Status: This is a new idea, so let us know what you think :P

Set Apart This Dream

Room Service

I must say I am proud of the guys. They haven’t said anything about Merodi. Which for them is mind blowing. Balz and Ashley are very loose lipped, so I was shocked when neither of them said anything to me for the rest of the night.

But I couldn’t think about them right now. The bus just pulled up in front of the hotel and I’ve got to get up to Merodi. It’s been so long since I’ve seen her and I just need to feel her lips pressing against me.

“Hey Rick where ya going?” Angelo had is eyebrow raised. Shit. I’ve been caught.

“Um… nowhere.” he rolled his eyes and handed me a key to our room. Not that I’d be staying there tonight.

“Yeah. Right. Going to see Merodi?” wiggling his eyebrows he thrust his pelvis.

I felt myself blush. I will not comment on that, because honestly that was much too awkward for my liking.

“Maybe. Now shut your mouth and don’t breath a word of this to the rest of the guys.”

“I’ll try not to.” I groaned to myself as I ran up the stairs to Merodi’s room. By the time I got to her door I was out of breath and sweaty again. Damn I should have showered before I went to see her. Oh well. I’ve already made it this far.

Standing up straight I took a deep breath trying to calm myself before I rose my hand to knock on the door. I chuckled to myself when I heard a commotion coming from behind her door. What is she doing in there?

“Who is it?” I could hear the giggles in her sweet voice.

“Room service.” holding back my snickers I waited for her to open the door.

“I don’t recall asking for anything.” I sighed. She loves to play these little games with me.

“Well, this is a complimentary gift from the front desk.” even though there was a thick wooden door between us I could hear her snickering to herself.

“But what if you’re a creeper who’s just making up stories?” I laughed resting my head against the door.

“I’m pretty sure that I’m not a creeper.”

“How do I know you’re not though?” curling my hand around the door knob I was starting to get antsy.

“Well I can’t because it’s me Ricky!” and with that she ripped open the door and jumped into my arms.

Giggling like mad Merodi wrapped her legs around my waist and she started to devour my cheeks, forehead, and lips with kisses. I started laughing and hugged her back making sure not to drop her, because lets face it if I dropped her I probably would have had hell to pay.

“Hey Babe.” trying to kiss her back didn’t really happen because she was winning this kissing war.

“Hey, I’ve missed you so much!” somehow I managed to get us in the room and I sat her down on the single bed.

“I’ve missed you so much too Babe.” she had stopped kissing me so now it was my turn to bring our lips together.

Pressing my lips to hers softly I held her hips tight in my hands. Kissing me back Merodi’s fingers caught up in my hair. I chuckled breaking the kiss.

“Well, I can tell you sure have missed me.” kissing the tip of her nose I hugged her tightly. It feels so good to finally have her in my arms again. It’s amazing how much I miss her and how I don’t realize how much I’ve missed her until I’ve got her in my arms again.

“Of course I’ve missed you! It’s been ages since I’ve last seen you.” after speaking she pressed her lips against mine again.

I laughed. She’s right. If her bus hadn’t broken down then we would have gotten to have this little reunion earlier. But maybe the wait made it better. No. There is no maybe about it. Waiting made it better.

For another moment Merodi nuzzled in my neck. I kissed the top of her head but the moment was quickly over.

“Ricky?” she looked up at me with those big eyes of hers and I instantly felt my heart melt.

“Yes Baby?”

“Would you happen to know anything about a person with an extremely deep voice calling me today?” my throat went dry. THEY CALLED HER!?!

“Th-they called you?” that was all I could stumble out. Now I sound like a babbling idiot.

“Who is ’they’ Ricky?” her eyes became cold. Shit. Now I’ve fucked this up great.

“Umm.. Angelo, Chris, Andy, Ashley, Balz, and Jake.” Merodi’s already cold eyes narrowed.

She’s going to rip my throat out now. I can just tell from that look in her eyes.
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That really wasn't a very good update. I'm so sorry D: The next one will be much better < 3

Jessi!!!! You should be proud I've updated all our stories in one night! :D
And you and I are going to have a trampoline party when I get my ass to England! :D