Just Go With It

The Interview

Amelia woke up the next morning with a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. If she hadn’t known better she would have thought she was hung over.

After a long, hot shower, she pulled on her smartest jeans and a purple blouse. She straightened her hair so that it fell gently down past her shoulders, and then she slipped on a pair of small black heels and picked up a blazer before heading downstairs.

“Good luck today sweetie.” April smiled knowingly, as she poured Amelia a large mug of coffee.

April and Phil appeared to be the only inhabitants of the castle who were awake at such an early hour, which made quite a change. Amelia had thought Bam might have at least shown his face after that night. Truthfully, she would have liked him to come with her, but she needed some time alone to clear her mind and work out her true feelings for him.

Amelia pulled on her jacket and headed out of the front door expecting to see her car where she had left it the night before. Instead she was met by the sight of Bam leaning out of the window of his new Hummer.

“Jump in Amelia, we’ve got a flight to catch!”

For the first time since she had met him, he looked truly happy. Her head was telling her she was making a big mistake by letting him tag along, but she hadn’t the heart to turn him down, especially not after their encounter the night before. It looked like she wasn’t going to be getting any space after all.

Amelia was surprised to see that he had dressed up for the occasion. Rather than his typical beanie hat and multiple scarves, he had actually washed his hair, letting the curls fall down to his cheeks, and was wearing a red shirt, black blazer and jeans without holes in them. He looked even sexier than usual, she thought, trying not to blush as she jumped in the passenger seat.

“Nervous?” he grinned, starting the engine.

“A little.” She admitted, fastening her seatbelt.

“They’ll love you.” He smiled, patting her leg as they pulled off down the driveway and headed towards the main road.

Her heart fluttered as he touched her, and she fought hard not to let it show.

Amelia and Bam avoided discussing their feelings, and chatted about his plans for the show as he drove to the airport, and she speculated about what her prospective job might entail. She was grateful he didn’t bring up the night before, and she settled back in the car contently.

“You’ll love New York.” He told her excitedly. “We can do the whole tourist thing if you want.”

“That would be great.” Amelia grinned.

She couldn’t contain how happy she was to be spending time with the real Bam. She had missed him over the past few weeks, and was looking forward to having him all to herself for a few days. Rather than contemplate what might happen between the two of them, Amelia decided to sit back and make the most of their time together.

The flight only lasted for an hour or so, and Bam hailed a taxi outside of the airport, into which he loaded Amelia’s bags. He had explained to her earlier that he didn’t like to take luggage when he travelled, and would simply buy new clothes as and when he needed them.

The taxi dropped them outside the MTV headquarters, before continuing to their hotel to deliver Amelia’s belongings.

“I’ve booked us in to my favourite hotel.” Bam explained, as he led her through the endless corridors and eventually they took seat outside the office of one of the executive producers. “They didn’t have any single rooms left though, so I hope you don’t mind being my roomy for the night.” Bam continued.

Amelia suspected that he might not be telling the whole truth, but she put this to the back of her mind as she prepared for the interview. Nerves were getting the better of her, as usual, and she was glad of Bam’s distracting influence. He was running through a schedule with her for the next few days, but she could not keep up with him.

After what seemed like a lifetime of waiting, the receptionist called for Amelia to enter the office.

Bam gave her a big hug and whispered “Good luck” into her ear.

She smiled, and strode into the office as confidently as she could. Behind a painted wooden desk stood a dark haired man, who appeared to be in his late thirties. He was of an intimidating stature, looming over her like a bear, but his eyes were soft and he was smiling as he held out his hand to introduce himself.

“You must be Amelia; it’s nice to meet you. I’m Jeff, Jeff Tremaine.”

She shook his giant hand, and he gestured for her to take a seat. He watched her with a grin in his face. Amelia was sure his name sounded familiar. She must have seen it on the credits of a film or show recently.

“I’m glad you could make it Amelia.” He grinned, holding out his hand to her.

“Thank you for the opportunity.” She smiled politely, shaking his hand.

“You’ll have to excuse the office,” he said, gesturing at the plain walls and peeling paint. “We’re actually based in LA but I was in town anyway and figured it would be easier for you to make it here on such short notice.”

Amelia smiled. The man seemed friendly and down to earth.

“I hear you’re currently filming Viva La Bam.” Tremaine continued, settling back in his chair.

She felt a little overdressed compared to the producer, who was in a baggy t-shirt and jeans.

“Yep.” She replied shyly, “Or rather, trying.”

Tremaine laughed, nodding as if he knew exactly what she meant. “Well, that’s why I’m confident that you’re the woman for this job.” He scratched his head. “This meeting is just a formality really. I don’t have anyone else in mind for this position.”

Amelia was confused. “Oh?”

“I just wanted to sound you out and make sure you’d be ok with all the requirements.”

She wished he would get to the point and tell her what the job was. She had been dying to know since the phone call yesterday morning.

Tremaine seemed to read her thoughts. “Well, I guess you want to know what it is.” He laughed.

Amelia smiled, realising she was gripping her hands together in apprehension.

Jeff stood up. “Okay dickhead, you can come in now.”

Amelia jumped, wondering who he was talking to, when the door behind Tremaine’s desk burst open. To her utter shock and amazement, there stood Johnny Knoxville wearing a sailor’s hat. Amelia’s jaw literally dropped. She tried to speak but found herself lost for words.

“Welcome to the Jackass team!” he grinned, pouncing on her with a big hug.

“What?” she gasped, looking from Johnny to Tremaine.

“Manners, Knoxville.” Tremaine laughed. “Miss Jones, we would like you to join our team as one of the camera operators for the second Jackass film.”

Amelia’s jaw dropped again. “Am I dreaming? Is this a prank?” She asked, not able to believe what she was hearing.

“If you could just sign on the dotted line.” Johnny grinned, thrusting a piece of paper at her, which turned out to be a contract.

Johnny and Jeff spent the next fifteen minutes going over the finer details of the production with her, handing out shooting schedules, locations and bombarding her with copies of Jackass tapes to watch and take notes on. Amelia was trying to get her head around everything that has just happened. Johnny revealed that he had decided to get her involved with Jackass after their meal together in West Chester, and had persuaded Bam and the others to keep it a secret.

“I can’t believe you managed to keep your mouths shut.” Amelia laughed, when Bam finally joined them.

“I say we go hit the bar to celebrate.” Grinned Johnny.

“And you say you’ve not got a drinking problem.” Tremaine laughed, shaking his head.

“I don’t think it’s a problem.” Johnny replied, causing Amelia, Jeff and Bam to laugh.

They piled into Jeff’s van, with Amelia taking the front passenger seat. After a short drive, Jeff pulled up at a posh looking bar. The bar was fairly quiet as it was only early in the afternoon. Johnny ordered the most expensive bottle of champagne and they grabbed a small table to the rear. Despite having only just met Jeff, and with him technically being her new boss, Amelia felt surprisingly relaxed, and warmed to him instantly.

“I just hope you know what you’re letting yourself in for.” He laughed, pouring Amelia a glass.

“We’ll promise to be nice.” Johnny smirked.

“I know that’s a lie Knoxville.” Amelia shook her head.

After the champagne was finished, Jeff made his excuses to leave. He was a very busy man after all. Johnny and Bam were all up for another round of drinks, but it was a warm winter’s day and Amelia didn’t feel like being stuck inside.

“I think you two gentlemen should take this lady shopping.” She laughed, tearing them away from the bar.

“As you wish ma’am.” Johnny tipped an invisible hat, opening the door for Amelia.

They took a taxi across the city and Amelia took in the sights. She had never been to New York before, and was looking forward to getting a chance to explore the city with Bam.

As soon as they got out of the taxi, Johnny ushered Amelia and Bam into a clothes shop. When Johnny was busy browsing through some clothes at the other end of the store, Bam walked up behind Amelia and whispered in her ear.

“Found anything you like?”

Amelia blushed, holding out a dress she had her eye on. It was a navy blue smock dress, with corsage flowers decorating the square neckline, and full length chiffon sleeves. It was a modest length, and she had been looking for a similar dress for ages. Bam grinned.

“Can I take you out to dinner tonight?” he asked, looking sincere.

“I don’t see why not.” She smiled.

“Will you wear that dress?”

Amelia nodded, and tried to hide her embarrassment as Bam took the dress to the counter and paid for it. She felt her heart swelling. Being around the real Bam was amazing. He could be so lovely when the cameras were off. She cast all of the memories of him being an idiot to the back of her mind, and gave him a peck on the cheek to thank him for the dress. Amelia stifled a giggle as she caught Bam blush at the kiss.

Johnny reappeared, laden with several bags full of clothes. He grinned at the look of amazement on Amelia’s face.

“He’s like a woman when it comes to shopping.” Bam explained, “And this is only the first shop.”

Several shops later, they hailed a taxi and clambered in. Amelia squeezed into the back with Johnny and his many purchases. The taxi dropped Amelia and Bam at their hotel, before taking Johnny to his.

“I’m in the city for a week, so we’ll wine and dine before you guys leave.” He decided, bidding them goodbye as the taxi pulled away.

Bam led Amelia into the hotel and they went to check in. Bam and the receptionist appeared to know each other, and Amelia laughed as he promised not to trash the room this time.

“This is a relaxing mid week break.” Bam explained, to which the receptionist gave Amelia a sympathetic smile.

“Wow this room is fantastic.” Amelia gasped, taking in her surroundings.

It was a very lavish room, similar to Bam’s back in West Chester, except much brighter and far less gothic. There was a four poster bed in the middle of the room, made up with Egyptian cotton sheets and scattered with rose petals. At the other end of the room, in front of a balcony window was a long sofa, covered in cushions. There was also a mini bar and an ensuite bathroom that was at least half the size of the bedroom, complete with a Jacuzzi. If this was a standard double room, Amelia couldn’t imagine what the honey room suite must look like.

“I’m glad you like it.” He smiled, plonking himself down on the bed. “So what would you like to do until this evening?”

Amelia joined him on the bed. “I’d like to get to know you better, Mr Margera.