Just Go With It

Viva La Jackass

Christmas was over before long, and Amelia and Bam were looking forward to the holiday to Hawaii
that April and Phil were sending them on. The week before their holiday, they flew out to Los Angeles with Dunn to meet up with the cast and crew of Jackass. Jeff wanted to see if anyone had any other ideas that would involve much preparation before filming commenced.

Spending over four hours on a plane with Bam and Dunn was nothing short of hell for Amelia. She tried to sleep but it was impossible being sat between the two of them constantly arguing and hitting each other. The coffee they had drank before taking off had definitely been a bad decision.

When they arrived in LA, Johnny and Jeff were waiting in the arrivals lounge for them. Amelia dropped her bags, running up to hug Johnny.

“I’ve missed you Knoxville.” She laughed as he picked her up in the air.

“I’ve missed you to Jones!” he grinned, swinging her around.

Once she, Dunn and Bam had greeted Johnny and Jeff the five of them headed out to the car park where a shiny white stretch Limo was waiting.

“You have to travel in style in LA.” Johnny winked at Amelia, holding the door open for the three travellers.

The Limo was in much better shape than Bam’s Amelia mused, as Jeff poured them drinks while the driver pulled off.

“Now this really is the life.” Amelia giggled, sipping her champagne as Bam put some music on.

Johnny, Dunn and Jeff laughed at her innocence.

“Don’t get too used to it, we’re going old school in Jeff’s van when filming starts.” Johnny smirked.

“Well I’ll just make the most of it now.” She smiled, leaning back and enjoying the ride. Bam laughed and draped his arm across her shoulder.

“So what’s the plan?” asked Dunn, draining the last of the wine from his glass.

“We figured seeing as this is practically a reunion we’d have a bit of a celebration, and Amelia can get to know the guys.” Jeff explained. “Everyone’s staying at the same hotel this week, we rented the whole place out, so we’ll just hit the bar and see what happens.”

Everyone seemed happy with this arrangement, although Amelia was feeling a little nervous about meeting the others. She had seen them many times on TV and heard so many stories about them, but she wasn’t sure what they would be like in real life, or even if they’d like her.

“Don’t worry babe, they’ll love you.” Bam whispered as if he could read her thoughts.

Amelia gave him a little smile and before she knew it they had arrived at the hotel.

“You guys check in and go on up to your rooms. I think everyone’s by the pool so just come and meet us when you’re ready.” Jeff said, pointing to the reception desk.

“Alright, catch you in a bit dudes.” Dunn replied, patting Johnny and Jeff on the back.

Amelia and Bam’s room was just as lovely as the one in New York had been, if not even better. Amelia sank down on to the bed, feeling exhausted from the flight. Bam laughed at her.

“You’ll have to man-up if you’re gonna keep up with the guys this week.” He teased.

She threw her handbag at him. “I’ll be fine, I just need a drink.” She laughed.

“Well hurry up and get changed and we can hit the bar.”

“Yes boss.” She saluted him.

Unsure on whether or not there would be any water based activities taking place that afternoon and evening, Amelia decided it would be wise to put on her bikini under her clothes, just in case. Over the top she put on a pair of denim shorts and a pretty purple halter neck top, and teamed them with some gold gladiator sandals and a pair of sunglasses. She had a feeling she would enjoy this week in LA, it would make a nice change to have some warm weather. She pulled her hair out of its ponytail and gave it a quick brush so that it tumbled down her back in loose waves.

“Ready.” She called to Bam, who had also changed into a pair of board shorts and a clean t-shirt.

He wolf-whistled, making his way out of the room. She took a deep breath as they arrived at the pool.

She could see Johnny sitting at the bar with Dunn and another guy she vaguely recognised from the show. Bam put a comforting hand on her back as Johnny ushered them over.

“Hey Amelia, this is Danger Ehren.” Johnny grinned, gesturing at the man sitting at the bar with them.

“Nice to meet you.” She smiled, holding her hand out to the dark haired man, who shook it gently.

“Hiya, you can call me Ehren.” He laughed, smiling.

“Amelia’s the new camera woman I was telling you about.” Johnny continued.

“Ah that’s cool.” He smiled, taking a swig of beer. Ehren seemed really friendly and down to earth thought Amelia, feeling a little relieved that they were not all lunatics. Perhaps she had spoken to soon however, as another man with his shirt off approached them. Amelia immediately recognised him as Steve-O, famous for partaking in the stunts that no one else wanted to do.

“Ah you must be Amelia!” he exclaimed, kissing her cheek. “I’m Steve-O”

“I’ve heard a lot about you.” She laughed as he stepped back. He grinned, obviously enjoying being the centre of attention.

“Come on Amelia, there’s so many more people you need to meet.” Johnny said, jumping down from his stool and grabbing her hand.

She looked back to see Bam’s bemused expression as Johnny dragged her away. She mouthed ‘help’, causing Bam, Ehren and Dunn to laugh.

“Wee-Man and Preston.” Johnny introduced the two very recognisable members sitting by the pool.

Amelia smiled and greeted them both, before Johnny took her hand again and walked to the other side of the pool where a long haired man in a bikini and bunny ears was swimming.

“Amelia, meet Chris Pontius.” Johnny smiled.

Pontius jumped out of the pool and gave Amelia a big wet hug, making everyone laugh.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He grinned. “It’s nice to have some female company.”

“This is technically one of Pontius’ alter-egos, Bunny the life guard.” Johnny explained, leading Amelia away from the curiously dressed man and over to a topless man lying on a sun lounger.

“Amelia, Dave England.” He introduced them. Dave sat up and shook her hand. “Dave is our professional shitter.” Johnny explained, looking down at Dave who seemed very proud.

“I’d rather not ask.” She laughed.

Johnny spent the next twenty minutes or so introducing Amelia to members of the crew including Spike Jones, Rick Kosick and Lance Bangs. It was a lot for Amelia to take in, what with so many names and faces, but everyone was lovely. She was however incredibly relieved when Johnny returned her to Bam and she saw that he had bought her a Bacardi and coke.

The weather was incredibly warm for the time of year, and despite the fact that it was now late afternoon, Amelia could not pass up the opportunity to have a dip in the pool. After a little persuasion she got Bam to join her. She tried to ignore the fact that every man in the vicinity was staring at her as she took off her shorts and t-shirt.

“Where are all the women?” she grumbled jokingly to Bam, as she followed him into the pool.

“Oh they’ll be around when filming starts. Most of them tend to avoid the week long benders like this, but you’re special.”

“You mean, I’m with you so I don’t have a choice.” She laughed, splashing water into his face.

“Pretty much,” he replied with a cheeky grin, splashing her back.

“I have to say, it’s nice being in a pool that isn’t as the result of you throwing me in.” She teased, thinking back to the night back in West Chester.

“Hey, you made me fall in too.” He moaned, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“You deserved it.” She giggled, ruffling his now damp hair, which was springing into ringlets.

Amelia and Bam spent the rest of the afternoon and the evening sitting in the bar, chatting to everyone. As it started to get late, several crew members dispersed in search of food and rest. Before long, only Amelia, Bam, Dunn, Johnny, Pontius, Steve-O and Ehren were left.

“Oh my God, let’s all go back to my room and order shit loads of room service!” exclaimed Steve-O when talk turned to their dining plans.

No one could find fault in this option, so the seven of them headed up to Steve-O’s room, which was more than big enough to accommodate them all. Johnny put a comedy film on the TV while Steve-O ordered a ridiculous amount of burgers, chicken wings, fries, ice cream and wine. After such a long day, Amelia was glad it was turning out to be a relaxing evening. She had instantly clicked with Pontius, Steve-O and Ehren, and although she was missing her friends back in West Chester, she knew that she would have a lot of fun with these guys.

When as much food had been eaten as they could possibly manage, the seven of them squeezed on to Steve-O’s massive bed and watched the film. Amelia found herself wedged between Ehren and Johnny, with Bam lying in her lap, Dunn to his left and Pontius to his right, and Steve-O sprawled across the three of them. As the guys became absorbed in the film, Amelia’s mind wandered, and she wondered how she had managed to go from graduating university in England only nine months ago, to now spending the night in a Los Angeles hotel with the cast of Jackass.