Just Go With It

Bedside Manners

Amelia walked into the A and E reception area and instantly spotted Johnny, Jeff and Dunn. Johnny was pacing around nervously, Jeff was talking to a nurse, and Dunn was sat with his head in his hands.

“What’s going on?” she demanded, looking at each of them.

“One of the stunts went wrong. We weren’t ready to film and we hadn’t checked if it was safe but he just went for it. He fell off the bike and hit his head really hard.” Johnny explained, running a frantic hand through his hair.

“Is he ok?”

“We’re just waiting for the doctor. He’s seeing him now.”

Amelia sat beside Dunn and bit her fingernails. She felt sick to her stomach, knowing that she was to blame for whatever happened to Bam. She shouldn’t have had a go at him earlier. After what seemed like a life time of waiting, a man in a white coat swung through the double doors and headed towards Jeff. Amelia and Dunn simultaneously jumped to their feet and intercepted the doctor.

“Is he ok?” Dunn demanded. Amelia grabbed his arm to support herself, waiting for the news.

“We’re just waiting for him to regain consciousness. We won’t be able to judge the amount of damage until he’s awake.” The doctor explained, sombrely.

“Can we see him?” Amelia asked, gripping her fingernails into Dunn.

“Of course, but only one at a time I’m afraid.” He replied.

Johnny nodded. “Amelia, you go first. We’ll wait right here.”

Amelia followed the doctor back towards the room that Bam was in. She took in a gulp of air and pushed open the door. There he was, lying in the hospital bed, hooked up to all sorts of wires and drips. One arm was in a cast up to his shoulder. His eyes were closed and he appeared lifeless. She approached the bed hesitantly.


There was no reply. Amelia could see his chest rising and falling in deep breaths and she felt a tear fall down her cheek as she took in his helpless appearance. His face and arms were covered in scratches, and he had a bandage around his head.

“Why?” She took a seat beside his bed and held his hand, squeezing it gently.

After she had sat with Bam for ten minutes or so, she reluctantly left the room so that the others could check in on him. Johnny was waiting for her outside and she collapsed into his arms, tears streaming down her face. He wrapped his strong arms around her and carried her out into the waiting room. Amelia found herself lost for words but Johnny did not push her to talk. Instead he let her lean her head on his shoulder, whilst stroking her head in a calming manner. Jeff sat quietly at the other side of the room as Dunn took his turn to visit Bam. Jeff’s phone was buzzing nonstop, no doubt with calls from the cast and crew wanting updates on Bam, but he refused to answer it.

That evening, Johnny and Dunn resolved to stay at the hospital. April and Phil were on the next flight to California, and Jeff had no choice but to return to the shoot and sort out the chaos that had been left in the wake of Bam’s accident. Amelia refused to leave Bam’s side and eventually she fell asleep in the chair next to his bed, her hand still holding his. It was the early hours of the morning when Amelia awoke from her fitful sleep. She looked around, wondering what had roused her, when she realised Bam was squeezing her hand back.


His eyelids flickered at the sound of his name and his lips twitched, forming a crooked smile.

“Oh Bam, I love you, you stupid man!” she exclaimed, jumping out of the chair and leaning over him.

She stroked his cheek, tears of happiness falling down her own. He tried to talk but all he could manage was a small groan. Amelia pressed her lips down against his to shut him up.

“I need to tell Johnny and Ryan.” She said softly, pulling away. “Everyone’s so worried about you.”

Amelia hurried out of the door, with a quick glance back at the newly conscious Bam. Her heart was beating flat out in her chest and she found herself out of breath as she raced down the abandoned corridor and into the waiting room. Sure enough there was Dunn fast asleep on a chair, with Johnny’s head in his lap, sprawled across three chairs. Amelia shook Dunn and Johnny gently and they both awoke with a start.

“What’s up babe? Has something happened?” Johnny asked groggily.

“He’s woken up!” she exclaimed, dragging his feet. Her words brought life to the two men, who were on their feet in an instant. Amelia led the way back to Bam’s room where, to their disbelief, he was now sitting up in bed looking very pissed off.

“What the fuck?” he asked his three friends when they appeared at the doorway.

“What do you mean ‘what the fuck’ asshole?” Johnny demanded.

“What the fuck am I doing here!?”

“Being a complete and utter asshole, that’s what!” Dunn continued. “You could have killed yourself you jerk.”

“I can’t remember.” Bam admitted, looking a little sheepish. Amelia remained silent in the background.

“One minute I was on the bike, about to take off, and the next I’m here with a goddamn bandage round my head.”

“You do the math.” Johnny shook his head. “You’ve been unconscious for like, twelve hours.”

“Shit man.” Bam examined the cuts and bruises on his arms. “How bad was it?”

“You took off before we’d tested the ramp and it gave way underneath you. You fell backwards, hit your head on the concrete and the bike nearly landed on top of you. You are one lucky mother fucker.” Dunn told him.

Amelia, Dunn and Johnny sat up with Bam until it was morning. Amelia listened quietly as the three guys talked. She was exhausted and although she was over the moon that man was ok, she didn’t really know what to say to him after their argument the morning before.

The doctor was confident that Bam would make a full recovery, but nevertheless he wanted to keep him under observation for another forty eight hours just to be on the safe side. Over the next two days, everyone from the cast and crew had visited him. April and Phil had arrived the same morning that Bam had woken up and had decided to stay a little while, relieved that their son was alright.

On the morning that Bam was allowed to leave, Amelia pulled up at the hospital in their rental car. She had not left his side for his entire stay in hospital, apart from earlier that morning to fetch them both some clean clothes and to pick up the car. Bam had been so swamped with visitors that she had not had the chance to talk to him properly. When she returned she was surprised to find him alone in his room, sitting in some navy pyjamas and picking at a loose thread.

“I didn’t think you were coming back.” He joked, watching her enter the room.

She handed him a carrier bag with some clothes and sat on the edge of the bed, facing the other way so that he could change. She heard him fumbling around with the clothes and realised he would probably need help with his arm in the cast so she turned back to him. He had managed to unbutton his pyjama top and shake it off, but he was now wrestling his shirt, trying to get it over his good arm. She shuffled up the bed so that she was closer to him and took hold of the shirt, sliding it gently up his arm.

“Thanks.” He said quietly as she fastened the buttons. She tried to stop her hands from shaking as they made their way up his body.

“Do you want some help with your jeans?”

She watched him pull off his pyjama bottoms with one hand and pull up his jeans in the same fashion. He managed to hoist them up, but he couldn’t fasten them and keep them on his hips at the same time. Bam looked at Amelia helplessly. She blushed a little, pulling up the zip on his fly and fastening the two buttons. Before she had chance to ask about his shoes, she saw him thrust his feet inside the sneakers without bothering to undo them.

Now fully dressed, Bam sat back down on the bed and stared at Amelia. She could feel the tension mounting up inside her, and she wanted to shake him and make him realise what an idiot he was. Deciding that she was not going to acknowledge him, Bam turned his head to the floor and bit his lip. Amelia couldn’t take it any longer.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” She shouted, feeling weeks’ worth of anger bubbling up inside her.

Bam looked up, surprised to hear her raise her voice.

“Seriously Bam, do you know what a fucking moron you are.”

Bam broke down, tears starting to fall down his cheeks. He tried to wipe them away with his good arm.

“I can’t help it Amelia, I’m so scared of losing you.” He sobbed.

She looked down at him and felt a lump in her throat. She hadn’t wanted to make him cry.

“I’m not going anywhere unless you push me. ” She told him, taking his hands in her own. “I love you, but you’ve been making it really difficult lately.”

Bam nodded sadly. “I’m sorry. I just ... I’m a dick and all the other guys are funnier and better looking than me, and I just know you deserve someone better than me.”

“Bam Margera, I have never heard such rubbish in my entire life.” She shook her head. “I love you because you’re you. I don’t want anyone else. I just want you. Forever.”



“I love you too.”

Amelia embraced Bam as gently as she could, without knocking his arm. He kissed her roughly, holding her head with his good hand while she ran her own hands through his tousled hair. Now that they were alone together again she was reluctant to let him go and the kiss lasted for at least ten minutes before they pulled apart, gasping for breath.

“Do you want to get out of here?” she asked.

“Fuck yes.”

They sat in a comfortable silence as Amelia drove back to their hotel.

“Are you ready for this?” she asked when they were in the hotel car park, nodding towards the parked cars belonging to the cast and crew. Johnny had insisted on holding a party to celebrate Bam’s return and had invited everyone he could think of.

Bam shook his head. “Can we go somewhere else just for a bit?”

“Sure, but they’re all waiting for you.”

“I just need some air.” He smiled as she pulled back on to the highway.

In less than five minutes they were at the beach. Bam slipped his good hand into Amelia’s and they walked along the water’s edge. Amelia was glad to have Bam’s company this time around.

“I’ve missed you.” She told him, when they finally came to a rest.

“I’ve missed you too.” He admitted, sitting down awkwardly on the sand. Amelia joined him, and leant her head against his good shoulder. He smiled and titled his head so that it was resting in hers.

“Are we all good?” he asked softly.

She nodded. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He whispered into her ear. “And I’m never going to let you go.”

“Come on, there’s a party with your name on it.” She laughed, taking his hand and leading him back to the car.