Status: This is a new idea, so let us know what you think :P

Set Apart This Dream

Not Now, Not Ever.

After hours of waiting, seriously, hours, the show would be over now, even the signings, it took them that long. We finally made it back on the road. I was starting to get really antsy, I couldn’t text or call Rick because he’d either be with fans or his band, and neither of them scenarios would end well.

I was just laid in my bunk, concentrating on every bump we went over in the road to prevent myself from going insane with impatience. I know I said Ricky could be a bit over the top sometimes, but hell, I could match him any day. Right now, being a perfect example.

Biting my sleeve, I almost double barreled everyone when the bus came to a halt and shut off. Flying straight off the RV, grabbing my bags in record time, I shot straight past a flustered Josh, grabbing my room key. Taking a quick glance at the number and the signs, before I began racing up the stairs, jamming the crappy piece of card in the slot, and slamming the door open and shut.

A few minutes later, when I’d managed to catch my breath, Richie’s voice came from the other side of the door.

“Are you ok?” Yeah, now they notice something’s odd. Way to go Captain Obvious!

“I’m fine, I’m good for the night, no need to check on me later, BYE!” I babbled out. I sounded like I’d downed 6 espressos, I was speaking that fast. It took a few seconds before I began to think. Ricky would be at the hotel soon. Definitely shower time!


After a quick shower, a fast blow dry and straighten, deodorant, a lil’ bit of make-up, I was well and truly ready. But I always get nervous, or rather paranoid. That nagging thought in the back of my mind, that one day, maybe he just won’t come. Stupid I know, but it’s there, and it doesn’t want to go away.

However, before the thoughts could go any further, a calm knock came at my door. He’s here! I felt like squealing, but no, got to play it cool……fuck cool! Racing over to the door, knocking a few things over in the process, I pressed my ear against the door, as I watched through the glass eye.

“Who is it?” I giggled, especially when he shook his head, with a huge beam on his face. I didn’t realise how much I’d missed him until now. If I didn’t feel like messing with him, I’d’ve ripped the door open by now.

“Room service.” I could see him, trying his best not the chuckle, he looked so cute, his dimples coming out.

“I don’t recall asking for anything.” He sighed, rolling his eyes, as I bit my lip. One of these days, he’s gonna get tired of this, and just knock the door down. But Ricky’s to gentle to ever do that. So that would be just weird. I have an odd imagination sometimes.

“Well, this is a complimentary gift from the front desk.” Now that made me chuckle.

“But what if you’re a creeper who’s just making up stories?” I watched him laugh, and rest his head against the door. I missed his laugh so much, it made me feel all warm and happy inside when he laughed.

“I’m pretty sure that I’m not a creeper.”

“How do I know you’re not though?”

“Well I can’t because it’s me Ricky!” Bingo! Ripping the door open, I shot straight into his arms, and basically kissed everywhere I could get to. He laughed underneath my lips, hugging all the while, and failingly trying to kiss me back. But this time, he’s mine. All mine.

“Hey Babe”

“Hey, I’ve missed you so much!” I hadn’t noticed that we were now in the room, with the door shut and everything

“I’ve missed you so much too Babe.” He said as I stopped kissing him, just in time for him to bring our lips together. It was pure heaven as he gripped my hips, I couldn’t but lose my hands in his hair. Only to have him break it, dang!

“Well, I can tell you sure have missed me” Kissing the tip of my nose, he hugged me tightly. I love being back here, in Rick’s arms, it always feels so safe and warm. Like I’m a totally different person altogether with him, compared to everyone else.

“Of course I’ve missed you! It’s been ages since I’ve last seen you.” I said, pressing my lips to his again. I couldn’t get enough of him, he was just so addictive.

Sneakily taking in his scent, I nuzzled into his neck, smiling when he kissed my hair. Sometimes, I just wish this would never end. But as soon as that thought popped into my head, so did the earlier phone call from persons unknown.

“Ricky?” I gave him the puppy dogs eyes, just to make sure he’d be right where I want him for interrogation.

“Yes Baby?” His smile was breathtaking……focus Merodi, focus!

“Would you happen to know anything about a person with an extremely deep voice calling me today?” I watched as Ricky’s eyes went wide, and he audibly gulped. So he did know something about something.

“Th-they called you?” He looked nervous, what the heck happened, my eyes narrowed as I tried to figure it out.

“Who is ’they’ Ricky?” I said coldly, getting annoyed at what the most likely answer would be.

“Umm.. Angelo, Chris, Andy, Ashley, Balz, and Jake.” My eyes shot into slits, they fucking knew! Ricky told them without saying a word to me? Why would he do that!

“They know? Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” I said after a few seconds of closing my eyes and breathing. Although I almost let my anger get the better of me, I knew that Ricky wouldn’t have intentionally told them. Especially as it was his idea in the first place to keep quiet.

“It was an accident, I left my phone on the bus, and they ran off with it.” He looked like a puppy who’d just been scolded. I feel so guilty right now. Leaning up, I gave him a soft kiss of the lips, and then the corner of his mouth.

“Ok, well, what do you wanna do about it?” I asked looking up at him. There was no point in getting mad at him, he would never do anything to hurt me, and I sure as hell didn’t want to lose him. Not now, not ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to get out, I had really crappy writer's block, and this still didn't turn out how I wanted it, but here it is, so enjoy!

Sockii I absolutely adore you, I can't believe how much you put up with me :P Your turn

P.S. Ok guys so there's a little girl that Sockii knows, who's having some serious problems with her breathing etc, so if you could all send a wish or a prayer to her, that would be great. :) x