Just Go With It

The Morning After

The next morning, at least Amelia assumed it was morning; Amelia’s head was still pounding. She was vaguely aware that she was now under the bed covers and something heavy was pressing down against her bladder, making her painfully desperate for the toilet. She forced open a heavy eyelid and the first thing she saw was a mess of brown curly hair near her face. She blinked twice before putting two and two together and realising that Bam was in bed with her. The weight on her abdomen belonged to Bam’s arm, which was draped over her on the cover.

Despite her hangover she felt giddy by this discovery. Trying carefully not to wake the sleeping Bam, Amelia rolled over, away from his arm, and sat up silently. Her mouth was dry and her limbs felt numb, but she managed to stand up and stagger to the bedroom door. She became aware that she was still wearing her bra, Bam’s boxer shorts, and nothing else. Luckily it wasn’t difficult to find a t-shirt in Bam’s clutter of a room. She slipped on a white shirt, which smelt distinctly of Bam.

Before daring to open the door, she stood very still, listening out for any signs of life from the rest of the house. It seemed quiet, so she pulled open the door as gently as possible, and padded her way down the hallway to the bathroom. The door was wide open, and the room was unoccupied. After relieving herself, Amelia splashed her face with cold water, and risked a look in the mirror.

Her makeup had run all the way down her pale cheeks, and her hair was wild. Without warning, she felt the sickness of last night return, and she vomited into the toilet bowl once more. Deciding she was not quite ready to face the day, she headed back to Bam’s room sheepishly, thankful that no one else appeared to have risen.

Back in bed, Bam had stretched out, and was taking up most of the bed. Feeling too ill to care, Amelia pulled back the covers and clambered in. She just managed to squeeze in next to the sleeping man, hoping he wouldn’t wake up. Amelia herself struggled to get back to sleep.

The sickness had subsided, but now she felt horribly embarrassed about the events of last night. It had been so unprofessional of her to get involved with the guys, and now they would have lost all respect for her. As she wondered if there was any way of her getting out of this situation, she felt Bam move next to her.

“Ughhhhhhhhh!” he moaned. It seemed he too was feeling the worse for wear after last night’s antics. Amelia remained silent, not sure of what would happen next.

Bam rolled over so that he was lying face to face with Amelia. His eyes were now open, and if he was surprised to find her in his bed, he didn’t let it show.

“Good morning piss head.” He grinned, groggily.

“Morning Bam.” She replied shyly, not daring to move.

They lay next to each other, not saying anything for several minutes. Amelia stared into his eyes, trying to decipher what he was thinking. His bright blue eyes now fully open, were soft and sparkled as his lips formed a sexy smile. Amelia felt the corners of her own lips twitch upwards. God, he was beautiful.

Something deep inside of Amelia gave her the overpowering urge to kiss him, but she resisted. She knew it was stupid, she was probably still drunk. Instead she rubbed her eyes and tried to sit up. Bam followed suit and jumped out of bed with surprising agility for someone with a hangover. Amelia watched as he left the room, and felt a strange emptiness.

Bam returned a little later with one of Amelia’s suitcases. She was now sitting up in bed, nursing a headache and nausea. He laughed at the expression of distress on her face.

“You brought in on yourself you know.” He teased.

“Yeah yeah.” Amelia stuck out her tongue, surprisingly upbeat by his return.

“I thought you might like some supplies.” He said, setting the case down by the bed.

“Oh thanks Bam, you’re a lifesaver!” she exclaimed. She was desperate for a shower and a change of clothes, conscious that she smelt of stale booze, sweat and vomit.

“Help yourself to the shower; no one else is up yet. Ape’s making breakfast, so you’ve got half an hour.”

Before she could ask who ‘Ape’ was, Bam was gone. With a new lease of energy, Amelia opened her suitcase to retrieve her essentials, and made her way back to the bathroom. Half an hour later she was showered and feeling fresh. She had pulled on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a long white t-shirt. She had found a hairdryer and had given her long hair a quick blast so that it looked shiny and voluminous. After a quick lashing of mascara and eyeliner, and a stroke of pale pink lip gloss, she was ready for the day ahead.

She slipped on a pair of flat beige shoes, and headed down stairs. She was shocked to see that the house looked pristine. There was not a single sign that there had been a party last night, and the smell of bacon filled the air. Amelia followed her nose to the kitchen, where Bam, Raab, Dico, Rake, Novak and Dunn were sat around a large table, joined by a large middle aged man. Next to the cooker stood a blonde haired woman, wearing an apron and serving fried eggs on to plates.

“Hiya sweetie, you must be Amelia.” Smiled the woman approaching her.

“Amelia, this is my mom April.” Bam introduced the two women. “And this is my dad Phil.”

Amelia smiled at Phil, and found herself pulled into a motherly hug by April.

“I thought you might be feeling a little home sick, so I prepared a good English breakfast for you.” April said gently.

Amelia’s stomach rumbled in appreciation. She took a seat at the table between Raab and Dico and April set down a huge plate of bacon, sausages, fried eggs, baked beans, and a slice of toast. She was ravenous, and to the surprise of everyone in the room, managed to polish off the entire plate.

“Man I love a girl who can eat!” laughed Dunn, as Amelia finished off her last sausage.

She smiled, she had never been a diet fanatic, and enjoyed being able to eat what she wanted, whilst maintaining an active healthy lifestyle. Bam paid little attention to Amelia over breakfast, instead he was jerking around with Dunn and Novak. April poured her a large mug of strong black coffee. Amelia could feel the hangover wash away as she took a sip of the bitter drink. No wonder the guys seemed energetic and bubbly, this coffee was good!

“Thank for cleaning up Ape.” Said Bam, giving his mom a hug and kiss.

“This is the last time Bam.” She sighed, batting him away with a dish cloth.

After breakfast was finished, Dico and Raab helped Amelia to move in to her new room. She was surprised to see that it was only a little smaller than Bam’s, and also had a big four poster bed.

“Jeez he must really like you; this is like the second best room in the castle!” Raab told her, before engaging in a tug of war with Dico, as they attempted to make her bed.

Amelia blushed a little, but she quickly decided to intervene before something got broken. She took the bedding away from the guys and made the bed in a matter of minutes, despite the interfering from Raab and Dico, who found it amusing to put pillowcases on their heads and slap each other round the face.

“Has anyone ever told you two that you are actually retarded?” she laughed fondly.

“Every day.” They beamed, proudly.

Once Amelia had made her room feel more homely, she went back downstairs to see what everyone was up to. Bam and Dunn had gone out, and Novak and Rake were playing computer games. Amelia felt at a bit of a loss, as Bam had left without a word to her. This morning he had seemed much more boisterous and over the top than the night before, and she couldn’t help but feel like he was putting on an act in front of his friends.

Once Raab and Dico were sufficiently occupied out in the garden, teasing Bam’s uncle Vito, Amelia decided to familiarise herself with the equipment she would be using for the foreseeable future. She turned on the relatively small camera, which she would use for handheld filming, and made her way around the house testing the different settings. Until now she hadn’t realised just how big the castle was, as she explored the different rooms and corridors.

After lunch the sky turned dark grey and the heavens opened. The rain brought Bam and Dunn back home, and the inhabitants of the house gathered into the living room, watching, to April’s horror, as Bam practised his skating indoors. He attempted to grind across the 24” LCD TV, which resulted in a huge crack appearing on the screen. The guys cheered and April stormed off into the kitchen.

Amelia had come to learn that Bam’s parents and uncle had moved in to Castle Bam to take part in the new show. In reality they had their own places not far away, but for added comedy Bam had persuaded them to join in. Dunn, Dico, Raab, Novak and Rake also lived in Castle Bam, but on a permanent basis.

Once Bam had successfully landed his trick, he let his board roll to the other side of the room, and slumped down on a big arm chair.

“I’m bored.” He complained, running a hand through his curly hair.

Amelia couldn’t imagine how someone could get bored living in such a big place, Bam had everything he could possibly need. There was a garage full of expensive cars and quad bikes, a pool table and indoor skate ramps, a swimming pool and a home cinema. From the look on the guys’ faces, she had a feeling something was going to happen, but she wasn’t quite sure what.