Just Go With It

Christmas With the Margeras

Winter was now well and truly upon West Chester. It was December, and the household of Castle Bam was beginning to get into the Christmas spirit. When Amelia was not preoccupied filming for the show she was helping April to clean the house and tidying up after Bam and the others. Her relationship with Bam was going strong, although for the most part they were both so busy it was difficult to spend much time together alone.

Although Amelia still kept her belongings in her own room, she had been spending more and more nights in Bam’s room as it was one of the only chances they got to be alone. They were looking forward to Christmas as the show was coming to an end, and it would give them a chance to be together properly.

There was only one more episode left to film before a three month break. The filming for Jackass would start at the end of March, and MTV had confirmed that Viva La Bam would run for at least another season in the next autumn, so Amelia had plenty to look forward to and no need to worry about looking for work. It made a nice change from her previous experience of not knowing when she would next get an opportunity.

With just over two weeks until Christmas Day, Amelia was in two minds as to what her plans would be for the holiday period. Her mother and father had invited her back to England to spend the two weeks with the family, but April and Phil had also asked her to stay and spend Christmas with the Margeras.

“It will be lovely Amelia.” April smiled as the two of them wandered around the shopping mall in search of presents for the men. “The boys always go to so much effort with the tree and lights and everything. You just have to stay!”

Amelia was flattered that April was so keen for her to stay. They had grown close over the past few months, and Amelia knew that she could confide in April as if she was her own mother. Amelia promised to think about it as they looked around a clothing shop.

“Are you seriously buying presents for every single one of them?” Amelia asked incredulously as she browsed April’s shopping list.

April nodded. “I do it every year. They’re like my foster kids.” She laughed. “I wouldn’t want anyone to feel left out.”

Amelia smiled and helped pick out a few shirts which Bam might like. She had no idea what to get for him herself. What exactly did you buy for the man who already had everything?

“I wish he’d dress a bit smarter.” April admitted. “He looks so handsome when he’s not wearing all those silly scarves and hats.”

Amelia agreed, handing a purple shirt over to April. She suspected that Bam’s ‘smart clothes’ consisted entirely of Christmas presents from his mother. April did have considerably better taste than Bam so it could only be a good thing that April was piling her basket full of men’s shirts.

In the end, to Amelia’s amusement, April bought expensive shirts for Dunn, Raab, Dico, Rake and Novak, as well as Bam and Jess.

“This way they don’t get jealous.” April laughed, as if she was talking about twelve year old boys rather than twenty something year old men. Amelia could, however, see her logic.

It was fortunate that MTV was paying her so well for the show, because Amelia knew this Christmas was going to be an expensive one. She also wanted to buy individual gifts for the guys, whom she now considered close friends, and of course she couldn’t forget April, Phil and her own family.

It took her and April a good seven hours of shopping, but finally they were done. It had required a lot of effort, but Amelia was satisfied with her carefully considered gifts. For Dunn she had bought a model car kit, in homage to his toy car skit on Jackass. For Johnny she thought it would be funny to send him a giant sexy poster of himself. For Raab she had bought a new computer game that he had been talking about for ages. For Dico she had found a dressing up box which included cowboy, nurse and spaceman costumes. For Rake she had bought a chemistry set from the gadget shop, and for Novak she purchased a glittery red male thong. After much deliberation she settled on a silver watch for Bam and a digital camera as she knew he had broken his old one a few weeks ago. She and Bam had already decided to treat April and Phil to a spa weekend in January.

Feeling ever so slightly guilty, Amelia rang her mother that night to say she would be staying in the States for Christmas.

“I promise I’ll come back in the New Year.” She told her mother sincerely.

“I just hope he’s worth it honey.” Her mum laughed.

“Who?” Amelia asked. She had failed to mention her new relationship to her parents.

“The boy you’re abandoning us for.”

Amelia felt herself blush and was thankful that her mum could not see.

“Just make sure you bring him back with you when you visit us.” Her mother continued. Amelia groaned.

“Yes mum.”

After hanging up the phone, Amelia went in search of April and Bam to let them know she would be staying after all. They were both over the moon and it was hard to tell who was more pleased that she would be there for Christmas.

Over the next week Bam and the others were busy preparing the house for Christmas. Amelia could now see where April had been coming from when she had said how much effort they put in to decorating the castle. She spent most of her time helping them out, or filming bits and pieces of their activities, such as hanging up lights, cutting down trees, and hiring out snow machines. It was a lot of fun and for the first time since she was a child, Amelia was feeling excited for Christmas. The show finished five days before Christmas and they celebrated by throwing another party. Amelia and Bam were in particularly high spirits as they could finally concentrate on their relationship.

On Christmas morning the castle was woken up by Dico dressed as Santa Claus, running around whilst banging a drum. Amelia rolled over and squinted at the clock on the bedside table, groaning when she saw that it was six o’clock. Bam was already out of bed, pulling on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.

“Merry Christmas babe.” He grinned, kissing her head.

“How have you got so much energy?” she asked, forcing herself out of bed.

“It’s Christmas! I’m excited!” he exclaimed, jumping up and down like a small child.

She shook her head and pulled on some pyjama bottoms and one of his t-shirts before they made their way downstairs. Everyone else, including April, Phil and Vito were sitting in the living room, watching as Dico stood in front of the tree with a big brown sack.

“Ho ho ho!” he chuckled through his fake beard. “This thing is fucking itchy.” He threw it to the floor and waited for Bam and Amelia to take their seats before dispersing the gifts.

“Is it like this every year?” she asked an extremely hung over looking Novak. He nodded.

“He’s a little bit more extreme this year though as we have company.” He laughed, as Dico threw a box in Raab’s direction.

After a while, Dico grew bored of playing Santa, especially once he had opened his own gifts. He was particularly delighted by the dressing up box from Amelia, and within seconds he had shed his Santa outfit and transformed into a cowboy. Amelia had been surprised by the thoughtful gifts from her new friends. Dunn had bought her a bottle of her favourite perfume. Novak had given her some expensive wine. Raab and Dico had pitched together and had bought her a skateboard, helmet, and safety pads, along with the entire collection of CKY DVDs and told her to get practising. To Amelia’s amusement, Johnny had sent her exactly the same poster of himself that she had sent him. April and Phil had paid for Amelia and Bam to go on holiday for a week before the filming for Jackass started. Amelia was shocked but excited and thanked them over and over again.

April took over handing out the last few presents, which included Bam’s to Amelia. There were two small packages, which she unwrapped carefully. In the first was a silver necklace. On the chain there was a small heart encrusted with a single tiny diamond.

“Oh! It’s beautiful Bam, thank you so much! I love it!” she kissed him and allowed him to fasten the chain around her neck.

As she unwrapped the second present she looked at Bam in disbelief. In the box lay two keys connected with a pink ribbon. There was one standard looking house key and another which was unmistakeably a car key. She looked around at the others who were grinning at her. She picked up the house key and raised her eyebrow at Bam.

“I want you to officially move in, like permanently.” He grinned, taking her hand. “What do you think?”

Amelia hesitated for a few seconds to build up the tension before laughing. “I’d love to!” Everybody cheered as she hugged Bam tightly and whispered a thank you into his ear.

“Aren’t you going to ask about the second key?” asked Dunn, beaming from ear to ear.

“I don’t know if I dare.” She glanced from Dunn to Bam, who both bore devilish smiles.

“Look outside!” exclaimed Dunn, jumping up and grabbing her hand.

Bam followed them outside to where Amelia’s car was usually parked. In its place was a bright purple convertible with a pink bow wrapped around it.

“Holy shit!” she exclaimed. “You can’t be serious!”

Bam nodded, and wrapped his arms around her waist. “We figured you needed a bit of an upgrade if you’re gonna be hanging around with us.” He laughed.

“But I loved my old car.” She pouted, teasing them.

“Wait till you try this one out!” Dunn grinned, standing next to them.

Amelia couldn’t believe it: a new house and a new car in one morning. It was ridiculous but she was just happy to be spending the day with Bam and his friends.

After a huge dinner everyone settled down in front of the television with various alcoholic beverages. Amelia quickly rang her family back in England to wish them a happy Christmas and tell them about her gifts, before joining her friends. She sat on the sofa and Bam wrapped his arm around her.

Checking that everyone was distracted, Bam turned to Amelia and whispered. “There’s something I have to tell you.”

Amelia looked at him in curiosity. “What’s that?” she whispered back.

“I think I’m falling in love with you.”

Amelia’s heart stopped for a millisecond as she registered what he had just said. He looked her deep in the eye, waiting for her response. She was unable to keep the smile from flickering across her face.

“I think I’m falling in love with you too.” She replied.

Bam grinned and kissed her softly on the lips. At that moment in time Amelia felt that her life was perfect and she was the luckiest girl in the world.