Just Go With It

A Game of Golf

Early the next morning Dunn and Raab burst into Amelia’s room. She was thankful for having woken up of her own accord half an hour earlier, and had pulled on a pair of sweats and hoody ready for whatever they planned to throw at her. They looked slightly perturbed that they had not been given the pleasure of waking her up themselves.

“Grab your camera, we’re waking up Dico!” ordered Dunn, looking surprisingly chirpy at such an early hour.

Amelia followed them cautiously into Dico’s room. Dico was sleeping soundly. Bam was holding a vacuum cleaner over Dico’s face, visibly trying not to cry with laughter. She might have known he would be involved in such a prank. Amelia turned on the night vision mode on her camera, as she filmed Dunn pouring drawing pins into each of Dico’s shoes. He returned them silently, and gave Bam the thumbs up.

When he was sure she was filming him, Bam switched on the vacuum, and began sucking Dico’s face. He woke up instantly, looking wild and manic.

“Dico get up!” Put your shoes on!” yelled Bam.

Dico did as he was told, still half asleep, and rammed his foot into a shoe. Right on cue he screamed out in pain, and then proceeded to groan, realising that they had got him good.


“A golf course?” Amelia repeated incredulously, looking from Bam to Glomb.

Bam nodded with a smirk. An hour after Dico’s rude awakening; Bam had called everyone outside, to announce his plan for the day. He had introduced Amelia to his friend Tim Glomb, a carpenter and skate park builder. Bam explained that with the help of Glomb, they were going to build a miniature golf course in the back garden. This was all in order for Bam to win a silly little bet with Vito. Amelia shook her head in disbelief.

Bam didn’t seem to want to make the effort to talk to her alone and finish their conversation from the day before, so she tried to push all the confusing thoughts to the back of her mind. Amelia, still dressed in sweats and a hoody, decided to hang back with Glomb as the others ran off ahead.

“So how long is this gonna take?” she asked him as they walked down the snake run driveway.

He proceeded to explain the plan, and showed her a draft of where each hole would go. The designs for each section of the course looked intricate and time consuming, but Glomb explained that he had brought along some friends for reinforcement. Amelia walked with Glomb into the backyard, and was amazed by the amount of materials that were loaded into his white truck.

“What Bam wants, Bam usually gets.” He laughed, looking at the expression on her face.

“And what happens when he doesn’t get it?” she asked, her mind wandering back to the previous day.

Glomb just chuckled, and started unloading sheets of plywood.

Once she had set the camera up on time lapse, Amelia absent-mindedly picked up the plans for one of the holes and started measuring out some wood with an abandoned tape measure. Glomb looked over at her questioningly.

“My dad’s a carpenter.” She grinned. “I used to help him out as a teenager.”

“That’s great!” he exclaimed, and started to show her what parts needed doing.

She was glad to be kept busy and away from Bam. As they worked, Glomb reminisced about the different projects he had worked on with Bam. She found it really interesting to listen to Glomb talk with such enthusiasm, and they worked their way through the holes in good time. Despite this, her mind kept returning to Bam and their kiss the day before. She just couldn’t shake it. No matter how much of an idiot he behaved like, she still felt an attraction towards him.

Later in the morning, Bam and Dunn stopped by to see how far Glomb had gotten, and were surprised to see Amelia getting stuck in. Dunn wolf whistled at the sight of Amelia getting her hands dirty. She turned around brandishing a formidable looking nail gun, and he backed off, jokingly.

Bam looked as if he wanted to say something to Amelia, but not in front of Dunn and Glomb. He waited until they were preoccupied discussing the plans, before beckoning for Amelia to join him a few metres away.

“How’s it going?” he grinned.

“Great thanks.” She replied, brushing her hair from her eyes.

“You look hot when you sweat.” He teased.

Amelia managed not to blush. She was too annoyed with him. “Did you want something?”

“I err...just wanted to check you were ok.”

“I’m fine thanks Bam.” She smiled briefly, and turned back to her work.

Bam stared at Amelia’s back for a minute, before grabbing Dunn and returning to the course.

In the early afternoon, when there were only a few holes left to complete, Raab ran over in hysterics. He had been mapping out the golf course with a bag of flour, but was fed up of Dunn and Bam teasing him from up in the cherry picker with a megaphone. He had thrown away the flour, and taken the keys out of the picker, leaving them stuck up there.

“You do realise that there’s a switch up there that they can press to let themselves down.” Glomb shook his head in disbelief. Amelia giggled.

“Shit, do you think they know that?” wondered Raab, looking back a little worried.

“Probably not,” Glomb conceded, “but if they ever get down you’re in the shit!”

Raab was only too aware of this, and hurried off to hide in case Bam and Dunn were on the warpath.

Amelia and Glomb were left in stitches. “Should we go and let them down?” Amelia asked Glomb.

“Nah, they deserve it.” Glomb chuckled.

It turned out that Bam and Ryan did not know about the switch in the cherry picker, and four and a half hours later, when everything was finished, Glomb finally went to break the news to them. Needless to say, revenge would be sweet for Bam and Dunn. Raab had better watch out, Amelia mused.

A while later, Amelia was helping Glomb and Dunn set up the course when she felt someone watching her. She turned around from her crouching position on the grass and her eyes fell upon Bam. He was grinning. In his hand was a hose pipe. She groaned, knowing exactly what was coming, especially as he was holding a camera in his free hand.

“Margera you asshole!” she cried, as the spray of the hose hit her in the head.

“Think yourself lucky.” He shouted, with a smirk. “I know you and Glomb were in on it! I’ve locked Raab in a portaloo. He’s not getting out till the tournament is over!”

Amelia knew that she should have seen it coming. Glomb had, and was now sprinting away from the hosepipe wielding Bam.

To everyone’s disbelief, and Bam’s fury, Vito won the golf tournament, hitting a hole in one on the last round. As part of the deal, Bam gave him a new car, and took everyone out to a restaurant for dinner. Raab was eventually released from the portaloo, knowing full well he had deserved every minute of his smelly sentence.

After spending most of the day taking part in the manual labour, Amelia rushed upstairs to shower and change before dinner. She pulled on a pair of black leggings and a long white shirt, and piled her long hair up in a clip. She slipped into some modest red heels, and with a bit of mascara and lipstick she was ready to go out.

Bam had pulled his “ghetto” limo out of the garage and had driven it round to the front of the house so that everyone could pile in. Amelia found herself wedged between Dico and Dunn who were attempting to hold a farting competition. The restaurant was only a ten minute drive away, but Raab was already complaining that he needed the toilet. It was like living with children, Amelia thought in despair. Bam led the motley crew of Amelia, Glomb, Dunn, Raab, Dico, Novak, Rake, April, Phil and Vito into the restaurant, and the staff visibly sighed, knowing the night would not run smoothly.

After a delicious meal and copious amounts of alcohol, they returned to the house, and Dunn decided that they should showcase their talents on the show Jackass for Amelia’s benefit.

After a few hours, only Bam, Dunn and Amelia were still awake. The DVD was still running when she left to go to the bathroom. Upon her return, the show had ended, but she could hear Bam and Dunn talking. She stopped in the doorway when her name was mentioned.

“Go find Jenn and have the talk. Just tell her you met somebody new.” Dunn was advising Bam.

“You make it sound so simple Dunn. I don’t even know how she feels.” Amelia stood as still as a statue, hoping they wouldn’t realise she was there.

“Exactly the same as you, it’s obvious. You must have known this was coming.”

Bam groaned, and Amelia could see him pulling at his hair in frustration. She really didn’t want to eavesdrop anymore, for fear of what else she might learn.

“Hi guys.” She smiled, heading back to her spot on the sofa.

They returned her greeting, and changed the subject to Jackass. Dico and Raab had gone to bed, and Amelia shivered a little from the draft coming through the window now that there was no body heat to share.

“Come and join us over here if you’re cold. There’s plenty of room.” Dunn motioned to the sofa that he and Bam were sharing.

It didn’t seem like there really was plenty of room, but not wanting to seem rude, Amelia obliged. She thought she saw Bam give Dunn a look, but in the dark it was hard to be sure. Dunn shuffled over, creating a space between the two of them. She squeezed in, and instantly felt a hot flush as her body came in to contact with Bam’s.

“Isn’t this cosy?” Dunn remarked with a smirk, as he flicked through the channels. Bam and Amelia both mumbled a response.

Dunn settled for a sci-fi film that had just started, and sat back into the sofa, squashing Bam and Amelia together even more. Amelia, wedged awkwardly in between the two men, glanced at Bam who seemed perfectly relaxed. His limbs were spread out and a can of beer rested in his hand. She was starting to feel really tired, but now that she had joined them on the sofa, she found herself compelled to stay. Bam and

Dunn appeared to be engrossed by the film, which was a low budget B-movie from the 1950s. Amelia, on the other hand, was unable to concentrate on anything other than the conversation she had just overheard. She had gathered that Bam was considering splitting up with his girlfriend, and Dunn had given him an excuse, or was it a real reason? She had no idea.

The film continued, and as millions of thoughts raced through her mind, she noticed that Dunn was snoring lightly, leaving her and Bam with each other’s company. She was glad of Dunn’s presence, conscious or not, to relieve some of the tension between them, not that Bam seemed tense in the slightest. Amelia could feel her leg starting to go numb, so she shifted position as softly as she could, trying not to disturb Bam who was transfixed on the TV. Unfortunately, she nudged him slightly, which seemed to bring him out of his trance. He looked over at the sleeping Dunn and smiled. Amelia could almost see the cogs turning in his head as he formulated some sort of prank to pull on Dunn. To her surprise, he did not seize this opportunity, and instead turned to Amelia.

She felt his eyes burn into her, but could not bring herself to look away. “Have you thought about our talk by the stream yesterday?” he asked, breaking the silence.

“There’s nothing to think about Bam.” She lied, pretending to watch the film, which was now rolling through the credits.

“You’re not just a camerawoman to me Amelia.” He said, “I’ve only known you for a few days but I can’t stop thinking about you.”

“This is too weird.” She groaned, putting her head in her hands. “I can’t deal with it.”

Bam rubbed his eyes from tiredness. “At least say you’ll be my friend, it’d mean a lot to me. I don’t want you to feel like you’re working for me, I want us to be on equal ground.”

“Ok.” She agreed, and he held out his hand to her, calling a truce between them. He pulled her into a brief hug, before Dunn woke up.