Just Go With It

The Premiere

Back in West Chester, life continued at its weird and wonderful pace. Amelia returned from the supermarket one afternoon to find Dico on the roof of the castle dressed as a knight, battling with Raab who was dressed as a Viking. She stood and watched them for a few seconds, slightly amused, until Novak appeared in all his naked glory to help her unload the shopping.

During the gap between filming Jackass and Viva La Bam the guys became restless, and if she had wanted to, Amelia could have easily filmed enough footage for the second series in those few weeks alone. Every morning she awoke to find something else had been destroyed or renovated, usually belonging to Vito.

The Jackass premiere was fast approaching, and Bam, Amelia and Ryan would be flying back to LA, along with April and Phil, to attend. As Dico was not the greatest fan of flying, he would be staying in West Chester, and Rake had volunteered to house sit, or rather babysit Novak, Dico and Raab.

They ended up staying in the same hotel as they had during the filming. The staff remembered them well and seemed terrified when Bam and Ryan’s faces appeared at the reception desk. Amelia couldn’t blame them. The rooms had been trashed on their last visit.

Amelia was incredibly nervous. This would be the first time that she appeared hand in hand with Bam in front of the cameras, rather than behind them, and she was more than a little worried about what the press would write about her. It was inevitable that they would judge her so she was determined to make a good impression.

Ryan had invited Rose to the premiere so he met her at the airport in LA a few days after they had arrived themselves. Rose was in a constant state of excitement, having never been to the US before. She was even more excited about the premiere, and the two sisters had been shopping for the perfect dresses. Rose chose a striking red dress that was cut just above her knee. It had a red corsage on one shoulder and it emphasised her slim physique. Amelia on the other hand opted for a deep purple dress that reached her knees, with a silver belt around the waist and matching silver heels. April styled her hair into a loose up do and she completed her look with a pair of diamond earrings that Bam had bought her the day before.

“You look beautiful.” Gasped Bam, his mouth hanging open as Amelia descended the stairs into the hotel lobby.

She blushed as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. A loud cough announced the presence of Dunn and Rose. Amelia and Bam pulled apart, smiling.

A limo picked Bam, Amelia, April, Phil, Ryan and Rose up from their hotel. They would meet the others on the red carpet. Amelia gulped as she took a look at the amount of people who had gathered. Bam squeezed her hand.

“Relax, it will be fun.”

Amelia smiled nervously. Rose was practising her own smiles for the camera with a glass of champagne in her hand to the amusement of Ryan.

“They’ll love you.” He grinned, watching Rose with adoring eyes.

Amelia smiled. Her sister could have done worse. Ryan was a lovely guy and she knew he would never do anything to hurt Rose.

Sure enough the cameras were flashing continuously from the moment Bam opened the door. He climbed out, holding Amelia’s hand. She was blinded by the flashes but her own excitement got the better of her and she grinned widely as the paparazzi snapped pictures of the four of them. They posed for what seemed like hundreds of shots, including individual pictures and a family picture of Bam with his parents. A little further down the carpet, Amelia, Bam, Ryan and Rose were joined by Johnny, Steve and Chris. They stood for a big group photo, before finally making their way into the cinema.

The room was already crowded, and Amelia, Bam and the other cast members were the last to take their seats on the front row. Amelia glanced around to see Rick, Lance, Dimitry and the other crew members at the front on the other side of the aisle. Amelia took her seat between Bam and Johnny and the film began.

Amelia was fully relaxed by the time they reached the after party. She was impressed with the way the film had come together, and it was received well by the audience who had laughed for the duration of the screening.

The party was exclusively for the cast, crew and families, but there were several professional photographers around to take publicity shots. Amelia spent most of the night mingling and catching up with her friends. It was nice to see the Jackass guys again, especially Johnny. She had missed him since they had returned from the festival.

“Amelia, this is fantastic!” Rose exclaimed, finishing another glass of wine.

Amelia laughed. “Well seeing as you and Dunn are pretty serious, maybe you’ll get used to it.”

Rose giggled. “I can’t believe it. Everything’s happening so fast.”

Amelia knew the feeling and nodded slightly.

“I like him so much you know. He’s so lovely. I wish I didn’t have to leave.” Rose sighed.

“You know Bam would let you move in in a flash, but you need to finish college and get your degree.” Amelia told her gently.

“I know.” Rose peered into her empty glass. “I guess I better make the most of this while it lasts.”

Amelia gave her sister a hug, before Rose wandered off to find Dunn and another drink. When Rose had left, Johnny approached Amelia and gave her a very drunken kiss on the cheek.

“We couldn’t have done it without you Amelia.” He smiled, swaying ever so slightly.

“Well thank you for giving me the chance.” She laughed, taking his arm to steady him.

“You were the only woman for the job.” He laughed. “And I don’t just mean that none of the others wanted the job.” He stuck out his tongue. “I mean, you’re amazing. Bam’s a lucky guy. If he ever hurts you I’ll kill him.”

“I appreciate that Johnny. I’m lucky to have you as a friend.”

She went to kiss his cheek but he turned his head at the same moment and inadvertently their lips brushed against one another. Johnny laughed and hugged her, before wandering off. Amelia watched him disappear into the crowd, touching a finger to her lips where they had met Johnny’s. Suddenly she felt a pair of arms around her waist and she spun around, coming face to face with Bam.

“I’ve missed you.” He whined, pressing his lips against hers.

“I’ve missed you too.” She giggled, putting her arms around his neck and swaying with him to the music.

“Come outside with me? The music’s too loud.”

Amelia followed Bam to the back of the club and out of the door, but not before Bam had grabbed them both another glass of wine. They sat down on the wall and Amelia stared up into the clear night sky.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” Bam asked her, touching her arm.

“Yes thanks.” She smiled. “Tonight’s been amazing.”

“I mean in general, with me?” he looked into her eyes. “Are you happy?”

Amelia softened her gaze. “Bam. I’ve had the best year of my life with you. I still wake up every morning amazed that you’re lying next to me. I can’t believe the way things have turned out, I could never have imagined I would end up here at a film premiere, with an amazing job and all these amazing friends. But most importantly, there’s you. And you are everything to me.”

“So you’re happy?” he repeated, his eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

“I’m more than happy, I’m over the moon.” She kissed him gently but passionately.

Bam pulled away and took her hands in his. “Amelia. I thought my life was good until I met you, but I was wrong. Life with you is incredible. You’ve taught me the meaning of true happiness and true love. Every day I spend with you is a blessing. I’ll never forget the moment you turned up on my doorstep because that is the day my life changed forever. I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” Amelia whispered, her eyes starting to water.


Amelia could not remember getting back to the hotel, but she found herself flat on the bed, still fully dressed. Bam was standing bare-chested at the other end of the room, pouring two glasses of champagne. Amelia lay still and admired his body for a few minutes until he realised that she had woken up.

“I think we should have our own after party.” He grinned, winking at her and approaching the bed.