Status: comments are the thing that helps me keep going.

Rolling in the Deep

4. Yule Ball Dates

Chapter Four

Gabrielle couldn't sleep that night. Her mind kept flickering back to the kiss she shared with Harry. Harry was her friend, her best friend. As she forced herself to think about something less important, she found herself falling asleep quickly.
The next day wasn't much better, every time she made eye contact with Harry, she could feel the heat rising in her face. It was odd. During Potions, she sat between Harry and Neville Longbottom so that wasn't much easier. Her father was so oblivious of the situation, that he could probably win a medal for it.
Harry on the other hand, felt that it was no big deal. If they were just friends then it shouldn't be a big deal. Right? Every time he would talk to her, she wouldn't look at him. It was quite frustrating.
"Hey, can I talk to you?" Harry asked her on the way to lunch.
Gabrielle jumped slightly then nodded, playing with her black hair. Harry took her hand and lead her a little ways away from the crowd.
"Why are you acting so weird? I mean, it was just a kiss." He stated.
She bit her lip, "I know, but it's weird."
Harry studied her face and body language. He could tell that she was lying. He crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for the real answer.
"It was my first kiss," She admitted in defeat.
"Oh," Harry sqeaked out, "I didn't know."
She nodded and rocked back and forth on her feet. She felt so vulnerable at that moment. She didn't like it at all. Without another word, she turned on her heels and went inside the Great Hall and sat beside Ryan. Like magic, Draco soon appeared beside her.
"Hey, Garielle." He greeted, filling his plate.
She smiled weakly, "Hello."
Draco examined the table full of food, rubbing his hands together and licking his lips. For a tall, skinny guy, he sure did eat a lot. Satisfied with what he had collected, he noticed Gabrielle's empty plate.
"Aren't you gonna eat?" He asked, looking at the clean surface.
Gabrielle sat there for a moment, taking in the chatter, then shook her head.
"I'm not feeling too well," She told him.
She wasn't lying; she had been feeling ill lately. She just thought that it was that time of the month.
Draco nodded, "You should go to the Hospital Wing or something. I hate seeing you like this."
The same weak smile as before rose on to her face. She looked at Ryan's plate, and his was just as full as Draco's. She really didn't know how boys could eat that much and not gain weight.
"Draco's right," Ryan said, shoveling food into his mouth. "You sould go see Madam Pomfrey."
She shrugged, "I don't think it's a big deal, guys. But thanks for the concern."
Later that day, Professor McGonagall had gathered all the Gyrffindors and Slytherins in one of the spare classrooms. It was rather large and had large windows that lit the room to a golden color. There were three, long benches on either side of the room. Professor McGonagall separated the girls to one side of the room, and the boys to the other. She started explaining something called a Yule Ball.
"The Yule ball is a dance," She told the students.
Draco's eyes instantly darted towards Gabrielle, who was sitting next to Hermione Granger. He wanted to ask her, but he knew that there would be other guys who would want to ask her too. He would have to find a way to ask her first.
After that class let out, Gabrielle walked down the hall, humming softly. She was watching her feet as she walked, not looking where she was going. Suddenly, her face collided with another body. She fell on her butt and looked up.
"I see that you're falling for me," Draco smirked.
She shook her head and took his hand that he had offered her.
"What can I do for you, Draco?" She asked, fixing her shirt.
He smiled and took her hand and pecked it with his ice cold lips. It made a shiver run down her spine.
"Would you like to come to the Yule Ball with me?" He asked in a seductive whisper.
She bit her lip and drew her hand back from his.
"I'll think about it."
And with that, she dashed off to the Great Hall for Studying. She looked around and spotted Hermione waving her arm at her. She smiled softly and sat next to her. Harry and Ron weren't anywhere in sight.
"Where's the boys?" She asked.
Hermione shrugged then smirked at her, "So Harry tells us that you two shared a little kiss. Please tell."
Gabrielle blushed softly, "Well, I think it was just the heat of the moment. I mean, I've never thought of Harry in that way before."
Hermione nodded, but let a giggle out. Right after that, Harry and Ron came into the Great Hall. They sat down on the other side of the table, in front of the two girls.
"Hey, Gabi," Ron yawned, laying his flaming head on the table.
Gabrielle smiled and ruffled his hair. She kept thinking about the Yule Ball. It sounded really awesome and amazing. She too, laid her head down on the table, closing her eyes, smiling to herself. She felt a finger tap her shoulder. She opened her eyes and looked at who had pulled her from her daydream.
"Oh, hi Fred. George." She smiled at them.
Fred squeezed between her and Hermione, while George sat on her free side.
"So, Fred here has a date already to the Yule Ball," George said.
"But, George doesn't," Fred finished the sentence.
She caught on to what they were saying. She giggled softly and looked at George. She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest.
"Well, if you want to ask me, you're gonna have to be creative about it!" She told him, picking up her books and standing up.
As she started walking out the giant door, she stuffed her books in her bag then heard a loud shout.
"Gabrielle Snape!"
She turned around on her feet and saw George standing on the Gryffindor table. She looked around and noticed that everyone was staring at the two.
"I, George Weasley, ask you to be my date for the Yule Ball! If you say no," He paused to jump off of the table, "Well, I'll just have to keep on asking."
Gabrielle bit her lip to keep from laughing. She threw a hand to cover her lips. All she could was nod as she let out a laugh.
"Okay, okay! I'll go to the Ball with you!" She said through with laughs.
There was clapping coursing throughout the Great Hall as George hugged Gabrielle tightly to his body.
"Settle down!" Professor McGonagall called, a smile playing at her lips, "That's enough entertainment for one class."
George let go of Gabrielle and smiled at her.
"Walk you to class?" He asked, offering his ams to her.
She draped her arm through his, "Of course."
So off they went, arm in arm. Students stopped and stared at the odd couple. But that was just the thing. Were they a couple? Gabrielle pondered on that thought as she arrived at her classroom. Defense Against the Dark Art with Mad-Eye Moody.
"Thanks, George." She smiled, adjusting the strap of her bag that was heavy on her shoulder.
"Any time," He said, pecking her forehead.
She gave a little wave and stalked inside the dark classroom. No one else was there yet, except for Mad-Eye. When he heard the footsteps of Gabrielle's, he turned from the blackboard, which he was erasing.
"Ah, Ms. Snape," He spoke, his tongue doing that dance that it always did, "I thought you might be coming by early."
She smiled at the Professor then sat down in her usual table that she shared with Hermione. She pulled out her book and some parchment and set it on the table. She needed some time to think things over. She didn't like Harry. She didn't like Draco. She wasn't sure about George, yet.
"I understand that Professor Dumbledor has ask you to stick by Harry and be there for him," Mad-Eye said, waddling towards her.
She nodded, looking up at him, "That's right."
"Well, make sure he goes to the right people for information."
She looked puzzled as the classroom filled with students. She shook it off and smiled at Hermione as she sat next to her.
"Well, that was an amazing way to get asked to the Ball," Hermione said with a giggle.
A blush appeared on Gabrielle's face, as well a smile. She looked down at the blank parchment.
"Well, now it's your turn!" She proclaimed, looking up.
"Gabrielle, have you decided yet?" Asked a very eager Draco.
Gabrielle bit her lip then turned to face him.
"Uh, I have and I've decided to go with someone else," She said slowly. "I'm so sorry, Draco."
Draco looked at the girl in disbelief, then stormed off to his seat. Gabrielle sighed as she closed her eyes. She felt like a bad person for doing that to him. She knew that Draco liked her, maybe even loved her, but why didn't he just take a hint?
"Don't worry about it," Hermione sured her.
Gabrielle turned her attention to the Professor as the lesson started.
After that class

Gabrielle walked out of the classroom, pulling her heavy bag over her shoulder. She winced slightly as she shoulder ached. As she made her way to the dungeons to her common room, she felt a hand wrap around the strap and lift it off of her shoulder.
"You looked like you could use some help," Draco's voice filled her ear.
She looked at the blond and let him take the bag.
"I thought you were mad at me," She whispered softly.
Draco chuckled, "I could never be mad at you. Not even if I wanted to."
She smiled, letting out a small laugh. They walked in silence as they went to the common room.
"Thanks, Draco," She said, taking the bag from him.
He nodded and watched her go to the girls' dorm. He sighed as he went out of the room and to the Great Hall for dinner.
Gabrielle threw her stuff on the floor and looked at the mirror near her bed. She fixed her makeup and hair, pulling in into a lovely waterfall braid. After she was satisfied, she walked down to the Great Hall with Scarlet. She was nagging on and on about she should've gone to the Ball with Draco, not a "Damn Weasley".
"Well, George is my friend. And I would appreciate it if you would just shut up about the whole thing," Gabrielle said, storming off.
She stormed into the Great Hall and spotted Professor McGonagall speaking to two students. After they walked away, she walked up to the Professor.
"Um, I don't want to be of any trouble, but could I possibly sit at the Gryffindor table tonight, Professor?" She asked in a polite voice.
The Professor thought for a moment, "Well, I don't see any trouble in that. Is anything wrong, Gabrielle?"
Her eyes darted to the Slytherin table then back to the Professor, "There's just some disagreements between me and some of the other Slytherins."
Professor McGonagall nodded and walked off to the teacher table. Gabrielle slowly walked towards the Gryffindor table and sat down between Harry and George.
"Bloody hell!" Harry screeched, sounding exactly like Ron.
Gabrielle giggled, "Wow, you hang out with Ron way too much."
"What are you doing over here?" Hermione asked, looking at the teacher's table at the end of the room.
"McGonagall told me I could sit here tonight."
The group nodded. As the food appeared on plates, Harry looked at Gabrielle.
"So, you're okay now?" He whispered so low that no one else heard him.
She nodded, "Yea, it was foolish for me to act like that."
Harry chuckled, "Well, it was a nice kiss."
He winked at her, then turned back to Ron, talking to him. Gabrielle huffed then turned to George who was eating away.
"Hey, me, Harry, and Hermione have to go to the library tomorrow. Why don't you come with us?" She asked with a smile, "Then we can talk about what color dress I'm gonna wear."
George smiled and nodded, "Alright. It's a date."
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't feel like editing it, so sorry for any mistakes.
comment please. C: