Status: This is a new idea, so let us know what you think :P

Set Apart This Dream

I'm Not In The Mood

Laying in my bunk, I continually doodled on notebook I was suppose to be writing songs in. So far I had 3 lines, and they were for the chorus, the rest was a combination of nasty looking cartoon monsters and random stars and hearts. The monster I was currently drawing, all of a sudden got a huge line through his body as the tour bus jerked to a stop. Flying forwards I smacked my head against the wall of my bunk.

“Motherfucking, piece of shit, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?” Scrambling out of my bunk, I wobbly made my way to the front of the bus.

“What the fuck did you do?” I asked our driver/tour manager, still rubbing my head from a few seconds ago.

“I, didn’t do anything, this stupid piece of crap however, just died on us!” Josh, our tour manager and personal driver, punched the steering wheel in anger, before pulling out his phone and dialling in some numbers.

I zoned out of what Josh was saying as my phone vibrated in my pocket, and I’ll bet you any money it’s Ricky. We were suppose to be at the venue over and hour ago, but I really, really wanted a Subway. Ricky has a tendency to over-worry about me, but I have a knack of putting him through all kinds of shit to worry about, for example now, so we’re even.

From: Ricky <3
To: Merodi
Where are you?

This is how it starts, he tries and acts cool, just asking what everyone would, but give it until after he’s had sound check, and he’s be having a mini heart attack if he doesn’t hear from me.

From: Merodi x
To: Ricky <3
Bus has broken down, could be a while xx

From: Ricky <3
To: Merodi
Is it anywhere close to the venue?

And the panicking begins, ahh bless his little cotton socks, I love him to bits, but seriously, I’ve gone missing for days at a time and come back fine, what does he seriously think will happen to me?

From: Merodi x
To: Ricky <3
No, stop worrying, we’ll get there when we get there. Miss you, love you xx

Nobody knows I’m with Ricky, hell I’m pretty sure my band don’t even know that I’ve met him before. Clueless bunch they are. Neither of us told either of the bands, 1, Motionless In White have violent tendencies, and that’s when it’s a joke, imagine when they’re pissed, and 2, My band don’t really think much to guys in make-up….which is a bit hypocrital, seen as they wear just as much as everyone else. Hell I wear the least make-up out of everyone!

From: Ricky <3
To: Merodi
Fine, I’ll try. I miss you too x

From: Merodi x
To: Ricky <3
I can’t wait to see you <3 love you – Merodi xx

Just saying that made me want to hug something…..I wonder if I still have my Hello Kitty teddy on here……

“Hey guys, you ain’t gonna make it to the show tonight, the repairmen can’t get to us for another 2 hours.” Josh called out to the bus, trying his best to be heard over the game of Halo in the back of the bus.

The game was suddenly silent, soon replaced with scrambling bodies, and shout of inaudible complaints.

“SHUT IT!” Josh screamed to the four boys as they entered the front of the bus.

“We can’t get there, so we ain’t gonna, I’m sorry, but deal with it.” Josh scolded, my boys, Matt, Luke, Richie and Tyler, all looked very sorry for themselves. I had to snigger as they hung their heads in shame.

My face turned to confusion though when Ricky’s ID came up as my phone started ringing. Bolting back into my bunk, and swinging the curtain shut, I pressed accept.


“Is this Merodi from Crimson Shadows?” An extremely deep voice answered.

“Who is this?” Avoiding the question, or playing dumb, call it what you want, I wasn’t letting them find out through me.

“Umm….” I heard the phone being passed, whispering and hissing going on in the back ground.

“Are you with Rick?” A whole group of voices asked. I quickly hung up, not wanting to see how far they’d go, I was kind of glad of not being at the venue for a while.

I slowly threw myself out of the bus, lighting up a cigarette, just as the repair guys pulled up behind us. Looks like we might be there sooner than I wanted to be.


The two guys managed to fix us up enough to get us to the nearest auto shop, resulting in the entire band offloading into the sweet section. Grabbing whatever we could, crisps, chocolate, sandwiches, pop, you name it, we got, even strange looking leprechaun figurines.

We spent a hell of a lot, but we also wasted enough time for Josh to ring the hotel and sort out our rooms.

“Hey gruesome twosome, you’re sure, you two are sharing, and Merodi, you’re on your own.” Josh pointed to us each in turn. All the guys groaned about how ridiculous it was that I always got a room to myself, but that was just coz I was the only girl in the band, and on the this tour. We were touring with Motionless in White and Black Veil Brides, I was totally surrounded by guys. Dream come true, or worst nightmare, I haven’t decided which yet.
Heading back to the bus, as we were given the signal from Josh that it was ready to go, I pulled my phone out, texting, who I hope is Ricky, a quick message,

From: Merodi x
To: Ricky <3
Hey hun, we’re not making the show tonight  we’re still at the auto shop and we will be for a while longer. So once we’re done here I’ll meet you in my room at the hotel. I got another room by myself so we’ll be alone and won’t be disturbed n_n

I hope we hurry up and get to the hotel, I haven’t seen Ricky in ages, I wasn’t in the mood for being patient.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, here it is, the second chapter, to THE most amazing story!!! :D

Sockii did you see the joke??? xD and shame we could've used you as a weapon in world war 3, ah well I love you just the way you are :D xx