Broken Witness

Chapter Two continued..

Stella looked over the mother, leaving McLuskie to look over the children, Rolfe was trusted to look over the rest of the scene. Stella had deducted the fact that given the killers knowledge and style, the chances were there would be evidence on the body, if anywhere, thus meaning, trusting Rolfe with the bodies could be the main thing they did wrong.
It wasn’t that Stella though Ryan Rolfe was as such, a blithering idiot, though he did. It was the fact that his specialist subject lye in the area of psychology, as did his degree. Only backing up Stella’s thought that kid was not made for crime scene. Frustration kicked in as yet another body was found with not so much as a finger print. More annoying, was canvassing from the patrolmen came back that no one had seen anything. It really was like they were dealing with a case of the invisible man. How else could a killer go completely undetected for so long and kill three people in Chicago in the pure day of 3pm. It wasn’t annoying, it was infuriating. Beyond anything else.
No surprise came from the end result that Taylor McLuskie too had found no evidence, much less had Ryan Rolfe. The only thing to show up on the scene, a ginger hair, around 2 inches long, though Stella ordered it to be bagged for analysis, he looked at the twin boys on the floor, ginger. He was in no doubt it belonged to one of them.
Stella picked up the victims bag looking through it bagging the important things, cell phone, purse, comb, make up and small bracelet. In the purse he took out the woman’s driving license. “Tamsy Horton. 27, she’s from Long beach California. No I.D. on the boys?” McLuskie shook her head apologetically. “Not to worry I guess, we can get their I.D. from the system. Saying we, Rolfe, I of course mean you.”
A faint smile and recognition nod from the young Agent and a rare smile in return from Stella himself, whose mood had improved getting a single hair, which probably wasn’t even a lead from the scene. Still it was something.
Stella stood and stripped off the gloves and Tyvek, throwing them skilfully into the plastic bag just outside the tent looking back to check the others had done the same he ordered the patrolmen to take the bodies to the morgue ready for confirmation from the families.