Status: Ongoing :)

Enter Infinity


Everything started with a nightmare. I'm always in the same place, looking for something. The night was darker than usual; there was no moon and there were no stars. Where was I?

I was running from someone in an old graveyard and there was a strange object beating in my arms. What was I running from?

Dark shadows surrounded me and I stopped to examine my surroundings, to find a way to get out of this frightening place. Behind every tomb stone was a creature or a person whose face was covered by a ghostly mask. Who were they and what did they want?

I turned to start running again but there was a large, cloaked figure standing in my way. It grabbed my free arm and viciously threw me against a grave stone. My arm was broken; the bone was sticking out of the skin. I gasped and tried to scream but nothing ever came out. The pain I felt was unbearable and I started to lose consciousness. Blood oozed from the gaping wound. I looked down at the object I was risking my life for. It was a heart, a heart that continued to pound within my grasp. It was red and ripe. Before I was about to be killed by this monster, I whispered the name Dakota and woke up.
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Please comment, and I'll be sure to post as much as possible.

P.S I apologize for those who have read my previous story I Hate you~ I Love You Too. I just love the name Dakota Wolfe!