Status: a work in progress.

Failure is the Best Way to Learn

Ally: Poison to Commit

I open the door to Noah's house as soon as I get there.

I see that a million candles are lit all over the room.

"Amazing." I say looking around. As I walk towards the kitchen I grab a wine class sitting out next to the bottle he had opened up for us.

I feel his arms slide around my waist as he says, "Please, let me."

"What's all this for?"

"Happy one month. I hope you remembered...otherwise I feel like a fool."

"I didn't think you'd really care. Most guys don't."

"I care about you Ally. Plus I wanted tonight to be special."

He leads me over to the couch and sits down next to me.

"You ever done anything hardcore?"

"Um not really. I smoked some pot with Ellena once but that's about it."

"Would you like to smoke again? Not pot but something a little harder."

"Well...maybe...but only a little. And you have to do it with me."

"I will I promise. In fact I'll go first."

So I watch. I take it all in. Every last bit of the poison I'll soon commit too.
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bad bad ally!!