Status: contest entry

Dear Bertie


“We’re on to you Bertie. As we speak, they are agents tearing apart your house for anything they can find. You might as well give up now.”

“The only thing I’m concerned about is how long it will take to clean up the mess you guys make because you’re not going to find whatever it is you’re looking for.”

“Let me level with you Bertie. Jackson is out there, somewhere, living it up, spending his money, and not giving a damn about you. He’s free as a bird while you’re here. With me.”

“I’m getting tired of you bad mouthing Jackson. You don’t know him. You don’t know where he is or what he’s doing so drop the act. You’re so far from your target it’s a little sad. How long have you been a detective?”

“I don’t get you criminals. It makes no sense for you to sit in here when you could free as a bird by just telling me where he is.”

“And that’s exactly why you’ll never win. Don’t you understand that this is more than some job? Jackson and I are more than colleagues. We’re partners. Lovers. I would never rat him out in a million years.”

“You are a piece of work.”

“Does that mean you’re going to let me go?”

“Not until the fat lady sings.”

“You can’t hold me in here like this unless you have something on me- which you don’t. You might as well pack up and go home because we’re done here.”

“Just like you won’t ever tell us where Jackson is, I won’t ever give up on this case. This is more than a job for me too. It’s about protecting society and serving justice. You broke the law Bertie and it’s my business to make you pay.”

“This is getting very old, very quickly.”

“Then just tell me where he is!”

“Go to hell.”

“I’ll tell you one thing, Bertie. We’re going to find something on you. It may not be tonight and it may not be tomorrow but believe me, we’ll find something.”

“Until then Detective.”


“Sweetie, what’s wrong?”

“I got a letter from Jackson today.”

“What’s it say?”

“‘Dear Bertie,’ he writes. ‘It’s time for me to move on. The police aren’t on my tail anymore but I can’t risk coming back for you. I have to go what I have to do. Take care of yourself kid.’”

“That’s it? That’s all it says?”

“Yes Ma! That’s all it says!”

“I could’ve told you he’d pull something like this. Had you waiting around for almost two years before writing this stinking letter! And for what? To quit you.”

“You’re not really helping Ma.”

“I’m sorry sweetie…”

“A million years Ma! I wouldn’t have given him up in a million years! How can he just quit me like this? If I were him, I’d risk life and limb to come back to get me.”

“You’ve got to look at the bright side honey.”

“Which would be what?”

“You’re not in jail and now you can pawn that lovely ring he bought you before he went into hiding.”

“You’re a great help Ma.”

“I do what I can honey and now you can chip in with the bills around here with what you get. Water don’t pay for itself you know.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Only 555 words but I didn't see a minimum so.... comments?