Status: Still in the process of being written...

It's in His Kiss

"Na, you keep it"

Ceallach's POV

Thankfully, Tyger decided to stay for dinner, and even more thankfully; my mother decided to say no more embarrassing stuff to him. Although, I couldn't stop thinking about what he had said earlier. He didn't know his sexuality?! That- that was like not knowing his name or something! And what did he mean by "my mind is a bit confused at the moment,"? He seemed perfectly straight this morning, and there's no way my gaydar was broken...

All of a sudden it dawned on me. Oh my god, I was turning Tyger gay. Oh. My. God.

That's how it starts; you think you're straight, something happens and it gets you confused, and before you know it- BAM! Your gay, and there's nothing you can do about it. I need to get to the next step, I need him to realise that he actually is gay. But how could I do that.....?

A kiss! I needed to kiss him, properly this time. I needed to work my powers as a great kisser and make him realise just how gay he really is. I had to do it soon as well, before he had any more time to think about it.

A plan created in my head, and as soon as Tyger said that his parents would be expecting him back, I was quick to jump up and say, "I'll walk you home, if you like!"

Tyger nodded, so I ran back upstairs to get my jacket before leading him out of the door.

We fell into step with each-other, a comfortable silence forming as we both just took in the night atmosphere. It was fairly dark already, and when I looked over at Tyger I could only just about make out his handsome features. He really was beautiful, and I couldn't believe I'd never noticed him before. Being with him just made me so... happy, so carefree. I was dying to be able to hold him in my arms, to kiss him whenever I wanted. I needed him to be mine, always, forever.

"I had a good time this afternoon." He broke the silence, smiling at me. I smiled back, placing my hand fleetingly on his arm.

"I'm glad. I did too." I replied, pulling my jacket further around me as the wind picked up. Suddenly, I saw jacket-less Tyger shiver violently, and I quickly shrugged off my jacket. I held it out to him, and he looked up at me with a "You sure?" expression. I nodded, so he gently took it off me and put it on himself. Instantly I saw him relax as he warmed up, but as soon as the next blast of wind hit us I noticed just how cold it was. I shivered, crossing my arms over my chest in hope to regain some sort of warmth. I didn't really mind, though. As long as Tyger was warm, I didn't care about myself.

We reached a house with a painted blue front door, and Tyger led me up the path and onto the doorstep. Before he rang the doorbell, he turned around to face me and smiled.

"Thank you for inviting me over your house." He said politely. I grinned.

"Not a problem. Well, I guess I should be going now." I replied, motioning behind me to the path but making no move to leave.

"Yeah..." Tyger muttered, stepping back off the doorstep so that he was at my level. I stared right into his eyes, watching the moonlight reflect of his gorgeous blue orbs. He seemed tranced for the second time today, his eyes staring right back at mine. I smiled softly, quickly glancing down at his lips before meeting his eyes once more to indicate that I wanted to kiss him. To my surprise, he made no effort to get away, so I stepped closer to him so that out bodies were almost touching. He started leaning in, and I mirrored him, fluttering my eyes shut as our faces came within millimetres of each-other. In one swift movement, I closed the gap between our lips and wrapped my arms around his waist.

The feeling of his lips on mine was amazing, and I swear my heart skipped many beats as he slung his arms around my shoulders. Our lips moved in sync, gently and sweetly at first, but getting slowly more passionate as I applied more pressure. I parted my lips slightly as we kissed, taking his bottom lip between my own and gently licking it. I heard a small moan escape him as his own lips began to part, his tongue lightly touching my upper lip as I slowly brought my hands up around his back and up to his neck. Our tongues touched playfully, and I sighed in pleasure as I tasted him for the first time. His tongue entered my mouth, dancing with my own before I pulled back slightly to run my tongue over his lip again. He moaned for the second time, and I smiled into the kiss. He likes that, huh? I'll have to remember that...
We returned to kissing without tongue, still fairly passionate, but with intensity decreasing as we slowly and gently pulled apart. I pressed a few gentle kisses to his lips before pulling away fully, and I smiled at him.

"Goodnight." I grinned, going to turn around before I heard him call my name.

"What?" I asked, and he smiled before pointing to my jacket that he was still wearing.

"Want it back?" He asked, biting his lip. I shook my head, brushing my hair out of my eyes.

"Na, you keep it." I smiled at him, before turning around and walking back down his garden path.

So, I kissed him. I didn't expect it to go all the way to French kissing, but I was more than glad it did. My lips tingled with the memory of his lips on them. His scent and taste still overpowering my senses. My God, he was a freakin' amazing kisser. I mean, I thought I was good, but... wow.

I couldn't handle it any more. I needed Tyger, needed him to be mine. I wanted to kiss him like that every single day.

Then it dawned on me, making me smile slightly.

I was utterly and completely, head-over-heels in love with Tyger Drew-Honey, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Tyger's POV

Dazed, I opened my door and shut it behind me. I collapsed back against it, my head banging against the wood. No way had that just happened. No way that I had just kissed another boy... and liked it. I liked it far too much, I... loved it, even. But then again, Cel wasn't just any boy. He was special, he was exciting, he was Cel.

I slid down the door until I landed on the floor, hanging my head forward into my hands. Oh dear god, what mess have I got myself into now? I needed to think about this; think about my sexuality properly.

So I loved the kiss, that was for certain. The way his gorgeous lips moved against mine sent chills down my spine, and the way his tongue gently and playfully danced with my own made my knees go weak. He was beautiful, too. With his perfect dark hair, and eyes that were like melted pools of chocolate. Ceallach's touch sent a thrill right through me, making my heart skip a beat every time his hand came into contact with my skin. He was just so genuine and kind, so different from all the other popular kids.

I just couldn't deny it any more, there was no use hiding if it was just going to keep getting stronger. I sighed as I finalised my decision, knowing that my life would only get harder from now on.

I, Tyger Drew-Honey, was most definitely gay. And the guy I was in love with? Why, it was only Ceallach Spellman, of course.

What the hell would school be like the next day?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh I loved writing this chapter so much! XD I love the little kissing scene up there :')
Apologies for the terrible chapter title- there was hardly any speaking in this chapter D:
Anyway, Cel and Tyger are just soooo cute! <3 love them.
I'm sort of having Friday Download withdrawal D: I need to see these two boys again! Dx
Anyone else who comments will get a mention too ;)