Status: comments are the thing that helps me keep going.

Rolling in the Deep

2. Surprises and Books

Chapter Two

All the students were gathered in the Great Hall to see who were going to be competing in the Tournament. Gabrielle sat down beside Ryan and smiled at him. He was like her. He didn't care what people thought. He was her best friend.
"This seat taken?" Draco's voice filled her ear.
Without a reply, Draco sat on her other side. Gabrielle huffed and looked around the room and spotted Harry and Ron laughing at her. She stuck out her tongue at them and watched Dumbledor pace to the Goblet. She smiled as he made eye contract with her and gave her a small nod.
Dumbledor was like her second father. Snape was never a passionate father. He had a hard time showing love towards her. He did love his daughter with all his heart, but how could he just change the way he acted just like that?
Dumbledor went on to say that the rules about how if you are chosen, you had to complete, no matter what.
"Fleur Delacour!" He shouted as the crowd yelled and cheer.
As the crowd settled, he shouted again, "Victor Krum!"
And last, thw Hogwarts champion, "Cedric Digory!"
She clapped and cheered along with everyelse. Then the goblet glowed red and another piece of parchment flew in the air.
"Harry Potter."
The crowd whispered as Gabrielle just stared at the scared boy sitting, frozen. Finally Hermione gave Harry a push foward and he slowly walked towards Dumbledor, the look of confusion clearly on his face.
"Potter probably got one of the older kids to put his name in the goblet."
"Yea, he's always looking for attention."
Those were the things Gabrielle heard on her way back to the common room. She glared at the floor as she walked. She was angry with everyone. She didn't think Harry was trying to get attention. He hated it most of the time. Ulilex meowed from Dumbledor's office stairs and she stopped and looked at the cat.
"What are you doing?" She asked as she kneeled down.
The cat meowed again and walked around her, pressing her fur against her pale skin. She petted the cat then heard the staircase move to reveal Professor McGonagall and her father.
"Ms. Snape, what on earth are you doing out so late?" McGonagall asked.
"I, uh, was going to see Professor Dumbledor," She lied.
Snape grabbed a hold of his daughter's arm and pulled her off of the ground, about to yell at her.
"Ah, Ms. Snape, I've been expecting you."
Gabrielle looked from her dad to Dumbledor. She smiled as her father let go of her arm. She nodded and walked with the Professor and Ulilex up the turning staircase.
As she passed the moving Wizard portraits, they waved and smiled. She sat down on her favorite chest from her childhood and sighed.
"Thanks for saving my butt," She told him.
He chuckled, "You're welcome. But I believe you do have something to ask me."
She tilted her head to the side in confusion. But then she realized she did have something to ask. She wanted to know who her real parents were. She had always wondered it, but was too afraid to ask. She wanted to know why she was put up for adoption. She bit her lip and fumbled with her fingers.
"Well, yes actually," She paused, "I want to know who my real parents are and I was wondering how I could find out."
Dumbledor stood from his seat and walked over to the tall bookcase near his desk. He looked at the book spines that were facing him as he ran a long finger on them. Gabrielle watched the elder man as she petted her cat.
"I have one question for you," He said pulling a purple book from the case, letting the others lean to their left a little.
She nodded, "Okay."
He waved his hand towards him, gesturing her to follow him up the small stairs to the loft above them. She and Ulilex both followed him up the gold colored stairs to a window, over looking the Black Lake.
"Are you displeased with the way you were raised?" He asked, then added, "With the way, Severus raised you?"
She looked at him and shook her head, "Oh, of course not. I love my father. But I would just like to know."
Dumbledor smiled at the young girl and handed her the book. On the dark purple cover was a gold inscription that read, 'Rolling in the Deep By Serah Lyn Porter.'
"What is this, Professor?" She asked, flipping the cover open.
"A book that your mother wrote," He said.
Her head raised from the first page to look at him. She smiled and looked at the back to see a moving head shot of a beautiful women with long black curls draping her shoulders. She had the same icey blue eyes as Gabrielle. A rush of different emotions rolled over herself.
"She's beautiful," She whispered handing the book back to Dumbledor.
He smiled and pushed it away, "Keep it."
She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. That was another thing about Dumbledor. She could hug him. It was very rare that she hugged her own father. Only when she was younger did he hug her.
"And for your real father, well, I know nothing on him," He told truthfully as she let go, "Come back tomorrow night and I'll tell you more about your mother."
"Thank you."
She walked down the stairs and to the wooden door.
"Oh, Gabrielle." His voice stopped her.
She spun back around to see him standing on the stairs walking towards his desk. He watched the cat follow the girl and smiled.
"Harry is going to need help. I have a feeling that he is going to need someone to be there for guidance."
She smiled and nodded giving him a salute. She giggled softly and walked out of the office and to the common room.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is just a filler, really. I wanted to show the relationship between Gabrielle and Dumbledor.
Comments, please. :)