Sequel: Love Me, Hate Me
Status: Completed

Punch Me, Kiss Me

Chapter Four - Notes

Frank and I didn't do anything for the rest of class, and I don't think Bella could if she wanted to.

What's up?


oh right. well what are you doing after school?

nothin' why?

well I was kinda wandering if you wanted to hang with me and my sister?

your sister?

yeah, Bella's my sister

om okay


So that was that.

I was to hang out with Frank and Bella after school. The note went on a bit more.

We exchanged last names, his -and Bella's- is Iero, grades -we're all in tenth-, siblings -he has two other sisters and one brother all younger, him and Bella are twins- and, favorite bands -we both love the Misfits.

All too soon class was over and Frank and Bella didn't have next class with me.