Just Go With It

The Ex Factor

Amelia pushed her way through the crowded room and stepped outside into the cold night. She could see her breath as she heaved a sigh of relief and she instantly regretted not bringing a jacket. All around her there were people spilling out from the club, drinking, swearing and smoking.

Amelia sat herself down by a wall and pulled out her pack of cigarettes. She breathed slowly, trying to calm herself down as she rummaged through her bag for a lighter. In the blink of an eye a hand appeared before her, holding a flame. She lit her cigarette and looked up to see Raab standing in front of her.

“Thank you Raab.” She smiled gratefully. He took a seat beside her and lit his own cigarette.

“Smoking’s bad for you.”

Amelia nodded as she inhaled the nicotine and gestured to the pint of beer in his hand. “So is drinking.”

“Fuck it.” He laughed, taking a large swig. “Are you alright out here? It’s a bit cold.”

“I just needed a bit of air.” She smiled, trying not to let on how upset she really was.

“Well you picked the right time.” Raab grinned. “It’s all kicking off in there.”

“Oh, really?” Amelia raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, Bam’s ex has gone psycho on his ass.”

Amelia’s stomach somersaulted. “What? What happened?”

“After you left, Jenn stormed over and they started yelling at each other.”

Right on cue, the doors of the club burst open and two bouncers emerged either side of a very angry woman. Amelia turned her head to watch in amazement as Jenn was kicked out of the club; her friend in tow. They were both shouting profanities but nobody was paying them any attention.

Once the women had disappeared, Bam, Dunn and Dico appeared. Bam took a seat next to Amelia as Dico recounted the confrontation.

“Oh it was brilliant!” he exclaimed. “Jenn was all up in Bam’s face like ‘you should get back with me blah blah blah’, and Bam was like ‘fuck off’, and she was like ‘fuck you’, and she pushed him, and he was like ‘get the fuck out of here you dirty skank’ and we all joined in, and she was like ‘oh my God’ and then Dunn got the bouncers and they kicked her out!”

He took a massive breath and everyone waited in anticipation to see if he would continue, but it appeared that his story ended there. Bam remained silent.

“I saw Jenn in the bathroom.” Amelia told them, once she was sure Dico was finished. Bam glanced at her.

“Did she say anything to you?”

“Not so much to me but about me.” She admitted, stubbing out her cigarette.

“That fucking whore!” he exclaimed, standing up and balling his fists.

Amelia stood up next to him, and touched his arm gently. “It’s ok Bam.”

“No it isn’t.” He growled. “She needs to stay the fuck away from us.”

Amelia and the others watched him, anticipating what he would do next.

“Come on, let’s get out of here. We’ll see you guys in the morning.” Bam took Amelia’s hand and led her away from the club. They started walking and Amelia was not sure where they were headed, but the fresh air was a nice contrast from the claustrophobia of the club.

Amelia and Bam walked across the town for about twenty minutes before they reached the suburbs. At the end of the road was a steep gravel path leading up a hill. Bam led her up the path and they came to a halt at the top of the hill. Amelia took in her surroundings. The hill overlooked the whole town and the streets lights twinkled, illuminating the sky. She joined Bam as he sat cross legged on the ground and he put his arm around her.

“It’s beautiful.” She smiled, leaning against him.

“You’re beautiful.” He grinned, kissing her cheek.

They sat in silence for a while before Bam turned to Amelia with a serious look on his face.

“What did Jenn say?” he asked, looking her straight in the eye.

Amelia begrudgingly repeated the conversation that she had overheard. Bam did not interrupt or get angry, but he gazed at her with sadness in his eyes.

“You know that it’s all bullshit Amelia. You are a million times better than Jenn. I have no idea what I saw in her.”

Amelia nodded silently, as he wrapped both arms around her.

“I have never been as happy as I am now that we’re together.” He smiled as Amelia returned the hug, resting her chin on his shoulder. “You are the funniest, kindest, most beautiful woman I have ever met. She’s just jealous so don’t let it get to you.”

They hugged each other for several minutes, neither of them wanting to let go of the other. The wind had picked up and Amelia guessed the temperature was close to dropping below zero. Her skin was covered in goose bumps and she was trying desperately to keep her teeth from chattering. When they finally separated, Bam pulled out his phone and grinned.

“Dunn owes me a favour.” He laughed, dialling Dunn’s number.

When Ryan finally answered, Bam asked him, or rather, ordered him, to come and pick them up. After what seemed like hours a pair of blinding car headlights announced the arrival of Dunn, and Amelia and Bam jumped into the Hummer and they returned to the castle.

“I’m going to bed.” She told Bam, heading for her own room.

Without taking off her clothes she climbed under the covers and curled up in the foetal position. Bam slid in beside her and wrapped his arms around her tightly. He stroked her hair and she rolled over so that they were facing one another. Their lips touched softly and they began to kiss.

“I want you so badly Amelia.” He moaned, pulling away.

“I want you too Bam.” She whispered.

They held their gaze for a few seconds longer, before Bam pressed his lips against hers once again. Amelia placed her hand on his chest, slowly starting to unbutton his shirt. As his bare skin became visible she let out a sigh of desire. She had seen him topless before but never this close and intimate. Once all of the buttons were undone she ran her hand down his stomach, shocked by how hot his skin felt. He shivered a little at her touch, before breaking away from the kiss in order to lift Amelia’s shirt over her head. She felt vulnerable but excited as their bare skin touched.


The next morning Amelia awoke finding herself in Bam’s arms, and memories of the night before came flooding back to her. She couldn’t help but smile to herself as she remembered how amazing it had been. Rather than getting up, she snuggled back into his arms and waited for him to wake up too. A little while later he climbed out of bed, and as the covers fell away Amelia admired his perfect body. He grinned, catching her eye and pounced on her.

“Time to get back to work.” He laughed, tickling her.

“What have you got planned for today then?” she giggled, trying to wriggle away from him.

“Personally I’d like to stay in bed with you all day...” he smirked. She punched him playfully as he buried his head in her hair.

After lying in bed for another twenty minutes, Amelia showered and dressed as quickly as she could, knowing that the guys would be ready and raring to go. She grabbed her camera and headed downstairs to find them hanging around the kitchen waiting for her.

“Let’s go!” Bam exclaimed, leading the way out of the castle.

Amelia wondered what they would be getting up to today. It turned out that they had decided to race each other on lawn mowers and golf carts, similar to the one Novak had found months ago. The guys ran across the grass in teams of two to mount their vehicles, while Amelia took leant against the wall and started the camera rolling. Bam and Dunn formed one team, with Dico and Raab, and Rake and Novak making up the other two teams. Bam briefly announced the rules and then they were off. It was hilarious to watch, and after a while April, Phil and Vito appeared next to Amelia, watching in disbelief as the guys roared around, crashing into one another.

A few hours, and several injuries later they had grown bored, and trudged back to the castle covered from head to toe in mud. April was horrified. She tried to stop them entering the castle but it was no good. A trail of muddy footprints led the way down the hallway and into the kitchen. Setting the camera aside, Amelia remembered Bam’s revenge during the golf tournament, and she formulated a brilliant plan.

She whispered her idea to April, whose eyes lit up in delight. April rounded up the guys and asked them to pop back outside for a minute, while Amelia hurriedly turned on the hose pipe. Once the six of them were safely outside she let the water shoot out and sufficiently soak each one of the men. They ran and screamed, but Amelia ensured she got them all, and was amused to see that April had grabbed the camera to record their victory.

“That was horrible but brilliant!” laughed a dripping Bam, as he stripped to his boxers and went to give Amelia a very wet hug.

“Eww get off me, you’re soaking!” she laughed, batting him away.