Just Go With It


When Amelia finally plucked up the courage to show her face downstairs, she was relieved to find that Bam and Dun had gone out, and the others seemed completely unaware of what had happened.

Someone had called in the decorators to fix Phil and April’s room, so once Phil had managed to wash all the paint off, they had gone out for the day. She took a seat between Dico and Raab on the sofa and watched them play video games for what seemed like hours.

Amelia must have dozed off, because all of a sudden she was woken by a door slamming somewhere in the castle. Raab and Dico were still playing games. Bam entered the room, followed by the skinny black haired girl Amelia had seen the other night. Amelia tried not to feel anything, but it was difficult. Especially when Bam pulled the girl onto his lap and they started kissing. If Amelia walked out, it would show that she was bothered, so instead she continued to watch Raab and Dico, not taking her eyes off the screen.

Whenever she glanced over, the couple appeared loved up. Quite the contrast of what Dunn had told her of their relationship the day before. She wondered if the girl knew that Bam had spent the night with her. Although nothing had happened, she couldn’t imagine his girlfriend would be too happy about it.

Several minutes later Dunn walked in, looked around the room, and then left. Amelia was puzzled, and waited a good fifteen minutes until her exit couldn’t be attributed to Bam and his girlfriend.

“I’m going for a walk.” She told Dico, before pulling herself off the sofa and heading to the door. She wasn’t sure if she had imagined it, but it felt like Bam’s eyes were watching her as she left.

Amelia grabbed her jacket from a coat hook, and made her way to the back door. She looked out over the distance of the castle grounds, and spotted a figure on the horizon. She picked up her pace and headed in the direction of the figure. As she got closer she recognised Dunn. He was throwing rocks into a stream on the boundary of the grounds. His hood was pulled up and his jeans were dirty from the muddy grass.

“Oh hey Amelia.” He smiled warmly as he saw her approach.

“What’s up Dunn?” She returned the smile warily, remembering the camera that morning.

“I just felt like a walk, it gets a bit claustrophobic in there.” He explained, but it seemed like he was making an excuse.

“I know what you mean.” She replied truthfully, picking up a rock and copying Ryan.

“So, how are you finding life in Castle Bam?” he asked, throwing a stone so hard it ricocheted off a tree and nearly him in the face.

“In a word?” she grinned. He nodded.

“Hectic.” She summarised.

“That it is.” He smiled, turning away from the stream and looking back at the castle.

“So what have you been up to today?” she asked him, wondering if he’d mention the kiss.

“I took Bam to a bar, and then we picked up Jenn.” He said, lighting up a cigarette.

Amelia tried not to show emotion when he mentioned Bam’s girlfriend, but it didn’t work. Dunn eyed her suspiciously.

“Do you like Bam?” he asked, looking her straight in the eye.

“I’ve only just met him.” She laughed. “But I like you all.” She was trying to deflect the real question.

“I saw the two of you this morning.” Dunn revealed casually. Amelia felt her heart skip a beat.

“Oh.” Was all she could say.

“Don’t worry, I’m not one to judge, and Bam’s an attractive guy.” Dunn chuckled. She blushed, and fiddled with her earring. “I’m not going to say anything.” He continued.

Amelia felt a little relief wash over her. “Thank you Dunn, it was...a mistake.”

Dunn nodded slowly, patting her on the shoulder. “To tell you the truth, that’s the reason I’m out here. Bam is such an asshole.”

Amelia cocked her head in confusion.

“I couldn’t just sit in there and watch Bam eating Jenn’s face. She’s a skank and he knows it. Kissing you was the best thing he ever did and the rate he’s going he’ll mess it all up.”

Amelia was even more confused. “What are you trying to say Dunn? I don’t want things to be weird between Bam and I, I just want us to get on.” She confessed. “Did he say anything to you this morning?”

Dunn appeared to be weighing up how to answer this, when he was suddenly interrupted.

“Hey shitbirds.” It was Bam.

“Hey dickhead.” Dunn greeted him, slapping him on the back.

“Vito’s round. He is so pissed about last night, it’s hilarious!”

“Aw man, it was classic!”

“I’ve got some more crazy shit planned for Vito in the show.”

Amelia remained silent, as Bam and Dunn fell about in hysterics, discussing what fate had in store for Vito.

Once their amusement had subsided to a mere chortle, Bam seemed to become aware that Amelia was still present. His eyes watched her intently.

“Oh boy this is awkward.” Teased Dunn. “I’m off.” And with that he was on his way back towards the castle, leaving Bam and Amelia looking at one another uncomfortably.

“About this morning.” Bam began, gazing at her through his piercing blue eyes.

“I’m so sorry Bam, it shouldn’t have happened. I don’t know what I was thinking.” She stammered, shaking ever so slightly.

“So you’re saying it was a mistake?”

“Yes, don’t you think so?”

Bam continued to look at her sadly, and shrugged his shoulders. The sadness didn’t suit him. She was so used to seeing him with a cheeky grin on his face.

“But you have a girlfriend!?” she exclaimed, tucking her hands into the pockets of her jeans.

He muttered something unintelligible under his breath, kicking the grass like a spoilt child.


“I really like you Amelia.”

“You don’t even know me!”

“I want to get to know you! Whenever I’m around you I feel different. I felt it from the moment I opened the door to you.”

Amelia didn’t know what to say. She stared at the ground, unable to comprehend the situation she was finding herself in. She wanted to tell him to stop being an ass, and to stop messing her around, but she struggled to find the words.

“Bam, regardless of whatever you have in mind; I’m your camerawoman for crying out loud. I have a job to do.”

By now she was becoming worked up. As she made to push her hair from her face, Bam grabbed her wrists. “Amelia...”

But she never found out what he was about to say as they were disturbed by the sound of a vehicle approaching.

“What’s going down?” asked a voice.

Bam let go of her wrists and Amelia let her arms drop to her side. It was Novak, in a golf buggy.

“Novak you dick, where did you get that?” Bam yelled, his voice returning to normal.

“Found it.” Novak grinned, jumping out of the buggy. “We need to get a couple so we can race them!”

“That’s a sick idea! Get on it!” Bam shouted, punching Novak in the stomach. “Come on, let’s get back to the castle. Amelia, jump on!”

Amelia shook her head sadly. “I’ll walk.”

And without a second glance, Bam and Novak sped off into the distance, in Novak’s stupid little golf buggy.

By the time Amelia had arrived back at the castle, everyone was gathering in the living room. Amelia was in no mood to be sociable, having spent the walk back to the castle cursing Bam for being such an idiot. She wanted to spend time with him, because when he was himself he was a nice guy, but as soon as his friends appeared he turned on the act and was a complete dick. She could see why his attitude would make good television, but she was sure it would drive her insane before they were halfway through the show, particularly if he was really going to try and screw with her head.

Amelia knew it was futile to try and creep upstairs unnoticed, so she poked her head round the door to say hi to the guys. It turned out they were ordering pizza, or rather attempting to order pizza. It seemed like a military style operation, as April tried to get everyone’s order. Vito wasn’t making things any easy by shouting in gibberish at the top of his voice.

Bam was right in the middle of the commotion, jumping around and punching people. Amelia sighed. She was in for another night in the castle of madness.