick around to read more?

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