Status: Still in the process of being written...

It's in His Kiss

"Richie here's found himself a mannnnn"

Ceallach's POV

At school the next morning I was in such high spirits not even algebra could bring me down. I was sat with Rich and Aidan at the back, as per usual, and we were gossiping like old ladies behind protective walls formed from folders and pencil cases.

"So a little bird told me that you took Tyger home last night!" Richard looked more excited than I'd ever seen him before, bless him. I allowed myself a second of bliss at the mention of his name before I rolled my eyes and set about making sure he had his facts correct.

"Now hold on a minute; it wasn't like that!" I protested, but was met only with accusing glances from both parties. I protested further.

"Seriously! I can't say nothing happened, but it didn't go THAT far!" I'd been dying to tell someone about what had occurred, so I played on their natural human inquisition. 

As if by reflex, they simultaneously leant in closer to where I was sat, eyes wide and startled.

"What did you do?" Aidan asked slowly, lips set in that goddamn cocky smirk. Richard had an eyebrow raised, and a thought crossed my mind that by wearing that look, he almost seemed smart. I chuckled internally; Richard? Smart? Call me when pigs start growing wings. I feigned nonchalance.

"Hmm, well... Nothing really. I just sort of... walked him home and made out with him on his doorstep!" I squealed out in one single rush of air.

Richie gasped, and Aidan's eyebrows shot skywards.

"No way, girl! Tell me more!" Richard exclaimed. I grinned, and was about to comply when I realised that something about that statement was vaguely off.

"Wait a second, since when've you been talking like some sort of diva queen?" I turned to look at him, and saw a light blush begin to creep up his neck as he looked bashfully down at his desk.

"Since he found himself a POI of course! Lil' Richie here's really not as 'one-team' as he makes out!" Aidan chuckled, reaching over me to playfully ruffle the tall boy's hair. I sat back, still no clearer on Richard's attitude change. Damn Aidan and his wannabe-gangster slang!

"Uh, sorry; POI? 'one-team'?" I asked, hoping he would clarify. He shook his head at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world, and I was just some uneducated fool for not understanding.

"POI- Person Of Interest. And not straight, y'know? Richie here's found himself a mannnnn!" Aidan finished in a sing-song voice. Now, if anything was going to make me forget about Tyger this morning, it would be that.

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed, before shrinking back into my seat as the teacher shot me a warning glare. Richard Wisker was GAY? and he had a crush?! Not that I hadn't predicted this would happen, but still; it's a bloody surprise that it happened so quickly!

"Who, where, how, why, when?!" I exclaimed, grinning ecstatically. Richard still refused to look up from his desk, but smiled slightly.

"Christopher Gilbertson, year below us." He began quietly, seeming unable to keep the smile from his face.

"Y'know that music nerd? The one with the dark brown hair, constantly carries a bass guitar case around with him?" Aidan prompted to give me a better idea of who this guy was. I let out an 'ah' as I remembered. Slight hint of facial hair, cute, small features, average height, slight bit of muscle... Not bad! Richard could do a lot worse.

"Where; party last night. Turns out it was at his house- his brother, in our year, threw it." Richard carried on, muttering more to himself than to me.

"Apparently they locked gazes from across the living room, and 'oh, Aidan! You should have felt the connection!'" Aid mocked, earning himself a slap from the blushing party. I giggled; trust Rich to get all soppy.

"I went outside for some air, and sat next to him on the bench in his back yard. We ended up talking.... It was nice." Rich's voice was still lowered, and he looked as if he was trying to play it off as nothing. Aidan scoffed.

"By the tone of your voice when you called me at bloody three this morning, it was more than just 'nice', Rich! 'Oh he's so wonderful! He's just so funny, Aid! And his eyes, they're so, so dark!'" Aidan impersonated, putting on the voice of a squealing 12-year-old girl. Richard shot him a look dripping with malice, so he promptly shut up. Didn't prevent me from giggling more, though.

"Shut up, man! I do not sound like that!" Rich exclaimed, eyebrows arched in warning.

"What the hell is going on back there?!" Mr Porter yelled, seeing the teasing on Aidan's face, the poison on Rich's, and the pure amusement on mine that clearly wasn't linked to the set of algebra problems scrawled on the whiteboard.

"Nothing, nothing..." Aid dismissed, and we shrunk back under our protective stationary wall.

"So, is he a queen like us?" I asked Rich, and he blushed at the name.

"I'm pretty sure. He slipped a few hints into the conversation. Calling Tom Cruise a 'hottie' was one of them." He smirked slightly at the memory.

"Oh, so he's into that type? Watch out Rich, they'll make a queer of you yet!" I chuckled, and he shook his head disdainfully at me.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'll be serious. So, does Chrissyboy know that you're totally a smitten kitten for his charms and grace?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him, causing Aidan to snort from the other side of me.

"Uh, that's the problem.... No." He sighed, dropping his head onto his desk for a few seconds.

"What about you, Cel? Does Mr Drew-Honey know you're head-over-heels for him?" Aidan quipped, and I bit my lip before replying.

"I haven't told him directly, but I'm sure he has a faint idea judging by the kiss we shared last night." I smirked.

"We still need details on this kiss!" Richard pressed, relieved to have the conversation turned away from him and his love life (or lack thereof, as the case may be). 

"Uh, hello? You batty boys may want these details, but I'm pretty happy not knowing how two guys play tonsil tennis." Aidan scrunched his face up playfully at us, and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Oh come on Aid, you may as well listen; after all, you're the next to be turned. It would suck to be... inexperienced." I twitched my eyebrow suggestively at him, and his face screwed up more.

"No thanks. I don't see any chance of that happening in the near future. Or any future, for that matter." He shook his head at us, and even previously-ashamed Richard let out a chuckle. I decided to tease Aidan, so I got right up in his grill.

"It started slow- god, his lips were soft. Then, my hands wound into his hair and our lips parted, deepening the kiss." I began, smirking and directing all that I was saying to Aidan. He squirmed and tried to edge further away from me, but it was no use.

"Then, his tongue slid into my mouth. Oh it was heavenly!" I spoke slowly, smirking at him and clasping my hands to my chest.

"Jesus Cel! Stop!" He exclaimed, still scrabbling to get away from me, hands clamped over his ears.

I started laughing, and the teacher glared once more over at us before giving up and just teaching the front of the class, ignoring us loons at the back.

Before I could describe any more of my time with Tyger yesterday the shrill ringing of the bell pierced my eardrums and caused the class to go into a mad panic as people packed their books and files away, rushing to be out of the room as fast as they could.

I followed Rich and Aid as we left the room, heading in the direction our next class, which was history. Inside my head I was having a little dance party, for Tyger was in this class, and I'd get to see him!

What was I going to say? Was I going to approach him in front of everyone? Was I going to leave it and go up to him at the end?

I had no idea what to do, but, somehow, being uncertain was oddly exciting.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow it's been a while!
Hi guys! Sorry this took so long. I originally had a whole different chapter written, but accidentally deleted it, so I started again and took it on another turn.
So yeah, a break from the main storyline to see what's happening in Richard's love life! And I don't expect any of you to know who Chris Gilbertson is, don't worry (although if you do, please comment so that I can marry you!).

Mentions go to;

Amy- you're my most loyal reader of everything I do, and I love you so much xD hop you found the Biology exam alright today!
Charlie- just because you commented on the chapter, fool. I know you won't even read this.
And finally, RyanBrownie- I feel so privelliged to have your first ever comment! I'm so so glad people other than my friends are reading this! Thank you so much for commenting, hope you like the update! <3