Status: a work in progress.

Failure is the Best Way to Learn

Ally: Story of My Life

As I sit in Mr. Dawson's room finishing some extra credit I glance up.

Those muscles. Those hazel eyes. Asdfghjkl.

I watch as he grades our test from two days ago. I had missed one question. Number 32.
I realized it right as I had put the test back down. That's why I was in his room finishing the worksheet.

"All done."
"Ahh thank you Ally. You know you got a 100 with the extra credit question at the end anyway."
"I know but I hate missing a problem."

He glances at my worksheet as I hand it to him.

"What is it?'

"You're still having a bit trouble with new equation aren't you?"

I pause to gather myself. No one corrects me.

"I'm getting through it."
"Ally dear, all I'm saying is if you want to ace the next test without extra credit come in Monday after school and we'll work on it."

"Oh. Yes. That would be fine."


As I turn to go he says one more thing.

"You know you're a very beautiful young lady Ally. If you let loose a little tonight I'm sure you'll feel a little better by Monday." he says with a wink.

"Thank you Mr. Dawson."

All I can think is story of my life.
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