Just Go With It

Johnny's Confession

Amelia had not left her room for over a month. She couldn’t see any reason to. Her whole life had fallen apart and she had no desire to let anyone pick up the pieces. April and the guys had tried desperately to coax her out but it was useless. She wouldn’t even talk to anyone, including Johnny who had arrived a few days after Bam had left.

Johnny tried as hard as he could to get Amelia to open up. He would sit and talk at her about random subjects for hours and although she did not reply, he knew she was listening and he was sure she would crack sooner or later.

One particular afternoon Johnny entered her room and saw she was sitting up out of bed. He silently took a seat next to Amelia and put his arm around her in a comforting manner. She leant her head against him. Although she had not been the best of company over the past four weeks, she was glad he still made the effort to see her. There was nothing he could say to make her feel any differently, but his presence helped her in a way that she could not put into words.

Johnny was surprised to see her interact with him and he felt as if this could be the breakthrough he was after.


“Johnny...” she whispered hoarsely, her voice unused for so long.

She turned her head to look at him for a few seconds and without warning their lips met. The impact sent electricity running through Amelia’s veins. It was as if the two of them had been possessed by some kind of supernatural force, for neither of them had intended for this to happen.

Kissing Johnny was completely different, thought Amelia. He was softer and warmer than Bam, and she felt inexplicably drawn to him. Her arms wrapped themselves around Johnny’s neck, while his snaked their way around her waist and pulled her closer.

Suddenly they both pulled away, realising what had just taken place. One of them was aware that it was a terrible mistake; the other was unable to admit that it had felt so right. There was no need to exchange words and the silence continued. Eventually Johnny laid Amelia down in his arms and she fell into a dreamless sleep for the first time since Bam had left.


“I thought you said he’d come back when he was ready?” Dunn raised an eyebrow as he followed Johnny outside to the car.

“I also said that if he didn’t we would go and get him.” Johnny reminded Dunn, gesturing for him to get in the car.

Dunn shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve been looking for him for weeks, what makes you think we’re going to find him tonight?”

“Because my friend, I know where to look.”

Dunn had been a little surprised by Johnny’s sudden desire to bring Bam back. For weeks he had been reassuring them that he would return of his own accord, but now tonight there was a strange urgency to Knoxville’s voice when he had asked for Dunn’s help.

Bam had been spending the past four weeks in the motel, drinking himself into oblivion every night. At the end of the fourth week he returned from the bar across the road in an awful state as usual, only to find that his door was already open. Thinking little of this he made it to his bed where he was surprised to find Knoxville and Dunn sitting there.

“Okay asshole, it’s time to talk.” Knoxville said, unusually serious.

Bam muttered under his breath and joined his friends on the bed. “Whaddayawant?” he slurred.

“Do you want to hit him or shall I?” Knoxville asked, looking from Dunn to Bam.

“The pleasure’s all yours.” Ryan shrugged, looking at the pathetic excuse for his best friend. “My knuckle still hurts from last time.”

“I’ve never been the type to kick a man when he’s down.” Knoxville sighed. “Although if you don’t sort yourself out I will make an exception for you Bam.”

Bam groaned, feeling the full effects of the night’s whiskey and vodka. “Need to sleep.”

“We’ll let him sleep it off.” Knoxville said to Dunn. “We can deal with him in the morning.”

The next morning Bam woke up and suddenly remembered his visitors from the night before. Sure enough they had not left, and were standing, arms folded, at the end of the bed.

“What is this? The fucking military?” Bam moaned, nursing an evil hangover.

“This is how it’s going down Margera. You come home with us and apologise to Amelia. Beg for her forgiveness if you have to, but this is your only chance. Make the wrong decision and Amelia and the baby are coming to live with me in LA.”

Bam stared wide eyed at Knoxville, and then at Dunn, who was looking confused. Neither of them could tell if Johnny was being serious. Before Bam could respond, Knoxville continued.

“I care about Amelia and I can’t stand to see what you’re doing to her. If you weren’t my friend I’d have made a move months ago, but I’m not a jerk. So the choice is yours, I’m going for breakfast. Dunn?”

Dunn glanced sadly at Bam, before following Johnny out of the room. They walked in silence to the nearby cafe and it wasn’t until their food arrived that Dunn said something.

“You love her don’t you?”

Johnny stared at his plate. “I can’t help it.”

Dunn nodded.

“I love her like a sister, but I’ve been in love with her this whole time as well.” Johnny admitted, surprising himself. He had never admitted this to anyone before, not even himself.

“I would never do anything to mess up what Amelia and Bam have.” Johnny told Dunn. “But I meant what I said in the motel. I’ll invite her to LA if he fucks this up.”

“What about making a move?” Dunn asked, tucking into his breakfast despite the sombre conversation taking place.

“I was only half kidding with that.” Johnny sighed. “Bam’s my friend and I didn’t want to be that guy. I know I was the one who talked her into giving him a chance but I was so fucking into her when we first met. I swear if it hadn’t been for Bam...”

“You know she loves you too right.” Dunn said gently. “Maybe not in the same way, but I know how much she cares about you, it’s clear from the way she talks about you. And I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been there for her this month.”

Johnny smiled appreciatively at Dunn and they finished their breakfast quickly.

When they returned to the motel, Bam was sitting in the driving seat of his Hummer wearing clean clothes and looking clean shaven. Dunn and Knoxville exchanged looks, before approaching the car.

“You good to drive dude?” Dunn asked his friend concernedly.

Bam nodded, gladly accepting the bacon sandwich that Johnny had brought for him.

“I’ll see you back at the castle.” Johnny muttered to Ryan, before heading to his own car. Ryan nodded and climbed into the passenger seat of the Hummer.

Amelia was still wrestling with her guilt over kissing Johnny when she heard someone open her door. She pretended to be asleep as the footsteps grew closer and closer. She still didn’t want to talk to anyone and she wasn’t sure if she could face Johnny. Trying hard not to move, she hoped that whoever it was would go away if they thought she was asleep.


There was no mistaking that voice. She would recognise it for the rest of her life. Bam. She froze. She had not anticipated this.

“Are you awake?” he whispered.

What should she do?

“If you’re listening, I know there’s nothing I can say to make up for what I’ve done. I know I’ve made a lot of bad choices in the past and this was probably the worst, but this morning I made my final choice, and that was to be with you. Even if you don’t want me, I’m going to be here. I will follow you to the end of the earth. Now it’s you who has to make a choice Amelia.”

She felt him push something into her hand. It was small and square shaped. Curiosity got the better of Amelia and she rose from her pretend sleep. She glanced at the box in her hand and then at Bam. He looked tired and upset, but he was still the same Bam she had loved.

“Did you hear all of that?” he asked, not taking his eyes off her as she pulled herself up into a sitting position. She nodded silently, turning her gaze back to the box.

“Open it.” He said. “It won’t make up for the past, but it’s a promise for the future.”

Amelia gave in and opened the box carefully. To her amazement there was a beautiful diamond ring inside.

“Bam...”Amelia finally spoke. “Is this what I think it is?”

Bam nodded, and sat down on the end of her bed. “Amelia Jones, will you marry me?”