Status: a work in progress.

Failure is the Best Way to Learn

Blog: Secret Meetings

Type: Group Blog
From: @xoxoAriana
Topic: Secret Meetings

hello lovelies.

It seems my friends E, A, R, and D have been hiding a lot lately. I wonder if they heard about my blog...


Friday night A headed over to her lovers house to celebrate 1 MONTH!! I can inform you (from a close personal friend of dr. loves) that they indulged in red wine, shrimp, chocolate, a little ice, and each other. How romantic.

R hasn't seemed to concerned about her best friends. She's more concerned about her daddy and his little hooker friends. Or maybe she's more concerned that she'll become one. Poor girl.

E had a dinner date with D at Panera Saturday night in place of the usual Saturday Night Dinner. They gossiped about how they are sooooo worried about A and her fling with dr. love. (I really do prefer that name don't you?) Well don't worry so much E, from what I hear A is sooooo cool and chill she's like ice. ;)

Sunday night festivities concluded with dinner at their favorite Mex place and a shock when Miss. A said she didn't care about her homework or that big calculus test the next morning.

Are we losing A already? After just one hit?

Jeez I hope not.

More to come!!

♠ ♠ ♠
comment && subscribe?? :)

have the girls seen the blog yet? hmmmm...we'll find out...