Just Go With It

Mood Swings and Phonecalls

Before Amelia knew it, the filming of Jackass had begun. Amelia and Bam had enjoyed their holiday, but it was over far too soon. On set, the guys were keeping her on her toes, but she loved every minute of it.

Just like Viva La Bam, Jackass was proving to be very time consuming and it could be quite difficult for Amelia and Bam to spend time alone, but there was only another three months of filming left before they returned to West Chester. She was looking forward to being reunited with Dico, Raab, Rake and surprisingly even Novak. She got on with all of the Jackass cast and crew, but along with Johnny, she had become very close friends with Ehren and Chris and they took her under their wing.

Amelia realised that she had not seen Bam all afternoon. As it turned out, neither had any of the others, so she headed back to the hotel to see if he was around. After a quick check of the pool and bar, she found him sitting in their hotel room alone. He had his hood up and was staring intently at his phone. She stood silently in the doorway, waiting for him to acknowledge her, but he showed no sign that he was aware of her presence.

“Bam?” she asked tentatively.

Perhaps he had not heard her, as he remained engrossed in whatever he was looking at.

“What’s wrong?” she asked him worriedly, after thirty seconds of silence. It was so quiet she thought she could hear her heart thumping nervously in her chest.

“Nothing.” He snapped, getting up suddenly and walking straight past her, out of the open door.

Amelia stared after him, until he was out of sight. He did not look back once. She sat down on the empty bed in bewilderment, unable to fathom what she had done wrong. As she replayed the last ten minutes in her head, she pulled out her phone and wrote a message to Bam, saying how worried she was about him and would he please get in touch to let her know he was ok. At the same time that the message sent, her phone vibrated, alerting her that she had a new message. It was from Johnny.

‘You found Bam yet? Got an update. Ring me. Love J x.’

Amelia text him back. ‘He was in the hotel room but won’t speak to me. Ok to ring now? Xxx’

A few minutes later Amelia rang Johnny, in the hope that he might have some explanation for Bam’s odd behaviour. It had seemingly come out of nowhere. The night before they had been fine.

“Hey babe.” Johnny greeted her when he answered after a few rings.

“Hi Johnny. Do you know what’s up with Bam?”

“I haven’t spoken to him myself, but Dunn said he was with him this morning, and he said something about you spending more time with us than you were with him.”

Amelia’s jaw dropped on the other end of the line. “Seriously!? He actually said that?”

“I think he’s having a case of the green eyed monster hun. Meet me for dinner? “

“If that’s the case, do you really think it’s a good idea for me to go out with you tonight?” she sighed, falling back on the bed in discontent.

“You can’t let me down.” Johnny teased. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

Amelia had not heard from Bam for the rest of the afternoon, so she decided to take Johnny up on his offer and join him for dinner. She had just finished getting ready when she heard her phone vibrate. She felt her stomach churn, wondering if Bam had finally replied to her text. She picked her Blackberry up hesitantly, and opened her inbox. She froze. One new message from Bam.

‘Hi babe. I’m sorry. Just needed to clear my head, I’ll meet you for dinner with Johnny. I’m a dick. I love you so much xxxxxxx’

True to his word, Bam was waiting at the restaurant when Johnny and Amelia arrived. As soon as she stepped out of the car he hurried over to embrace her.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered, nuzzling her neck.

“It’s ok.” She replied; glad to have her boyfriend back.

After Bam’s outburst, he went out of his way to make it up to Amelia, buying her flowers and taking her out every night. However, every now and then during filming or when they were hanging around with everyone, he would go quiet and brooding, usually when Amelia was engaged in a conversation with one of the guys, or not paying him enough attention.

As the filming of Jackass progressed, he seemed to become more and more possessive and jealous of Amelia’s friendship with the others. She couldn’t understand this because he had never had a problem with his friends in West Chester. Everyone on set had picked up on his irritability and it was beginning to affect the general atmosphere of the group. Amelia didn’t know what to do. She wasn’t about to forsake her friendship with the others just because her boyfriend was insecure. Instead she tried to ignore his tantrums and she focused on the job at hand.

They were two months into filming, and Bam and Dunn had gone off with half of the crew to film a skit in town, whilst Amelia stayed with Johnny and the others to work on a big stunt.

“You coming for a few drinks then Amelia?” asked Steve-O, when Jeff had declared the scene a wrap.

Amelia thought about Bam, knowing it would only fuel his bad mood, but she had no intention of staying in the hotel on her own if he was still in town with Dunn.

“Of course she is!” Johnny grinned, before Amelia had chance to answer for herself. Johnny put his arm around her casually and ushered her to the car park.

The others had made their excuses, so Johnny, Steve-O and Amelia made their way to their favourite bar that was not too far from the hotel. The ‘few’ drinks that Steve-O had suggested soon turned into many, but Amelia felt herself beginning to relax as the alcohol flowed and before long she had stopped thinking about Bam and his mood swings.

When Amelia went to bed that night, Bam was still out. She hoped he would return by the morning, and she tried not to let his absence stop her from sleeping. To her relief, she heard him enter the room sometime in the early hours of the morning, but she pretended to be fast asleep to avoid any confrontation.

The next morning Amelia awoke to find Bam sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at her.

“Where were you last night?” she asked, trying not to sound as if she was accusing him of anything.

Bam shrugged. “You went out with Johnny and Steve-O?”

“They asked me to go for a drink with them after filming. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

Bam shrugged again. He was already showered and dressed, with a big scowl plastered across his face.

“What did you get up to?” she asked, tentatively.

“Just went out.” He muttered, refusing to meet her eye.

“For God’s sake Bam, stop this!” Amelia cried in exasperation. “I can’t take it anymore.”

Bam stormed out of the room, letting the door slam behind him. She collapsed on to the bed and held her head in her hands. She had no idea where he was going but she knew it was best to leave him to it. She showered and dressed, trying to shake all thoughts of their fight from her mind.

Rather than heading for the location to start shooting with the others, Amelia jumped into her rental car and made her way to the beach. Bam would probably be on set, and she could not bring herself to be around him today, not when he was in such a vile mood. She parked the car quickly and walked down the sandy path all the way to the water’s edge. Despite the fact that it was still early in the morning, the beach was rapidly filling up with people, and Amelia watched as young families trekked along the sand with towels and picnic baskets, their children running happily through the water.

Amelia walked for at least half an hour before the sand started to become coarse and full of stones. Here, the beach was practically deserted. She sat down and gazed out at the horizon, enjoying the cooling effect of the sea breeze. It was gloriously hot today, and she was wearing a bikini underneath her skirt and t-shirt. Amelia slipped out of her clothes and lay back on the warm sand, making the most of having some time alone to sunbathe, whilst clearing her thoughts.

Until a few weeks ago, everything had been going so well. She was getting on really well with everyone, at the same time as spending plenty of quality time with Bam. It was as if a switch had been flicked in his brain and he was reverting back to his old ways. She just couldn’t understand what had changed; it wasn’t as if she flirted with the other guys. If anything, she was much more reserved around them than she was with him.

She had nearly dropped off to sleep, when she felt someone approach. Peering up through her sunglasses she saw a familiar long haired figure looming over her.

“Well hello there.” It was Chris.

“Hi.” She smiled.

He took a seat beside Amelia on the sand and stretched out. She was surprised to find him fully clothed in a t-shirt and board shorts.

“Aren’t you filming today?” she asked, letting the sand run through her fingers.

He shook his head. “Aren’t you?”

“Bam and I had a fight.” She sighed.

“Want to talk about it?” he asked, taking off his t-shirt.

“He’s jealous of me spending time with you guys. I don’t understand why because you’re his friends. It’s as if he doesn’t trust me.”

Chris looked intently at Amelia. “Bam’s always been a little...highly strung.”

Amelia nodded. “I’ve seen what happens when he doesn’t get his own way.”

“Haven’t we all.” Chris laughed, burying his feet in the sand.

Amelia sighed. “I don’t know what to do. I can’t just avoid you, this is my job.”

“Then don’t. Just let him stew. He’ll get over it.”

Amelia glanced at Chris, unsure of whether she should take his advice. She didn’t want to mess things up and lose Bam. Chris smiled and patted her shoulder.

“Let’s make a sandcastle!” he grinned, sitting up suddenly.

Amelia laughed, but agreed all the same and they got stuck in.

A few hours later, Amelia and Chris stood back to admire their handy work. Amelia had to admit, the sandcastle was most definitely the most impressive she had ever seen. Chris had a talent. They took pictures on their phone, when suddenly Amelia’s Blackberry started to ring.

“Amelia, you need to get down to the hospital now!” Ehren exclaimed. “There’s been an accident.”
