Status: a work in progress.

Failure is the Best Way to Learn

Meet Alberta Francis

Failure is the best way to learn.

That's what my therapist just told me, right before she told me to right a stupid journal entry.

My name is Alberta Francis, but I prefer to be called Ally. I'm 16 years old and I go to school at Ridge View Point.
I live with my mom and dad at the moment but soon they will be separated. I also live with my sister Claire and my brother Tyler. We're all straight A students.
Anything else would be a failure.
My best friends are Ally Francis, Riley Richmond, and Destiny Hope.
We met when we were four and we all share the same birthday.
I've been depressed for as long as I can remember.
I have ballet practice tonight.
I come here every Tuesday afternoon so I can avoid an hour of my mom and dad screaming.
No one else knows my parents are getting divorced.
Except you...and my best friends.
Oh and I want to have a day full of fun. Instead of homework and A.P. classes.

I tap my pen as I finish writing and ask, "What do you mean by 'failure is the best way to learn'?"

She just smiles and says, "You'll see. Times up. See you next week."

Yes. Yes you will.
♠ ♠ ♠
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