Just Go With It

Not Just a Hangover?

When her hangover from the Jackass premiere lasted for two weeks, Amelia knew that something was not quite right. She had struggled to get out of bed or keep any food down since that night and at first she assumed it must be food poisoning. However, none of the others had been affected, so Bam and April had tried persuading her to go to the doctors. Amelia hated doctors and point blank refused to go, ignoring their protests.

On the fifteenth day of her illness, Amelia emerged from the bedroom looking tired and pale. The guys were all happy to see that she was in fact alive, as Bam had kept her hidden away in the bedroom in a bid for her to get better. After all this time in one room, she was feeling claustrophobic and in desperate need of fresh air. The smell of breakfast cooking in the kitchen made her stomach turn, but she was determined to be strong.

“Any idea what’s up with you yet?” Novak asked, ever the gentleman as she entered the room.

Amelia laughed and shook her head. “It’s nice to see you too Novak.”

“Maybe you were abducted by aliens?” Dico offered from the worktop, making her a cup of tea, which she had to refuse. He was a fireman today.

“What? Seriously Dico?” Bam shook his head, keeping his worried eyes on Amelia. “How are you feeling babe? Do you want to lie down?”

“Bam, I’m fine. I’ve only just got up.” She smiled, patting his arm gently and sitting down at the kitchen table between Novak and Raab. He fussed over her far too much.

Bam eyed her suspiciously, but chose not to say anything. Despite her illness, Amelia had been acting weirdly for the past few days. She flinched if he touched her and would not get undressed in front of him. By now of course, Amelia knew that this illness was not food poisoning, and she was also fairly sure it was not a stomach bug. The third possibility however, was far more worrying. She kept these feelings to herself in the hope that she would be better any day now.

“Hi sweetie, it’s nice to see that you’re feeling better.” April appeared in the kitchen and shot Amelia a meaningful glance.

Amelia smiled back, her face masking her real emotions. It was April she had to worry about. April had already suggested the dreaded third possibility to Amelia last week when Bam had left her alone for a few hours.

“That’s not possible April.” Amelia had laughed. “We’re always careful.”

“Accidents happen.” April had said quietly, sitting on the end of the bed and handing her a small cardboard box. “I think you should consider it.”

That was the moment when the seeds of doubt had been sown in Amelia’s mind. She thought back to the night of the premiere and realised that she couldn’t remember whether or not they had used protections, it had all been such a blur.

It wasn’t until a few days later when she missed her period that Amelia realised she really was in trouble. She that knew April would tell Bam, so earlier that morning Amelia had confided in the only person she knew she could fully trust. Johnny.

“Hey babe?”Johnny greeted her over the phone.

“Hey Johnny, how’s it going?”

“Everything’s sweet this end, yourself?”

“I’m still not well...”

“Oh that sucks, you been to the doctor yet?”

“No, I don’t think I’m actually ill...” Amelia hesitated.


Amelia took a deep breath and lowered her voice in case anyone was eavesdropping. “I think I might be pregnant.”

“Holy shit.”



“What the fuck am I going to do!?”

Johnny had calmed her down and told her to follow April’s advice and take the test. He promised that he would be there for her no matter what and asked her to ring him when she took the test. If she wouldn’t tell Bam beforehand, then at least she would have someone there to support her.

Amelia sat with the guys for an hour or two, trying desperately to keep her mind off the impending task. It worked wonders, as Raab and Dico kept her entertained as usual, re-enacting scenes from obscure films, that hardly anyone had actually seen.

“God, you dicks have NO taste in movies! Amelia is the only one who’s got any right!” Dico complained, when everyone had passed for the fifth time.

He had just scribbled all over himself in black biro and Amelia had correctly guessed Memento, whilst the others looked on blankly and mildly amused by his antics.

After the game had come to an end, Amelia and Bam cuddled up on the sofa, watching films for a while until he had to go out on some errands.

The time had come. Amelia made her excuses and headed upstairs into the bathroom. The cardboard box was in her handbag already. She opened it up and read the instructions quickly, before ringing her best friend.

“You know what to do right?” Johnny said gently over the phone.

“Yes.” Amelia replied, meekly, gripping the phone as if it were her lifeline.

“It’ll be okay whatever Amelia.” He told her firmly. “Bam loves you, and I’m here for you.”

“Thank you.”

“Ring me back when you’ve done it.”


After following the instructions, Amelia slid down the wall of the bathroom so that she was in a crouching position, tears streaming down her face. She didn’t know if she could bring herself to look at the test for fear of what it might show her. What she really needed right now was support from Bam, but she couldn’t tell him, at least not until she knew for sure.

She had no idea how he would react to this. Would he really want to bring a child into the world? What if it was positive? She was not ready to become a mother; she was barely an adult herself.

Memories of her past life came flooding back to her. She remembered the pregnancy scare she had had just over a year ago with Callum and how her life had been turned upside down since then. If she really was pregnant, there was no doubt in her mind that she would keep the baby, but what this would mean for her relationship with Bam was unclear.

Amelia knew that she should call Johnny back, but that would just delay the truth for even longer, and she wasn’t sure of how much longer her nerves could take this uncertainty.

Amelia took a deep breath and looked at the piece of plastic in her hand. It was now or never.

“Oh my God.”