Musical Innocence


And who do you think you are?
Running round leaving scars,
collecting your jar of hearts,
tearing love apart?

I sang softly whilst my tears of blood trickled down my face. I hugged my knees to my chest, my latest punishment still throbbing violently, even though I heal faster than humans this kind of cut lasts longer. My cruel creator punishes me regularly, see I am not normal, nor am I a freak. I am a vampire, but not a normal one, I am a experiment that wasn't supposed to work. My creator is a vampire and he is looking for an easier way to create newborns, and he created me. And he still thinks I am a walking experiment after 2000 years of me being created, every time his tests on me fail he seems to think it's my fault.

I am not evil, I do not kill when necessary, for that matter I do not kill on purpose. I have donated blood, see the government know we exist so half the blood given goes to us, and I despise drinking it, so I inject it into my system. I still eat, but not regularly, I drink fluid, but only pure water, other drinks poison me. The only part that isn't completely human is the part that means I live until someone puts a silver stake in my heart and leaves it there for long enough.

The reason I am more special than the other vampires is the government are working to rescue me and kill my cruel abusive creator, as he breaks the vampire code. The pain inside me numbs slightly, I clean my thick crimson blood from my clothes and climb the ladder to the ancient house that I live in. I heard a crash, and a scream.

I walk to the source of the noise to find my creator in silver chains. Silver does not kill us, but burns like fire, this is the same as holy water. The people in control tell me they are not going to kill him but simply hide him away. They then tell me that I am going to a music camp. Wait what?

"But I am a vampire" My aged voice says
"Yes and we believe you can fit in, we will send you your, er dietary requirements and are going to give you your clothes and possessions you need to settle in with."

And then everything seemed to speed up even to a vampire! I was given new clothes and technology, that I had never seen before. I looked at my reflection, I had pale white skin, full red lips, sapphire blue eyes. My hair was black and tumbled in curls to my waist. I am thin and tall ish.

I stepped out of the black car and slipped my shades on, sun didn't bother me, but my eyes were sensitive to the light. I looked around, there were huts dotted around a big scape of land, then bigger huts in the distance, it was very pretty, and there was a forest to the left and in the far distance there is the sound of running water.

"You must be the newbie" A voice said from behind, I spun to see a black haired, tall boy with emerald green eyes.

"The names Luna. Luna Lyric" I said
"Well mines Luke. Luke Sky."