Your Only Love? My Ass!

Chapter Five

Okay, paper or plastic?
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I read the odd question. We were just talking about school. How did we move onto grocery bag types?
My teacher began to stride up the row and I tucked my phone into my hoodie pocket, making sure to look casually focused as I worked on the math problems in front of me. In reality, I could be done with the assignment in about ten minutes, but I was distracted by a Korean boy that enjoyed texting in his least favorite classes.
I felt my phone buzz right as the teacher walked by me and I tensed up a bit, hoping he didn’t hear. He turned left so that he could answer a raised hand. Sighing in relief, I slowly pulled out my phone.
I dunno, I was bored. And it was the first thing that came to my mind.
Paper or plastic?
Recyclable linen bags, duh.
But what about the poor underage children that are stuck in factories all day and night so that they can make the bags in order to pay off their family debt?
You know what? Game over. >.<
“Who are you talking to?” Al whispered, trying to sneak peaks at my phone. I felt my cheeks darken and her grin grew. “Oh, I get it…Spencer and Eric sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”
I slapped her thigh and kept my eyes on my paper when she cried out in surprise.
“Is everything alright, Miss Stone?” Mr. Greave questioned, eying her oddly. Or maybe he was just eying her for the sake of it, he’s kind of creepy.
“Just fine sir!” But the dirty look she gave me said otherwise. I winked and went back to my half done worksheet, ignoring the buzz in my pocket. Schoolwork was more important. That, and I didn’t want to hear Al’s incessant teasing.
Ever since Jong Hyun, or Eric to those have trouble pronouncing his name, and I became better friends and started talking more and hanging out on weekends, my friends have teased me nonstop, thinking that we liked each other.
Yes, he was unfairly adorable, and yes, we had a lot in common, but I didn’t want to date yet and neither did he. And even if we did, who says we’d date each other? What if I found a really nice guy here at my school and him a girl at his? We were friends and we were still getting to know each other, but that just wasn’t enough for everyone.
I finished my work and moved on to that night’s assignment, making a show of it so that the teacher would notice. He came over.
“Finished with your class work, Miss Crane?”
“Yes, sir,” I answered, giving my most innocent smile. He nodded, smiling in return, gave a look at Al, whom was still struggling with number four, and returned to his desk. I pulled out my phone.
I win, baby.
My cheeks heated up and I quickly typed in a reply, I don’t remember what, and slipped my phone back into my pocket. Thankfully, he didn’t reply. I knew he was just playing, but…geez.
Okay, maybe I liked him a little tiny bit. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to act on it. I haven’t been single for a good amount of time, since I was fourteen. Two years of my life tied to a jerk. It was time to party.
Which is exactly what I planned to do.
The bell rang and I shot out of my seat, nearly dragging Al with me, even though she has some height on me. Hooray for last period.
Al hitched her bag higher up on her shoulder as I rummaged through my locker. “So, you’re going to Holly’s party tonight, right?”
“Yup. My first party as a single girl, I can’t wait!” I did a little happy dance. “But no alcohol. None.” I had a strict no drinking policy.
Al rolled her eyes, but nodded, and linked arms with me as we walked down the hall. But then something got in our way. Well, more like someone got in our way.
Zoe Borne, to be exact, with her hands on her jutting, bony hips and a smirk on her overly painted lips.
“What do you want, Zoe?”
“Can’t I say hello? No? Okay, let’s get down to the chase. I. Won.”
“Won what? Adam?” I laughed. “If he’s the prize, I’ll forfeit. I really don’t want him anymore. You can have my leftovers, Zoe.”
Some people that were around laughed as her smirk turned into an aggravated frown. I didn’t bother with her anymore than that and walked away, Allison snickering behind me. Once we got outside of the door, she exploded into laughter, unnecessarily, but hey it’s Allison.
* * *
“Ahhh, what should I wear?” I whined into the phone, Al patiently listening to me on the other end.
“You're a sexy beast no matter what you wear, so I don't see why it matters,” she said in a “duh” tone that really made me want to hit her.
“It matters because this is like my coming out,” I explain in the same tone. “First time being truly single in two years. Now, shut up and tell me what to wear.”
“I can't do both, silly Spencer.”
She laughed heartily, causing me to pull my phone away from my face, and relented, “Fine, fine. Let's go with a skirt...”
And within ten minutes, Allison had managed to do what I'd been trying to do for the past hour. We continued talking as I got dressed and began on my hair and makeup. My phone beeped and looked down at it, seeing that I was getting a call from Jong Hyun.
“Uhh, I've got another call, Al, just hold on.”
“Alrighty.” She sounded distracted anyway.
I switched over to his call and before I could utter a word he asked, “Are you doing anything tonight? Because I'm a loser and have no plans and I'm bored.”
I smiled at his silliness and shake my head, feeling a little happy bubble form in my stomach. If either of us were willing to start dating right now, I'm pretty sure that we'd end up dating. However, as it is at the moment, neither of us are taking that step right now.
“Well, I have do plans, but...there is this party tonight. Wanna go?”