‹ Prequel: Rookie
Status: in progress

Everyday I Think Of You


So when I awoke, Corey had our bags waiting by the door and we met Jon and Jackie in the lobby of the hotel before catching a cab to the airport in Boston. We flew out on time and landed safely in Las Vegas. We checked into our new hotel and everyone wanted to gamble. I hung back, being of age but not caring for gambling and decided that it was time to do the test. I went to small mart in disguise and bought the test to bring back to my hotel room to take. I went and peed on the stick and waited by the clock. When the five minutes were done, I saw I was positively pregnant. I unpacked my wedding dress that I had purchased to wear last year, the one that was utterly ruined until Momma Crawford got her hands on. I decided it wasn’t meant to be worn for Corey and took the dress to sell and get a new one. I picked one I knew Corey would love and that was that, my wedding dress. I met Jackie in the lobby as we went back to my room to get ready. The boys were going to get ready in Jon’s room. I showed Jacks the test and she was excited, we were pregnant together.

“You’re happy, right, Soph?”

“Of course I am, Corey is my man, Jacks. Sidney wasn’t.”


“And you, is Jon the elusive ‘one’?”

“I really think so, Sophie. He loves me no matter what. He has since that day I met him after Christmas 2010.”

“I’m happy for us.”

“What are you going to do about hockey with the whole baby situation?”

“I’ll work something out with Rocky and Q. They know I’m a woman and after what happened last year, I don’t think I’ll have a problem for me to be off during and then a few weeks after. I’d be returning within a month or two as long as I stay fit. Obviously no strenuous activities, but what I’m used to.”

“Sounds like you planned everything out so well.”

“I’ve been thinking about having Corey’s child since last year, Jacks. And now that it’s happening, I know what to do. I can try to be back in February or March. It’s really not bad considering I could be out an entire season.”

“Okay, let me do your hair, preggo.”

“Excuse me; you’re the one with the baby bump.”

“You’re the one who played in a game that you knew you were most likely pregnant in. So don’t go busting me on being preggo first.”

“Fine, I think I’m just surprised it’s taken you two so long for it to happen.”

“Actually, do you remember last summer when you had the BBQ in Canada? I, uh, I was pregnant then. I miscarried a few weeks after you did.”

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

“You looked so happy, like you are today. I just couldn’t break your heart as it was slowly rebuilding.”

“Jackie, you know that family comes before me. You could’ve told me and we could’ve gone through it together.”

“Jon doesn’t know,” she whispered.

“You really should’ve told me then, you should not have gone through that completely alone.”

“If it hadn’t of happened at the game, would you have told Corey?”

“If it hadn’t happened, I probably would’ve run. I knew I loved Corey, but I didn’t want to leave Sidney at the alter. So, Ava and I would’ve run. I planned to stop playing hockey and run, but this,” I rubbed my skinny tummy. “This is what I really wanted. I wanted to have a little, biological Crawford. I wanted to belong to someone who loved me and who I loved in return. Now I do. Our baby together will connect us in the most magical ways. I can feel it in my baby’s blood.”

“When you were pregnant with Ava, were you really horny?”

“I was 17 and owned a vibrator if that answers your question. I couldn’t get enough, but with Corey, that puts the vibrator to shame.”

“I’m glad because just about everything makes me want to jump Jon’s bones.”

“Ha-ha, completely normal, I promise. And haven’t you seen the Back-Up Plan?”

“No,” she replied sheepishly.

“You and Jon should watch it. That move was actually how we conceived. Corey got turned on, it was hot.”

“I’m gonna try that. Now, you’re ready.” She added more hairspray and bounced my hair before I looked. Perfect ringlets on the ends with the top slightly curled, it was amazing.

“Now you,” we traded places and I did her hair half up and half down with a white flower. She looked beautiful.
♠ ♠ ♠
I saw my subscribers grew, so I thought I'd post one more chapter today. No more until at least tomorrow. Sorry!! Please comment!!!

Old Dress
New Dress
Jackie's Dress