Just Go With It

Fun Family Festival

The Jackass filming was all but completed, when Amelia received a call from her sister back home, asking if she would be joining the family on their annual trip to the Virgin Music Festival that year. It took place in two weeks time and they had bought plenty of tickets. Knowing that she would be free by then, Amelia promised her sister she would do her best to make it and hung up the phone. She had returned to West Chester now with Bam, Dunn and the rest of the Jackass crew to complete the last few skits with the help of the CKY guys. The end of filming coincided with the start of the festival.

Amelia couldn’t help but smile to herself. She hadn’t even considered that she would be attending the festival this year but now she felt a rush of excitement and wondered whether or not Bam would need any persuasion to join her.

“How would you feel about meeting my family?” Amelia smiled hesitantly when he returned to the bedroom.

“I’d love to!” Bam exclaimed, his bright eyes lighting up even more than usual. “Just name the time and I’ll be there!”

“Well, there’s a music festival back home that we go to every year so I thought we could go together this year.” She explained as he sat down beside her on the bed.

“Sweet! It’s been ages since I’ve been to England!”

“It’s not really your kind of music, but it’ll be a laugh.”

“Bring it on.” He grinned, kissing her cheek.

Amelia rang her sister and parents to let them know that she and Bam would be arriving a few days before the festival. They were excited to meet Bam but Amelia was a little worried about what they would think of him. He wasn’t like anyone she’d ever been with before.

When Bam told his friends about their intended trip to the UK they were outraged by their lack of invitation.

“A festival!?” Dunn exclaimed. “I want to go to a festival!”

“Me too!” chimed in Dico.

“Me three!” shouted Raab. Bam and Amelia exchanged looks.

“If you can get tickets you can come.” Amelia laughed. “But you’ll have to stay in a hotel, there’s not enough room in my parents’ house.”

“It’s a deal!” Dunn grinned, turning on his heel to make the necessary arrangements.

“Are you sure about this?” Bam looked at her uncertainly.

“Of course she is!” Dico exclaimed. “It will be brilliant!”

“I thought you hated flying Dico?” Bam laughed.

“I love festivals more than I hate flying.

In the end, Amelia and Bam were joined by Dico, Dunn, Raab, Johnny, Ehren, Chris and Steve-O. The guys had decided to make it a mini holiday.

Everyone was exhausted by the time they arrived at Birmingham airport, but Amelia was overjoyed to see her parents waiting for them in the arrivals area and she ran into their arms. Bam approached hesitantly behind her and she took his hand, pulling him forward.

“Mum, dad, this is Bam.” She grinned.

“It’s nice to meet you.” He smiled, shaking her father’s hand and kissing her mother’s cheek.

“It’s lovely to finally meet you too!” her mother grinned.

Amelia and Bam would be staying at her parents’ home just outside of Birmingham for their stay and the festival was only half an hour away. The others had booked themselves into a nearby hotel. Before heading to the cars, Amelia introduced her parents to her new friends. Needless to say they looked more than a little taken aback by Steve-O, but Amelia’ father was star struck to meet Johnny, which Amelia found hilarious considering he was now her best friend.

That night, Amelia and Bam went out to dinner with her parents and her sister Rose. Rose had just turned eighteen and had the same dark brown hair and large eyes as Amelia. If it wasn’t for the three year age gap they could have passed for twins. Rose was much more outgoing than Amelia and she was a massive flirt, which Amelia was sure would go down well with the guys when they met.

To her relief, Bam had made an effort to impress her family that night, and despite his untameable hair he looked as if he could pass for an average person. The meal went on smoothly, although the conversation was focused on Bam for the entire evening. Luckily Bam enjoyed being the centre of attention and he soon won over Amelia’s parents.

In a matter of days the first day of the festival had arrived. Prior to this, Amelia had enjoyed giving the guys a guided tour of her home town, which was considerably less impressive than West Chester, but they seemed to have fun nonetheless. Dico was adamant that he wanted to see the Queen and as much as Amelia tried to explain to him that they were nowhere near London, he was unable to comprehend the lack of royalty on his first trip to the UK.

To the guys’ horror, they arrived at the festival at five in the morning in order to avoid getting stuck in traffic. Amelia climbed out of the car, shivering a little in her shorts and wellies.

“You look so fucking hot!” Bam whispered into her ear as they helped to unload the car.

“You won’t be saying that by Sunday when we’ve not showered for two days and my hair looks greasier than a chip frier.” She laughed, handing him a backpack full of food.

Spending the weekend in a campsite with her family and new friends was going to be interesting to say the least. Amelia and Bam had a tent to themselves. Her parents shared a tent, and Rose and her friend Taylor shared a tent. As for the guys, Dico and Raab shared a two man tent, as did Dunn and Johnny while Chris, Ehren and Steve-O shared a four man tent. It took Dico and Raab at least an hour to set up their tent, during which time everyone else was either cracking open their beer or setting off to explore the site.

When the bands started playing, Amelia and Bam wandered off to watch some of the acts. The majority of people were sitting down on the grass in the hot sun. Amelia and Bam joined them and sat a small distance from the stage. Before long Johnny and Dunn appeared with cardboard pint size cups of beer in each hand.

“Four quid for a pint?!” Johnny exclaimed in a fake English accent.

Amelia laughed. “It’s always been extortionate.”

“Did you know Dunn thinks you sister is hot.”Johnny laughed.

“Everyone thinks my sister is hot.” Amelia sighed.

“Yeah but Dunn really likes her.” Johnny grinned, stressing the ‘ee’ in ‘really’ in his cute voice.

Dunn punched Johnny but he had turned considerably red in the face.

“Oh my God he really does fancy her doesn’t he?” Amelia smacked a hand to her forehead in despair.

“She’s my little sister! I don’t want her getting led astray by you losers!”

“I don’t think she needs any help from them babe.” Bam laughed, pointing behind Dunn where Rose and Taylor had appeared, skipping over to them with two beers in each hand.

Amelia raised her eyebrow, taking in her younger sister’s intoxicated state.

“Hiya sis.” Rose laughed, taking a seat between Bam and Dunn. “Are you ever gonna introduce me to your friends?”

Up until now, Amelia had tried to keep the guys away from Rose, but she knew it was inevitable that they would end up getting to know one another, so she shrugged.

“This is Johnny, and this is Ryan.” Amelia said, gesturing to the guys.

Rose grinned at Dunn and Bam nudged Amelia in the ribs. She soon put him in his place with a sharp look.

“I need a drink.” She said, standing up and nearly walking into Ehren and Chris who had been making their way over.

She slipped her arm around Ehren’s and pulled him in the direction of the beer tent. He knew better than to protest. Ten minutes they returned, holding as many cups of beer as they possibly could and then distributing them.

That night Amelia, Ehren and Bam were in the dance tent when they spotted Dunn kissing a girl. As they approached the couple Amelia was shocked to see that it was Rose. Amelia knew it was futile to do or say anything, so she resolved to leave them to it in the hope that it was simply a brief summer fling. Bam and Johnny were quick to tease Dunn when he returned to the campsite later on.

“Dude I really like her.” He said seriously.

Amelia remained silent, staring at Dunn defiantly, but she knew it was no use. What Rose wanted, Rose always got, and that included Dunn.

For the remaining days of the festival, Amelia and the guys spent their time drinking and listening to a range of different bands. It was a nice to spend time with Bam and her family, and to her surprise they seemed to be getting on really well. Bam and her father had bonded over their joint love of beer. After the festival, they stayed in England for another two nights. Rose and Dunn had been inseparable for the entire time and despite Amelia’s protesting, her parents had allowed him to stay in the house when they returned.

They said their goodbyes at the airport, and Amelia chose not to watch as Dunn and Rose kissed each other. She had promised that Rose could come and stay when she was not at college and Rose was already counting down the weeks.

“It was so lovely to meet all of you.” Amelia’s mum smiled, kissing everyone on the cheek while her father shook their hands. Bam got the biggest hug and kiss of all, a sure sign that he had made a good impression.

Hand in hand, Amelia and Bam boarded the plane.