Status: Still in the process of being written...

It's in His Kiss

"Yeah, that's most people's general reaction."

Tyger's POV

As the end-of-day bell interrupted me from the semi-sleep I had been having during Spanish, nerves immediately bubbled up inside me. Why was I so nervous? I had no reason to be, Cel was just a guy after all. I just wasn't attracted to guys, since I was definitely straight. Straight as a board. Straight as.... a very straight thing.

Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that.

Biting my lip, I packed my books away before slinging my bag onto my shoulder. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves before stepping out of the classroom door and into the hallway.

Okay now; just act yourself, keep calm, and don't let these weird feelings get in the way of anything, you got it? I told myself, forcing myself to be confident.

Walking out of the school building, I looked towards the gates and sure enough- Cel was standing there leaning calmly against the wall, glancing around himself. His eyes found mine across the busy yard, and my stomach barely had time to fill with butterflies before he jumped up and beckoned me over, grinning.

"Y'ready?" He asked, causing me to nod as we started to walk out of the school and down the road.

It was a lovely day, and the sun beat down hot from the sky. I smiled, closing my eyes for a brief second and tilting my face upwards to catch the maximum amount of rays.

"I love the sun." I muttered, more to myself than the brunette boy walking next to me.

"Yeah..." Cel replied, almost breathlessly. I opened my eyes and looked to my left to see him staring right at me; a far-away look on his face. I raised an eyebrow; I didn't mind him staring at me, in fact I kind of liked it, but I wanted to know the reason why. Maybe he had just spaced out or something?

"Uh, hello?" I grinned, watching as he snapped back to reality. I smirked as I saw a light blush grace his cheeks.

"Oh, sorry. I, um, yeah.." He tripped over himself, subconsiously brushing his fringe out of his eyes. I smirked, he was just so cute when he did that!
Wait, did I really just think that? That another guy is... cute? What is wrong with me?!

"It's fine." I smiled warmly at him, despite the war raging inside my head.

We fell into a comfortable silence; both of us just enjoying the sunshine and the nice weather. I looked about myself as we walked, noticing how everything just looked so much better in the sunshine, and just as I turned my head to the opposite direction to Cel, I jumped as I felt his hand brush against mine. I could feel my face getting redder and redder, but I chose to ignore it. It was probably just an accident, right?

"This is my house." Ceallach nudged my arm to get me to stop walking just as we reached a large, whitewashed house on the corner of a street I didn't recognise.

"Woah..." I was taken aback by the sheer size of the house. It was huge! Like, some sort of mansion! Cel chuckled.

"Yeah, that's most people's general reaction." He started walking up the four steps to the front door. I followed silently, still taking in the impressive house.

He glanced through the glass window on the door and grinned, getting his key out of his pocket.

"Good, there's no-one home." He smirked, opening the door and stepping back to let me in before himself. The inside of the house was a complete contrast to the outside. Outside, it was grand and impressive, whilst the inside was more homely and comforting. The hallway floor was covered in a dark blue carpet, a plain white paper covering the walls. There was no fancy sculptures or paintings, just a small wooden table in the hall with a phone and phonebook on top.

"Come on." He smiled, taking his shoes off. I copied him and followed as he led me up the stairs and onto a large landing.

"You have a lovely house." I mused, looking down the row of doors until my eyes landed on one which was almost definitely Cel's. Well, I only knew that because it had a giant sign with his name on it hung on the door. He led me through it, and into what seemed like a bomb site.

Clothes and random things were strewn about the floor, making it virtually unseeable. The bed was unmade, and the wardrobe and chest-of-drawers had been just flung open and left. Mugs and plates littered the desk, and school books and papers were stacked together in messy piles.

"Excuse the mess. I haven't cleaned in here since..... I don't even know when." He laughed, brushing some stuff off his bed to make room for both of us to sit down.

"It's fine, mine's not much better." I grinned, sitting next to him. We were silent for a bit, before Cel leant down and picked a controller up off the floor,

"FIFA?" He asked, and I grinned, I was awesome at FIFA. I glanced around and found another controller buried in a pile of clothes so I turned it on and waited for him to load the game. It got to the screen where we picked teams, and he automatically picked Manchester City. I shook my head at him and picked Manchester United- my favourite team.

"You have rubbish taste in football teams, my friend." He mused, smirking at me. I smirked back.

"And you say that to me, after you just picked Man City." I stated, laughing. He rolled his eyes, but pressed start anyway and the game kicked off.

When gameplay stopped at half time, I was beating him 3-1.

"No fair! How can you be so good at this?!" Cel complained, throwing his controller down beside him. I smirked, pressing play again and waiting for the game to continue.

"Cause I'm amazing." I laughed as it loaded and we started playing.

I had just scored yet another goal, when I felt my controller being pulled out of my hands. I protested and went to grab it back off him, but he held it out of my reach, smirking. I jumped up and reached over Cel for it, but his arms were longer than mine and I still couldn't reach.

"Oh come on! That's unfair!" I complained, as he chuckled and threw it onto the bed behind him. I was about to go and get it, when I realised that I was in fact sitting on Cel's lap, our faces inches from each-other. I gasped silently, my eyes glued to his own. Cel's hands slowly drifted to my waist and held me there gently, his thumbs gently stroking the material of my shirt. My eyes travelled down to his lips, and for the first time I noticed just how soft and inviting they looked. It felt like I was in a trance, my eyes reconnecting to his and almost causing me to melt as I saw the soft look in his gorgeous dark eyes. Before I knew what was happening, my face had subconsciously started leaning down to his. I noticed his eyelids fluttering shut and I followed suit, only a few centimetres between our waiting lips. As I was about to move in and close the gap, I was suddenly jolted back to reality by the sound of keys turning in a front door. I jumped backwards off Cel's lap and stood there unsteadily on the floor, dazed, while I took in what had almost happened. I.... had almost kissed him. I, a straight guy, had almost kissed him, a gay guy.

Ceallach seemed to recover faster than me, and he let out a small nervous laugh.

"Damn, my Mum's home." He smiled, standing up. I pushed the... incident to the back of my mind for the moment as I heard a female voice call from downstairs.

"Ceallach! I'm home!"

Cel grinned and stood up, walking over to his door.

"Mind if I introduce you to her?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head, my mind still not functioning properly for me to talk. He nodded and motioned for me to follow him as he left the room.
I followed him down the stairs and into the kitchen, where his Mum was bustling about taking things out of bags and putting them into the cupboards.

"Oh hey, Mom. I invited a friend over, is that okay?" Cel asked, walking in and heaving himself up onto the counter.

"Ou of course not, sweety! You know I don't mind you having friends over!" She smiled at her son, before she turned around and her eyes landed on me.
"Ooh, I don't believe I've seen this one before. What's your name, dear?" She asked, smiling warmly at me. I smiled back.

"Tyger, Mrs Spellman. Tyger Drew-Honey." I introduced myself, trying my best to be polite; something that I never normally was. She giggled, turning back around to look at Cel.

"This ones cute, where'd you find him?" She smiled. I saw Cel blush visibly as he gave his mother a warning glance.

"Tyger goes to my school, Mum." He explained, watching his mother carefully as she turned back to me.

"Ooh, does he? Now, sexual orientation?" She asked as if it was just a casual question, stunning me for a second. I almost choked on my own saliva, but regained composure as Cel scowled at his mother.

"Mum!" He protested, jumping off the counter and walking over to me. She giggled, slapping her son lightly on the arm,

"Oh come on now dear. He doesn't mind, do you Tyger?" She asked, turning back to me.

"Not at all, Mrs Spellman." I gulped, watching as she grinned,

"Oh please, call me Kay. Anyway, back on topic, so what is your sexual orientation?" She giggled, asking the same question again. I was about to come out with the usual, programmed answer of "Straight!", but something made me stop. I was feeling too many weird, relationship-y things about Cel to make me as straight as I thought I was. But then again Cel was the only one I've felt them about, so...

"I'm not too sure, Mrs Sp- uh- Kay. My mind is a bit confused right now." I explained, biting my lip. She grinned and patted Cel on the shoulder.

"Probably all my son's doing, right?" She smirked at the scowl on Cels face as he protested again.

"Mum! Come on!" He shook his head at her, causing her to laugh.

"I'm only teasing, dear. Okay, you boys have fun. Call down if you need anything." She dismissed us as Cel lead me back out of the room.

"Sorry about that, she gets a little... enthusiastic." He apologised, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. I smiled.

"It's fine, honestly." I replied, placing my hand reassuringly on his arm. He smiled back at me as we continued the walk back to his room.

It was more than fine, actually, it was uncanny.

She was spot on.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eeek this took so long!
I had to rewrite half of it because I got carried away and sort of went in the wrong direction, but it's all better now :D
Im starting to really love this story xD although I have no idea what should happen in the nex chapter. Ideas please?
So yeah, I met McFly! It was amazing! <3
So that's it really, hope you like the chapter.

Oh and mystery readers (including you, Charlie!) please please please subscribe or a least comment! Con crit is fine, anything goes! :D <3