Broken Witness

Chapter Five...

Sitting comfortably in the chair of his new car, something he too could afford out of loneliness and depression, though scratching both from the list, simply out of greed. Thomas Johnson looked through the pictures he had got of that night, how foolish they were. And these were the idiots the country trusted to keep them safe? Yet would fall for a simple faked file made by the FBI themselves. Marcel Francis was never a person, well he was, Johnson though spent little time getting to know people. He had simply heard the name, used it and changed his image upon the Thomas Johnson whom sat in a lonely prison cell used his name whilst he used Francis. He was impressed with his own cunning, as a result he had bought himself a cup of take out coffee, beer was easy, but never alcohol. It effects the mines thus effecting the plan. Never would that happen. Never would he let it, no, he would lose too much.
"Oh Thomas, aren't you the best? Well yes dear, I am." and then the knife to her gut and 'bingo'. He smiled and chuckled as he watched the windows of the 7 story apartment block, his new best friend was currently on the first floor, rising to the fifth, of course. Thomas Johnson felt no need for an invite to a persons home to know where they called their personal space. That was the cowards way around this. Leon Stella had a high quality expensive apartment. The furniture matching with surprising accordance. He had been impressed when dear little Harriet Stella had invited Johnson into her husbands life so kindly. "He'll be home soon, if you'd like to wait. Well he already is home honey." He chuckled again and drank more coffee, watching as the light to that very apartment flicked on, the curtains closed, yes, Stella closed them. That same hand movement where the curtain had been gripped from a qaurter the way down from the top of the drape. Johnson remembered everything. That was the key here. Of course, Harriet had never been the target, simply the inconvienance, he had no desire to leave a wife and child with no father, no income. Though the woman had been a well paid lawyer. 'a disgrace I know, A woman dealing with the law? oh who would have thought they made a better thing than sluts and such a pretty girl Shame to ruin her face as you did but artistic it was. Stella complimented on your handy work. All left handed too. That was tough oh yes it was."
Three years he had lived in this parking lot, watching the same apartment, like a resident himself he had never been questioned. Never grown bored or tired of the same sight. You wouldn't, not when you train your mind to understand the waiting before the fun. 'No waiting no fun, though fun comes without waiting, waiting make it more fun. Yes it does. So what have we learnt tonight class? Pick me sir! Thomas your up.' As always "my opinion being most valid, with most correct answers annually, I would like to feedback. Special Agent Taylor Karmella McLuskie of Federal Bureau of Investigation, Chicago department, born in Florida though, Tampa I do believe, her father Scotish, her mother half Polish, and interesting combination, she lives in North Chicago and is expecting a promotion soon, whilst of course having her little fantasies about Leon Stella. her dream and for quite sometime. Wouldn't have surprised me much if she had killed Harriet Stella. Mind. I got there first, and a job I did. I'm still impressed. All this knowledge, found whilst driving, The power of my phone, endless contacts, the yellow pages are so easy but Thomas, you'll never need that. And there goes the Chinese delivery man. Good choice I must say. It made me hungry."
A glance at the wrist watch and much to his regret it was time to leave, 'Though my dear I'd love to stay all night, if your husband finds me here, oh he'll know too much, sweet reminisce' Sometimes.. Just sometimes. You find something you hate.
As he started the engine and headed out the parking lot before the gates were closed, a step he took every night so as not to get caught. Thomas Johnson knew he had found just that. But time called, he knew only one thing, if he wanted to keep the identity he liked so much, he had to move.