Buried Under Your Lies (Sequel to Tiny Vengeance) (Avenged Sevenfold)

Chapter 9!

Chapter 9!
Brian’s P.O.V.
Like I promised, I was gonna get some rest. But some rest it was! The alcohol was kicking into my system badly. My head was pounding and my stomach was churning. I closed my eyes, hoping to get out of the real world for an hour or two.

*** Brain’s Dream! ***

“Brain…” I heard someone whisper in my ear. I vision flickered like my eyelids were opening. I looked around. All I could see was a dark forest. My breathing was heavy as fuck. I got myself up of the muddy floor. I turned around a few times so I could just see what was going on. I could see anyone…who whispered my name then?
I heard someone giggle. I turned my head sharply. Nothing was behind me. I looked in all the directions but still nothing! I carried on walking around.
“BRIAN!” a girl shouted. I turned my head. Was that Emily running over to me? She wore a red and black stripy dress, almost like Alice’s from Alice in wonderland…
“Emily where are we?” I asked.
“No time for questions, we need to get away from the purple queen!” she rushed me. She pushed me and told me to start running. The purple queen? Am I in wonderland after all?
“EMILY! YOU CAN RUN FOREVER!” someone shouted from behind us. “IF YOU CARRY ON IT’S OFF WITH YOUR HEADS!” dude I wonder if Johnny and Matt her Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum…
“Keep running!” Emily kept telling me. “Brian over here!” she pulled my by the collar of my V-neck shirt. We hid in a rose bush. The roses were painted purple… damn I am in wonderland! I peaked though a gap in the bush. A massive horse and carriage pulled up into the middle of the forest. I looked closer. It couldn’t have been! Vicki?
“Emily…I know you’re around here…we’ll love to have you round the palace…” she wondered around in her long purple dress. Her make-up so dark. Her hair long and black.
“Queen, I’m sure she ran off with one of her friends.”
“Oh no Zackary! She must have found the disgrace of wonderland.” Vicki snared. She looked around a little more. Zachary walked out the cariage. To no real surprise, it was Zack.
“Let’s just go back to the palace.” He told her. He had his dark brown hair combed over. He wore purple and black pin striped jeans with a black shirt. Not forgetting his purple bowtie.
“Yeah, I don’t think she’ll be here. We’ll see if she returns later.” She got in the cart with Zack and drove off. Emily popped her head out of the bush.
“Brian, I knew you’ll come back to Wonderland! You’ve grown so much since I last saw you here.” She smiled. Wait I’ve been here before? No wait again! I had a dream like this in the past.
“Yeah! I’ve not been in wonderland since I was a child. You’ve grown yourself.” I grinned.
“We must hurry though; The Matt Hatter is waiting for us. So Matt must be the mad hatter!
We walked farther into the large forest. Then there we saw it. A massive tea table…ruined! Then tea party must have been destroyed by Vicki and Zack!
“Matt Hatter?” Emily called out.
“Emily…BRIAN!” he smiled as he mistily appeared from under the smashed up table. Soon popped the thing that made me laugh so hard. Michele and Val as Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum!
“YO!” I laughed. Matt looked at me…to make me laugh even more Jimmy was March Hare! The crazy hare! I looked around…what’s Johnny?
“Hey where’s Johnny?” I asked Emily with a massive grin on my face.
“Who’s Johnny? Do you mean Dormouse? Dude I know he’s small but I’m wetting myself right now! “You can tell you’ve not been in wonderland for a while Brian.” She smiled.
“What about Arin?”
“Nah, you’re forgetting who you are again Brian!” Jimmy screamed at me and he threw a teacup at me. I ducked just in time. It smashed on the tree behind me. Man Jimmy is so Jimmy! I miss him…a lot! I walked over to the tabled and sat on one of the broken chairs.
“Brain.” Emily kneed down. “You’ve not been in wonderland for a while and things have changed since. Who you think is Arin…who ever he is…I believe he might be Cheshire Cat.” So he the sly cat then!
“Oh right…then who’s the white queen?” I asked.
“Nah she’s not so white anymore! She’s the black queen your thinking of.” Matt answered. He smiled crazily with his dimples. “we can that a stroll over to her palace if you like?” he offered.
“That sounds awesome!” I chuckled. We all got up and walked over to the black palace. We walked over to the front doors. “Is someone gonna knock or anything?” I asked.
“You do it.” Emily said in her lazy voice.
“Fine.” I snared. I knocked on the door. We waited a while until the door finally opened. It shocked me at though I saw opening the door.
“Brian…” she said awkwardly.
“Fallyn…” I said back with a smile. She was Ex-girlfriend if you are wondering. In the real world that is!
“You address her and the Black queen idiot.” Emily whispered as she nudged me in the side.
“Come in.” she smiled. We all worked in. it was like a gothic heaven! But something popped out like mad…a painting of me…
“EMILY!” we all heard someone scream.
“The purple queen is here!” Emily panicked. She ran around the lobby of the house like mad. “She’s gonna kill me when she finds me with you guys!”
“Wait, why would she kill you?” I asked, starting to worry.
“Cause I escaped from the palace and then I ran into the woods and found you and she hates you now since you left her pregnant and then she told me I’m not aloud to go back to the Matt hatter or then it’s off with me head!!!” she said in one breath. She took a deep breath.
“Run Emily!” I told her as I pushed her to the back doors. But it was too late.
“EMILY!” Vicki screamed.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to leave I…I…”
“BRIAN!” Vicki screamed at me. I turned my head to look at her. Her eyes were piecing red with fury. Her lump was massive…like the way I left her in the real world! “Look how you left me Brian! You left me in a mess. Pregnant and alone!” he cried. She got closer to me.
“But time has changed and I’ve moved on.”
“Time as moved on!!!!” she scream as she turned into a monster. What was going on? “I’ll kill you Brian Jr. I’m gonna eat you alive!!!!!!” she screamed.
“BRIAN!!” I heard Emily scream. Brian….Brian…. Brian!

***End of Brian’s Dream***

“Brian, wake up! Please don’t tell me your dead!” she cried. I felt her head against my chest.
“I’m not…dead…Vicki’s just eating me alive…” I muttered. I was still half asleep.
“Did you have a nightmare?”
“No I was in wonderland. You were Alice…well you looked like you was…Jimmy was March Hare. Johnny was the Dormouse. Matt was the Mad Hatter. Arin was Cheshire Cat. Zack was Knave of Hearts. Then Vicki was the queen of hearts-“
“Wow! Vicki was with Zack in this nightmare?” Emily said in shock.
“I don’t know why…but then the white queen was…FALLYN!”
“Dude you was with Fallyn like 2 years ago.” Matt chuckled.
“Yeah but the thing was, I never got to say my goodbyes to her!”
“Nah Bri listen…I sort of know Fallyn and well…yeah she…well…
“Say it Emily!” I shouted at her.
“She was pregnant last time I saw her about a year or two ago!” my life is in one massive mess now!