Buried Under Your Lies (Sequel to Tiny Vengeance) (Avenged Sevenfold)

Chapter 10!

Chapter 10!
Emily’s P.O.V.
I took a step away from Brian and told everyone I needed to make a call to my dad.
“No don’t call dad! He’ll kill me!” Brian panicked like a baby.
“Well you should of thought of that before you started drinking yourself to death!” I wined back at him. I walked out of the dressing room and into the hallway. I looked down at my IPhone. I scrolled down my contacts and saw Fallyn’s name… should I call her and tell her about the situation.
I let it ring a little…then she picked up!
“Emily?” she answered.
“Fallyn thank god! I have a question. Is the baby Brian’s?” I asked, cutting straight to the point.
“What? Why do you ask?” she wondered, sounding a little shocked.
“Well he had a dream that you came back into his life…then I told him you was pregnant when I last saw you about a year or two ago.” It went silent.
“I don’t think it’s his…” he told me.
“Are you super sure, coz he shagged Maria’s babysitter and she’s pregnant too.” Fallyn began to laugh down the phone.
“We so need to catch up soon Emily! Where are you?” she asked me. I sighed.
“England…I’m on tour with my band and A7X.” she sighed too.
“I’ll get a plane over their then. Me and Synyster.”
“What Synyster?”
“My son, I named him Synyster. Is that a problem?” she asked. Oh…my…god!
“You named him Synyster, like after Brian?”
“Well yeah, at the time I believed it was his but then I got it checked out and it wasn’t so…and it’s for my never ending love for A7X.” arwwww I need to put Brian on!
“Can you speak to Brian? He’s drunk but is still talkative!” I laughed down the phone.
“Sure thing. I’ve been meaning to speak to him for a while.” He told me.
“Well I guess it’s time…” I walked back in to the dressing room. “Brian I’ve got someone you need to talk to.” I told him.
“Who is it?” he wondered as he popped his head off of the arm on the sofa.
“Just talk to then and you’ll see.” I grabbed the phone off of me and placed it to his ear.

Brian’s P.O.V.

“Hello?” I answered. I heard I light giggle down the other end of the phone.
“I’ve been meaning to speak to you Brian Jr.” FALLYN!
“FALLYN!!!” I screamed down the phone with joy. I jumped off of the sofa. I ran out the dressing room and straight for an empty room. I needed to talk to her like on my own. “I was told you was pregnant why Emily!”
“Yeah about that. It’s not yours…I thought it was but he’s not.”
“Yeah I had a little baby boy. He’s called Synyster.”
“You named him after me?”
“Well of course I named him after you. You were a massive impact in my life and you always will be.” Her worlds made me feel safe. Happy. Comforted. Not alone.
“Where are you?” I asked.
“I’m still in Huntington. I heard you’re in London with Emily.”
“Well tomorrow we’ll be in Leeds…”
“Well if you stay in London for tomorrow, I’ll grab the next plane to London with Synyster.” I said softly down the phone. I was shocked. Was she really gonna do this for me? Was my life getting better now?
“Really?” I asked. You could hear the happiness in my voice. From the happiness, I was crying.
“Of course I will Brian, I’ll speak to you soon babe…BYE!”
“Bye baby!” she hung the phone up. I sat in the room with a massive smile across my face. Until it all went back in my face. Fallyn sent a text…

Emily, Brian, I can’t make it to England. Something cropped up! But I’ll try to meet you soon. I hope your tour will go okay! Love you all!! Xxx

Then it all went down the drain!