Status: Still in the process of being written...

It's in His Kiss

"In a straight way, I mean!"

Ceallach's POV

I was speechless.

And for me, this was a big thing. I am Ceallach Spellman after all. I just don't get speechless.

That kiss, that one stage-kiss with Tyger sent my head spinning. I just couldn't describe it. There was no passion, and no obvious feelings, and after all, it was just scripted, but something about it got me all confused. When my lips touched his, something indescribable happened. It was like my world got turned upside-down, my mind completely messing up.

Now, as we leant against the back wall of the studio watching everyone else's performances, my eyes kept drifting towards him. I studied him out of the corner of my eye, studied the way his light blue eyes focused solely on the performances- never daring to glance sideways back at me. I studied the way his shirt fitted him
just right, highlighting the small amount of muscle he had, and the way he would brush his dark hair out of his eyes every few minutes.  How could I have not noticed him around before?! Surely I'd have spotted a beauty like him in the halls!
Since that kiss, I couldn't look at him without my stomach filling with butterflies. It seemed that every time his arm subconsciously brushed against mine my heart would start beating double time. What has that kiss done to me?! I was never normally this.... confused about another person, or more specifically, my feelings towards another person. 

Everyone did their performances, and we got praised by Miss Lorys over what we'd done well, and then the bell rung so she let us out. I kept quiet, noticing that Tyger was still walking beside me, until I got to my next class- History- and found out that he was in this class as well. He walked past me to get to a seat near the front, where I guess he usually sat, leaving me, still confused, to walk to where my friends Richard and Aidan sat at the back of the classroom.

"Hi guys." I greeted them, dumping my bag onto the floor and sitting down on the seat they saved between them.

"Hey, enjoyed PA?" Richard asked as I got my books out of my bag. I nodded, my eyes finding Tyger and staying glued to his back as I subconsciously tapped my pen against the table. I watched as he turned his head to look around the room, and noticed how his pen was resting against his lips. That caused a flashback to earlier, when his lips touched mine, so soft and inviting that it took all my willpower to pull away and not just make out with him right there and then.

I was brought back down to Earth by Aidan jabbing me in the ribs. I jumped, spinning around to glare at him. He smirked.

"You were staring at that loner kid." He chuckled. I scowled.

"Was not!" I lied, shaking my head. I turned back the other way to see Richard raise his eyebrow at me in a 'yeah right' kinda expression. I sighed, dropping my pen down onto the desk.

"Okay, so maybe I was. His name is Tyger, and he just transferred to my PA class. I had to act out a passage with him, and, well, the passage involved a kiss." I explained, dropping my head down into my hands.

"A kiss?! You kissed him?!" Aidan exclaimed, and I scowled at him.

"Yes, and shh!" I punched him lightly in the arm to get my message across. "It was part of the passage though, so it didn't mean anything."

"So does he, y'know, bat for your team?" Aidan winked, and I shrugged. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you: Richard and Aidan are straight, but they're completely fine with me being gay. In fact, now that I'm thinking about it,  most of the school was fine with me being gay. Hmm... how did that happen...?

Anyway, back to the subject on hand.

"I'm not sure. After the kiss, he seemed sort of... dazed, so I'm guessing he's probably straight." I observed, and I had to refrain from frowning. 

"Hey hey hey, did I detect sadness in your voice then, Ceallach?" Aidan raised his eyebrows, the smirk still on his face. Damn him being so good at reading people!

"Yeah, so do you like him?" Richard questioned excitedly, wanting to know the gossip. Seriously, it's a wonder Richard isn't gay with the amount he gossips
about everyone. He was the Diva of the three of us, and according to my gaydar, the most likely to change their sexuality within the next few years.
I thought about it for a moment; the funny feeling, the butterflies, the way I couldn't stop looking, and the kiss...... Yes, I think it's safe to say that I do like him. I blushed and looked down.

"Yeah... I mean, just look at him. He's beautiful." I bit my lip, my eyes returning to Tyger's back.

"He is rather fit..." Richard mused, and when Aidan and I turned to him with raised eyebrows he hurriedly added, "In a straight way, I mean!"

I laughed, and at that moment the teacher walked into the room. I sighed- I really didn't like History. I just took it because I was good at it and guaranteed to get an A. I sighed and turned my head to face Aidan.

"History; the study of stuff that's not happening any more." I rolled my eyes, causing him to laugh just as the teacher started calling the register.

After the lesson, I was about to exit the room when I saw Tyger walking down the hall in front of me. Panic shot through me momentarily- I couldn't lose him! Yeah, I know, we would have more lessons together. But they'll just be like History; me talking with Aidan and Rich, and Tyger going back to his lonely self. I needed to get to know him better if I was to stand a chance with him. I needed to get into the 'friend zone' before I could determine his sexuality for sure.

A plan sprung into my head, and with an accomplished grin I speed-walked after him.

Tyger's POV

All through History I felt Cel's eyes burning a hole in my back. I knew he sat there, at the back of the class next to his friends. Everyone knew, because everyone knew Ceallach Spellman and his ways.
At various times in the lesson I turned around to catch Cel staring at me, and it was making me increasingly uncomfortable. I mean, he'd confused me enough in the last hour as it is, this isn't making it any better. Why was he staring at me?! Was it something to do with the....kiss? Did I do it wrong or something?

My mind was replaying the kiss over and over again, remembering how it felt to have his lips on mine. The feelings running though my body were scaring me; the butterflies, the way the memory of the kiss still lingered on my lips. This isn't the way a straight guy's supposed to feel after he just kissed another dude, he's supposed to feel....disgusted, or even just indifferent! Not the way I was feeling, nothing like the way I was feeling. I..... I don't even know what I was feeling, but however much I tried to deny it, it felt.... good.

I spent the entirety of that lesson in a daze, my brain desperately trying to make sense of what I was feeling. I decided eventually to just push it to the back of my mind; I had more important things to worry about right now. Y'know, like grades, and lessons, and that bloody kiss.

No! That is not pushing it to the back of my mind! Ugh.

I gave up arguing with myself just as the bell rang for lunch, so I got up and packed my stuff away, leaving the room before my thoughts had time to catch up with me again. I had just about made it half way down the hall when an increasingly familiar voice called my name from behind. My heart leapt into my throat, and I spun around to face the boy who had been occupying my thoughts all morning.

"Hey." He greeted, grinning widely. I smiled back.

"Hi." I replied, not really understanding why he was talking to me. I mean, I was the loner, an he was the perfect boy.

"So did you enjoy PA? We didn't really get to speak at the end." He asked, leaning against the wall next to me. I nodded, readjusting my bag on my back.

"Yeah, it was... exactly as I was expecting it to be." I laughed, not really knowing how else to describe it without going 'Fine, but y'know that kiss? Totally making me rethink my sexuality'

"Good, I'm glad. Um, I was kinda thinking- maybe you could come round to mine after school? Go over a few acting techniques or something? I mean, you show great potential."

My mind froze. Oh no no, this definitely wasn't pushing it to the back of my mind!
But then I thought of something; it was just a stage-kiss after all. Straight actors have to do them all the time, whether the other person is a guy or not. So why should it matter to me? It doesn't matter. Of course it doesn't matter.

"Oh, yeah, sure." I grinned, this could be good for me. Y'know, the loner going over the most popular kid's house. It might up my school status a bit.

"Great. Meet me at the gates after school, my house is within a short walk from here." He explained, still grinning. I nodded again.

"Okay, cool." I agreed, excitement already starting to bubble up inside me. Why, though? There was no reason to be excited, it was just two dudes chillin' together in one of their houses. Nothing, you know, gay.

It was just when Ceallach walked off, that I noticed I had been holding my breath. I sighed it out, shaking my head in an attempt to clear it. Stupid feelings! Why do you keep coming back, when I don't want you?!
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry: I just cant write in the nights any more cause my mum thought it would be a good idea to confiscate my iPod every night. And writing in daytime stressed me out cause I get distracted easily and if I dont finish a chapter in 2 days I get even more stressed D:
So all is not well D:
All is made better by the fact that IM MEETING MCFLY IN 3 DAYS!

Bye xx