Status: This is a new idea, so let us know what you think :P

Set Apart This Dream

I Lost My Phone

My phone vibrated again in my pocket. That would be another text from Merodi. Her bus broke down so instead of already being here like the rest of the bands were she and the rest of her band were stuck somewhere.

Fishing the phone from my tight black skinny jeans I glanced over my shoulder before opening the message. If the guys knew I was dating Merodi I’m not really sure what they would do… possibly kill me for having not told them or they could always just come to my house and play Cops again. Oh, which by the way, I wasn’t the happiest person that night after they came in and basically tackled me to the ground.

Seeing that no one was around on the bus, which believe me is quite rare, I opened the message.

Hey, I can’t wait to see you < 3 love you -Merodi

I felt my stomach twist up. I can’t wait to see her, and just hold her in my arms again and let our lips slowly collide, and… damn am I sounding more and more like a crappy romance novel. I really ought to work on that.

Quickly messaging her back saying I couldn’t wait to see her either I turned my phone off and tossed it on the couch. We have to play a show today so there really isn’t any point in having it. No one other than me normally sits there so it should be safe. Not giving the placement of my phone another thought I pulled my hoodie on and walked out of the bus. I think I’m going to try and find the guys, we must have to do sound check sometime soon.

The cool air felt good against my skin. Breathing it in deeply I smiled. I’m not really sure what town we’re in today, but wherever the hell we are it’s really nice. The air is cleaner than most places and something about it just feels good. Zipping my hoodie up I grinned seeing the small brick building of the venue.

Motionless in White is touring with Black Veil Brides and Crimson Shadows. And so far I’ve loved this tour the most out of all others. The one reason for that would be is, Merodi is the singer of Crimson Shadows and I get to see her every day and be with her almost all the time…. But…. Well my band and her band don’t know that we’re together. We’ve sort of kept our secret on the down low. For various reasons.

Entering the venue which was for now almost empty I slowly strolled over to the stage. Chris and Angelo were stand near the stage talking to the owner of the club. Avoiding the I went straight for the stage where my guitar sat waiting. Besides Merodi my guitar and bass guitar are my loves.

Picking the instrument up I put the strap around my neck and smiled at my techie who was plugging my guitar in the amps. Chris turned and gave me an approving glance when he heard me slowly start to warm up.

“See, now Rick has the right idea. Let’s start sound check.” I watched wide eyed as Chris pulled Angelo, Blaz, and Ryan on to the stage.

“Yeah Rick.” the way that Balz was grinning at me made my stomach clench. When that smile appears that means something has happened, and that something probably won’t be good for me.

“Umm…?” pushing my bangs back with my hand I looked around at the guys hoping they would clue me in to why Blaz was acting like this.

“Don’t worry about it Rick, we wouldn’t keep something from you.” Ryan was smiling the same way that Blaz was. Oh shit. Now I’m starting to dread whatever it is they’re hiding.

“Oh well okay.” tuning on the heels of my sneakers I swallowed hard. My palms were sweating and my heart started pounding. Normally I’m a really laid back guy and I don’t care about the things the guys do but for some reason right now I’m worried.

“Guys, leave Rick alone we can bug him when sound check is done.” Chris took some authority of us and started sound check. Oh god. What do they want to talk about when sound check is over? Chewing on my bottom lip I halfheartedly started to play Creatures.


After sound check the guys really didn’t say anything more to me than they had before we started. So that made my gut feeling go away somewhat but not enough for me to be happy. The guys had finished getting ready for the show that started in a few hours but Chris, Angelo, and Blaz had ran off to go talk to Black Veil Brides. By the way they were acting it must have been pretty important.

Shrugging my friends actions off I sat down on the couch that could basically be called my and searched for my phone. Merodi isn’t here yet and I’m starting to get worried, I want to know if they’ll be able to make the show or not. Patting my hands on the black leather I felt between the cushions but I still couldn’t find my phone. Where the hell did it go?

Standing up I quickly looked around the couch and the floor around it. And that was when Ryan walked in giving me a strange look.

“Dude, what the fuck are you doing?” jumping from where I was knelt down with my ass in the air I sat back up.

“Looking for my phone. I left it here earlier and I can’t find it now.” making a face I glanced up at Ryan who was trying to hold his laughter in.

“Well, I think I saw Chris leaving with it.” my eyes must have popped out of my head because the moment those words left his mouth I became pissed off.

“WHAT?! Oh, I’m going to kill Chris.” Ryan was still laughing as I dashed off the bus and started running off towards Black Veil Brides’ bus where I imagine Chris is with my phone.

I slowed my run down to a slow jog then down to a walk when BVB’s bus came into sight. I swear if this is Chris’s new way to pick on me I’m going to kick his ass. Stomping around to the front of the bus I noticed that Chris, Angelo, and Balz along with Andy, Ashley, and Jake they were all sitting in a close circle laughing and snickering at something that looked like my phone.

In the back of my throat I growled. They’re all about to die. But before I ran around the bus to kill all of them I stopped to listen to what they were saying.

“Dude, I know! It’s crazy I never thought that it would happen!” I tried to pin point the person’s voice. I’m pretty sure it was Chris.

“They’re so adorable! I mean.. not that I’ve seen them but they are!” a deep voice that I knew what Andy’s chuckled. I swallowed hard. They wouldn’t be reading my text messages would they? SHIT!

“Who would of though Ricky would get to have that!?” Ashley’s voice was approving. Damn it. They know about me a Merodi.

“I know man! I’m kind of jealous.” Balz laughed, he was probably point at the screen.

“Oh, hey listen to this one.” Jake, I’m guessing that it’s his voice because I don’t really talk to him, coughed and made his voice attempt to sound like Merodi’s. “Ricky, I miss you bunches insert heart here. I can’t wait to see you again. And, um, I got a single bed tonight so if you want you can come over and we can have cuddle time.” Jake’s voice broke and the guys laughed.

“Aww, that’s so sweet. Now we know where he goes every night!” Angelo sounded excited by his new discovery.

Clearing my throat I figured that I had heard enough and that it was time for me to get pissed off at them, not that that would be hard to do at this point.

“What the hell do you all think you’re doing? Those messages are only meant for the recipients eyes, and I’m pretty sure none of you are the correct recipient.” growling I stomped out from behind the bus.

All six of their eyes went wide. Andy and Angelo just kind of looked down at the ground with guilty looks on their faces. But Balz, Chris, Ashley, and Jake were all smirking. Trying to snatch the phone from Jake’s hand only made him pass it to Chris. Fuck me. Now I’m never getting it back.

“That all may be true but when were you going to tell us about you and Merodi?” Chris crossed his arms over his chest and looked down on me. Ugh. Why is he so tall?

“Um, when I was ready. Now please give me back my phone. I’m not all that impressed right now if you can’t tell.” Balz laughed.

“Rick, you never did plan to tell us now did you?” I shrugged at his words. Yes, I meant to tell them….someday…

“Yes I was going to. Now please my phone.” but they weren’t listening.

“So have you guys had sex yet? Because she looks like a mighty fine fuck if you ask me.” internally I groaned at Ashley’s words.

“That isn’t any of your business.” Ashley smirked at my words.

“So then you have?”

“I’m not telling you if I had sex with her Ashley!” throwing my arms up in the air I started to realize that I was looking like a drama queen now.

“Yikes. Rick relax. If it really bugs you that much here’s your phone.” my jaw must have hit the ground when Chris kindly extended his hand that held the phone in it.

“Thank you.” quickly grabbing the phone from his hand I shoved it in my pocket. Hopefully now they won’t take it.

“You’re welcome. Have you learned to not leave your phone laying around?” with his painted on eyebrow raised Chris chuckled.

“Yes. Now please don’t ever do that again.” Chris shrugged.

“If we do it again is on you and if you leave your phone laying around again.” I huffed at his words. Fuck me. That is my couch.

“Fine then. Well can you all at least not say anything about me and Merodi? We don’t want people to know.” they all shrugged and said they wouldn’t tell anyone well that was except for Chris. If you can’t tell he’s pushing my buttons today.

“Maybe.” I sighed. That’s the best I’m going to get. So with that being said I turned on my heels and left so that they could all go back to gossiping like woman. As I walked away I read the newest text message from Merodi.

Hey Hun, we’re not making the show tonight ): we’re still at the auto shop and we will be for a while longer. So once we’re done here I’ll meet you in my room at the hotel. I got another room by myself so we‘ll be alone and won‘t be disturbed n_n

I grinned. Well at least I get see her after the show. It’s sad that she wont’ be here now but at least she and I will be alone when I tell her that the guys and half of Black Veil Brides know about us. I’m kind of worried about how she’s going to take this.
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Hello everyone!
xChihirox and I are up to it again! ANOTHER story! You should all be pretty pumped about this because we are! : 3
Comments and Subs would make us quite happy <3

Jessi you're the greatest person ever, without you I'd just be a pile of custard and smelly socks xD