Just Go With It

A New Addition

Johnny had convinced Amelia to bite the bullet and tell Bam the truth as soon as possible. The longer she left it, the harder it would be.

“Bam, we need to talk.” Amelia said hesitantly, following him into the kitchen.

She had been waiting anxiously for him to return for the past few hours. He had finally got home from a meeting with his agent and was raiding the fridge for a snack.

“Shoot.” He grinned, taking a seat at the table.

Amelia closed the door behind her and sat opposite him. “Erm, there’s no easy way of telling you this.”

“Telling me what?” Bam raised an eyebrow.

“I’m pregnant.”

“You’re what?” Bam spat out his food in shock.

“Pregnant.” Amelia repeated, unable to keep up her facade any longer. The tears started to fall again and she broke down.

Bam stared across the table at his girlfriend, completely lost for words. He knew he had to say something, but what? He got up from his chair and took Amelia in his arms.

“It’s okay babe.” He told her, even though he wasn’t sure of this himself.

Amelia shook her head. “ No it’s not.” She sobbed.

Bam curbed his own thoughts and focused on comforting Amelia.

“We’ll make this work.” He told her, stroking her hair.


A few hours later, Amelia’s tears had ceased, and she and Bam sat in silence, his arms wrapped tightly around her as if he was scared she might disappear if he let her go. No one had entered the kitchen during that time. Maybe they had sensed the tension in the air.

“Holy shit.” Bam broke the silence, his voice a little shaky.

“Holy fucking shit.” Amelia corrected him and they both burst out laughing.

“This is ridiculous.” Bam continued.

“Ri-god-damn-diculous.” She corrected him again.

“I love you Amelia Jones.” Bam kissed her firmly on the lips and convinced himself that everything was going to be ok.

“I love you too Bam Margera.”


They managed to talk themselves around, trying to make the best of a bad situation. Maybe being parents would be fun? It would be a challenge that was for sure. Before telling everyone their news, Bam booked Amelia an appointment at the doctors for the next day, just to confirm that she really was pregnant.

“I hate the doctors.” Amelia mumbled, sitting next to Bam in the surgery waiting room.

Bam squeezed her hand. “Me too.”

She laughed, noticing that he was looking just as nervous as she felt. It was the first time she had left the house since feeling ill, and she had not even managed to do anything with her hair or put on makeup.

“Amelia Jones.”

At the sound of her name, Amelia jumped up and she and Bam anxiously made their way into the consultation room.

Less than an hour later, Amelia and Bam were on their way back to Castle Bam with the knowledge that Amelia was indeed one hundred percent pregnant.

“I guess we should break the news to them.” Bam said quietly after turning off the ignition in the Hummer.

Amelia nodded silently, with her seatbelt still fastened. Telling people the news would make the situation seem so much more real.

Bam asked Dunn to round up the troops into the living room, as he wanted to talk to everyone.

“Ape, Phil, guys, listen up.” Bam yelled, gaining the attention of his friends and family.

He held Amelia’s hand firmly in his. Amelia glanced at April and could tell that she already knew from the insane grin slowly spreading across her face.

“We have some news.” Bam continued, and Amelia could feel him squeezing her hand tighter.

They were both in need of reassurance, and hopefully telling everyone would achieve this,

“We’re having a baby.” He finished.

After a few seconds of stunned silence, the room erupted in cheers of celebration.

“Congratulations!” April yelped, running over and embracing Amelia and her son. “I’m so happy for you!”

“Can I be the Godfather? I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse!” exclaimed Dico, jumping on the spot excitedly.

“I really think you should name it after me, even if it’s a girl.” Ryan mused.

Amelia and Bam smiled at each other, listening to their friends talk excitedly about the future.

“Everything is going to be ok.” Bam whispered into Amelia’s ear. “Now let’s have a party.”

While Bam got the preparations underway for a party in the next few days, Amelia found time to ring her parents and drop the bombshell. It was nearly as difficult as telling Bam.

In the end she just spat it out and told them the truth. Although they were stunned to begin with, her mother eventually warmed up to the idea and booked a flight over to West Chester for a few weeks time.
Rose was even more excited as it would give her the opportunity to spend time with Ryan.

Bam invited the whole of the Jackass crew over to West Chester for the party. Bam was attempting to place Amelia under house arrest, but that didn’t stop her from picking the guys up at the airport.

“Congratulations!” Johnny shouted, running over and hugging Amelia and Bam.

“Thanks.” They smiled, happy to see their friend again so soon after the premiere.

“Let’s get this show on the road!”

Bam made sure the party was a big one. He invited everyone they knew, and then some. Amelia couldn’t drink, but found herself the centre of attention all night as the guys offered suggestions of baby names and put in requests to be god parents.

“At this rate the poor kid is gonna have about twenty godfathers!” Bam laughed, after Pontius had pitched his own application.

“Aren’t godparents supposed to be good influences?” Amelia grinned, glancing at the eager looking Pontius, Steve-O and Dave.

“Nah that was in the past. Nowadays they’re supposed to be fucking cool dudes!” explained Steve-O.

“And you don’t get much cooler than me.” Winked Pontius, giving Amelia a sexy grin.

“No offence, but I’m looking at a cross dresser, a professional shitter, and....Steve-O. “Amelia joked. “I don’t think any of those things constitute as an acceptable godparent.”

“Well who are you gonna pick then?” whined Steve-O. “You’ve got four places to fill seeing as we’re all single, two guys will have to be the godmothers. Fairy godmothers!”

Amelia and Bam exchanged looks of amusement.

“I think Amelia should pick two, and Bam should pick two.” Pontius announced, realising this would give him a higher chance of getting picked by one parent.

“Well Dunn and Knoxville are out of the picture cos they’re gonna be uncles.” Bam decided, grinning at his friends. Johnny and Dunn high fived in jubilation.

“Okay then.” Amelia hesitated. “Ehren and Dico are my two choices. Ehren because he’s so lovely and is probably the most sensible out of all of you. And Dico because he’s just so entertaining.”

“Thank you Amelia!” Ehren gasped, and hugged her tightly.

“Fuck yeah!” grinned Dico, punching the air in triumph.

Everyone else turned to Bam with baited breath. It reminded Amelia of choosing teams for sports in school. Nobody wanted to be left at the end.

“No offence Novak, Dave and Steve-O, but I think for obvious reasons I’m going to have to rule you three out.”

Steve-O and the other two accepted this more graciously than expected, although Bam did promise that if anyone did not fulfil their godfatherly duties, then he would be the first in line to take their place.

“It’s gonna have to be Pontius and Raab.” Bam decided finally. “Cos Pontius is sexy and Raab’s got a cute butt!”

Everyone laughed and accepted these as valid reasons.

A few days after the party, when the Jackass guys had left, Amelia and Bam lay in bed together discussing the future, and baby names.

“I like Brandon Jr.” Bam teased.

“We’re never going to come to an agreement are we?” Amelia laughed.

“I think we should let Dico choose.” Bam joked, stroking her stomach softly.

“No way.” She laughed, closing her eyes in relaxation.

“When do you think you’ll start showing?” he asked, putting his head gently to her stomach.

“I don’t know.” She shrugged, “I have no experience of pregnancy or babies.”

“Me neither!” he admitted, laughing. “Are you happy?”

“Yes.” She said after pausing for a moment.

“Are you?”

Bam nodded.