Broken Witness

Chapter One...

Chapter One...

Chicago IL 2006.
Leon Stella sat in his office at the FBI headquarters in Chicago, his eyes closed leaning back in his chair, he took a deep breath and tried to relax into the leather office chair in the past few months had become his best friend. A failed attempt. These last few months, the closest to comfortable Special Agent Stella had been was the feeling as though a knife had been stuffed into his gut, wrenched and twisted out. The same few months the seconds felt like hours and every hour was suffocating.
He opened his eyes and looked at the case notes. He wanted this one so bad, something wasn’t right. He couldn’t help but to think of the one thought he hated. Harriet had been involved with this man before she died. Talking to the man her husband hated the most on earth, and now, she was dead. He wondered how he had come by getting this case. Regulations being it was strictly prohibited for any law enforcer, no matter the rank to investigate a case involving a family member.. Yet, he was lead on the investigation when he should have been suspended from the case.
No matter, it gave him the chance for revenge. How he loved that word. A word he hated, he loved. Endless hours he had spent talking families of victims and even victims themselves out of unlawful acts committed only for the purpose of revenge, but now Special Agent Stella only thought of the sweet smell of blood when he nailed Francis’s ass.
He tapped the butt of his glock, safety catch on. An accessory he hadn’t yet used, though unlike most cops he knew, he wasn’t about to say he didn’t intend to, because he sure as hell wanted to.
Pulled out of his thought trail only as the door to his office opened and his assistant, Ryan Rolfe walked into his office, fashionably late as was the style for the young agent. Rolfe annoyed Stella, not purely because he was late to any date ever set, but because of the boys ignorance and lack of understanding towards many situations. For example, he had over heard the boy speaking of him and saying he envied Stella, not for his experience or knowledge, both of which were grand, but instead because of his car. A pricey trophy and the only reminder he had of happiness.
His Mercedes, black with cream interior, was well kept and the closest thing to something Stella loved in this cold heartless world they lived in. As such, it was well kept and looked after, this was what Rolfe envied. Still, the annoyance was worth the talent the boy had. He had an eye for killers and their movements and was well coordinated with Chicago and understanding of the psychology of criminal minds, this was always helpful in the world of law enforcement.
The young man sat on a chair in the corner of the office, his cream shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbow was un-tucked from a pair of cheap and worn grey slacks, they looked like a super store brand. His blonde hair looked un-combed and messed, a severe syndrome of, just got out of bed. Stella said nothing on the state of the young man only stood and threw the file in his direction, it landed on the coffee table just in front of him, the papers spewing out onto it. Something Rolfe thought nothing of. Stella’s temper had been getting worse recently and everyone in the office had noticed, with everyday that passed and they hadn’t caught a single person, Stella was taking it hardest.
Only one person had dared to question why, he was now working for the CPD, a patrolman after quitting the FBI because of threats from Stella. Something you either grew used to, or resigned because of.
“So, today we’re working on one thing.”
“The same as yesterday?”
“And what was yesterdays assignment Ryan?”
“Finding the asshole that killed Harriet.”
“Yes, I remember that, seems everyone else forgot. No one got anywhere.”
“Leon, it’s hard to get anywhere finding a guy who’s invisible to the world other than you, these murders are happening, but we have no trace. No evidence, witnesses.”
“There are always witnesses! You just need to find them! Look harder! Dig Deeper! Find someone and make them talk god damn it is that hard?!”
“It isn’t as easy as you make it sound sir.”
“And you don’t think I know that?!” Stella lost his temper, springing the table across the office, it cascading into the wall and shattering into three pieces. In anger of that action he kicked the leg of his desk.
“You don’t need to take it out on us.”
Stella turned to face the voice that had just spoken. In the doorway stood a woman at an average height of around 5 ft 6 inches. She wore her light brown, and in the sun, almost Golden hair in a loose pony tail which draped itself gently over her shoulder. Her outfit, a navy blue work suit with a white blouse neatly tucked into the matching Navy pencil skirt covering to the knee of her legs, wrapped delicately in a pair of tights. Stella gasped, Special Agent Taylor McLuskie was the only woman he had attempted a conversation with since Harriets death. Coisidence had it, fate had been kind and McLuskie had been moved onto Stella’s team.
“I don’t have it take it out on you?”
“So you can hear. Yes. That ‘s what I said. Harriet. Its happened Leon. You can’t change the past.” Rolfe glanced at him and smiled. It was true. The young agent had never heard anyone use Stella’s first name before. Something he encouraged the young agents from doing. In fact, only those whom were considered ‘close friends’ by Stella were allowed to call him by his first name. The exception being, McLuskie.
“But you can bring justice to the bastard that killed her.”
“Yes, however that isn’t beating your workers with a leather belt Agent Stella.”
“No one is getting anywhere. I want to wrap this case up, throw it in a lead container and put it behind bars, but No one is making any discoveries for me to do that, so I’m struggle with my desires as such. It irritates me.”
“Understandable really, but you can’t be doing this. For starts, you’re hardly doing your own health a favour.”
“I don’t care about my health, what’s to care about? I have no one to miss me when I’m gone.”
“That’s a lie.”
“My wife is dead!”
“A reason to give up? Petty.” She walked into the main part of the office, closing the door behind her she sat herself neatly in one of the leather chairs and ironed the creases out of her skirt with her palms. Rolfe couldn’t help glance over the two other agents in the room, perfection. Their formal clothing both taken care of well, expensive. Only Stella had a wedding ring on his left hand, though everyone in the office knew the story.
“It’s not a reason to give up. I’ve hardly changed a bit. You all know that.”
“We don’t.” Stella glanced a weaning shot to Rolfe who wished rather quickly he could eat the words which had just left his mouth.
“Rolfe is right. We have all noticed a change in you over the recent months Agent. Her deaths effecting you greatly and you should have taken procedure seriously and taken leave when it happened. Not to worry, that isn’t an option now. You used to be so... Outgoing. Courageous, funny, most of all you used to care for yourself and your stress levels were down a damn site more, have you seen the doctor recently to check your blood pressure?”
“I don’t feel the need.”
“I think you should.”
“I haven’t changed Agent.”
“When was the last time I saw you in the gym?”
The room fell silent as Stella leaned on his desk and stared blankly at the tip of his shoe whilst saying nothing. Rolfe sat, wondering what his boss was thinking and what was the next thing that was going to be said, though he was prepared for a lecture from Stella. McLuskie on the other hand was taking the opposite approach, She looked at Stella not a doubt in her mind what the next thing to be said would be. She knew she was right, and knew he knew it too, though of course, he would deny. “You’re right, I’ve changed, though maybe you should all think its for the better not for the worse. I’m more motivated in solving my cases.”
“This one, but what of the next?”
“It’ll be treated the same. I assure you McLuskie, now, if you don’t mind. I’ll see you both at conference, I wish some time alone.” He stepped away from the desk pacing straight to the door which was opened and closed. Before McLuskie or Rolfe had the chance to say another word, they were left in Stellas office to talk.