Status: Ongoing :)

Enter Infinity

Dakota Wolfe

Once I climbed the fence, I was once more in civilization. Cassandra’s house was only a block away. Once I arrived at her front door, I rang the doorbell and a minute later Cassandra cracked the door open. I stormed in.

“Cassandra, you don’t even no what I just experienced on my way here!” I began to panic. I could always count on Cassandra to listen. I could trust her with my deepest darkest secrets. I honestly trusted her with my life.

“What? What’s wrong?” She looked shocked.

Cassandra was tall and slim, with a beautiful smile. Her straight hair flowed down to her hips. Her hazel eyes always had a glow to them. She wore shorts and a plain brown T-shirt.

“I saw a ghost.” She just looked at me and practically fell to the floor laughing.

“You’re not serious?” she giggled.

“Dead serious.”

She stopped then with a serious look on her face. “Oh my god, you are serious.” She
knew me well enough to know whether trust what I say.

“Remember when I told you about those stories my Dad use to tell me… I’m starting to believe they may be real,” I stuttered.

“Well tell me what happened on your way here?” I did. We ran up to her room and she immediately started typing on her computer. She had to be one of the cutest computer nerds of life.

“I found it!” she practically yelled.

“Found what?” I jumped from shock and nearly fell off my chair.

“His name was Dakota Wolfe, the Prince I mean,” she replied.

“You mean… he’s real?”

“Read this,” she pointed to the computer screen. It was some nerd’s blog on ‘’. I leaned forward in my seat and began to read.

“Welcome viewers to my blog of the supernatural. I have found some important information on a certain person who was once a celebrity around these parts, many years ago. Let me know your feelings and I’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as I can.
In the 1600’s lived a prince and he owned acres of land. He was loved by his people because of his gentle and kind heart. His name was Prince Dakota Wolfe, a handsome young man and only eighteen years of age. He was known for ending wars and giving goods to the peasants that lived below his high and mighty castle. His father never approved of the kind things he’d done. His father would punish him the minute he discovered he’d helped the slaves. Being King of the land, there was nothing Prince Dakota Wolfe could do about the abuse.

Every lonely night the Prince would take his horse, Origon, down to the large Willow tree where he could feel at peace. Dakota Wolfe would lay there for hours, speaking with the tree and it could only respond through the breeze of the wind.

His last day alive was the day he ended a war between Canada and Europe in 1655. That was when his father, the King, had had enough. He tricked his son into an arranged meeting with what was said to be a Warlock. The Prince was strapped to a table and the Warlock cast a spell on him, and then surgically removed his heart.

"“From this day on, your heart will be in your father’s un-dying hands. He will be alive for eternity, and your spirit will roam this earth for Infinity. Unless you are able to retrieve back your forever beating heart. Then you have a chance at living a new life once again,” the Warlock told Dakota Wolfe and threw his heart into a box, locked away forever. This information was found inside an unknown journal, found within a box in my mother’s closet.

Some say that Dakota’s spirit lives on in the forests of a small town in Canada; some say he’ll torture anyone who trespasses and rip their hearts out.

Witness Jessie Lightwood says, “I had jumped the fence not thinking it was real, but it was. I felt a presence but I did not see anyone.” She was found bloodied and broken on the edge of the forest. She’s lucky to be alive. So tell me readers, what do you believe?”

I finished reading the article and couldn’t believe a word I read. How could any of this be possible? Jessie Lightwood said she felt a presence but never saw anything, which was not what I felt. In fact, I never felt a presence at all. He just appeared as fast as he had vanished. And I didn’t feel like his intentions were to harm me. There was something about this situation that made me want to go back, but there was so much that frightened me. Me, believe in ghosts? Maybe.

I scrolled down the webpage a little further and couldn’t believe what I saw. Cassandra gasped, “Oh my gosh, he’s gorgeous.” It was a portrait and under the picture said ‘Prince Dakota Wolfe 1637-1655’. In this portrait though, he wore clothes not of this time. He stood in a proper manner with his hands held together in front of him. His shirt was white linen with a frill collar and he wore black breeches and tall, knee high boots. To complete his outfit he wore a casual top hat.

“Shit, Cassandra! That’s him, that’s the guy I saw in those woods!” I felt as if I were going to faint. This was reality, a new kind of reality. Cassandra at this point was literally running around the room. She was more excited than I was about the whole situation. Though, she always did love a good fairy tale and from this moment on, it felt as if this was only the beginning of one. Guess who the main character was? That would be me.
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